Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / Doktorandin

Kontakt: +49 (0) 6151 / 1620947 | gonsior@peasec.tu-darmstadt.de

Technische Universität Darmstadt, Fachbereich Informatik,
Wissenschaft und Technik für Frieden und Sicherheit (PEASEC)
Pankratiusstraße 2, 64289 Darmstadt, Raum 113


Anja-Liisa Gonsior, M.A. ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin am Lehrstuhl Wissenschaft und Technik für Frieden und Sicherheit (PEASEC) am Fachbereich Informatik der Technischen Universität Darmstadt. Ihre Forschungsinteressen liegen in den Bereichen autonome Waffensysteme, Meaningful Human Control, (Cyber-)Rüstungskontrolle, (naturwissenschaftlich-technische) Friedens- und Konfliktforschung sowie kritische Sicherheitsstudien.
Anja-Liisa studierte im Bachelor Politikwissenschaft und Anglistik an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt und der Maynooth University in Irland und im Master Internationale Studien/Friedens- und Konfliktforschung an der TU Darmstadt und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt. In ihrer Masterarbeit beschäftigte sie sich mit dem intersektionalen Bias letaler autonomer Waffensysteme und dessen Berücksichtigung und Sichtbarkeit innerhalb von Rüstungskontrollverhandlungen. Während des Studiums arbeitete sie als studentische Hilfskraft bei PEASEC.


Anja-Liisa Gonsior, M.A. is a research associate and PhD candidate at Science and Technology for Peace and Security (PEASEC) in the Department of Computer Science at the Technical University of Darmstadt. Her research interests include autonomous weapon systems, Meaningful Human Control, (cyber) arms control, (scientific and technical) peace and conflict studies, and critical security studies.
Anja-Liisa studied Political Science and English Studies at Goethe University Frankfurt and Maynooth University in Ireland for her Bachelor’s degree and International Studies/Peace and Conflict Studies at TU Darmstadt and Goethe University Frankfurt for her Master’s degree. Her master’s thesis focused on the intersectional bias of lethal autonomous weapons systems and its consideration and visibility within arms control negotiations. During her studies she worked as a student assistant at PEASEC.



  • Anja-Liisa Gonsior (2024)
    Die intersektionale Perspektive auf letale autonome Waffensysteme: Eine Analyse der Diskurse innerhalb der UN-Waffenkonvention
    Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (ZfAS) . doi:10.1007/s12399-024-00999-3
    [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]

    Die Entwicklung letaler (teil)autonomer Waffensysteme (LAWS) gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung. Seit 2013 wird das Thema innerhalb der UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons zwischen Mitgliedsstaaten, Zivilgesellschaft und Fachexpert*innen diskutiert. Während sich die Debatte zu Beginn stark mit definitorischen Fragen von LAWS auseinandersetzte, so dominieren im Forum derzeit technische und rechtliche Fragen, was sich auch im entsprechenden wissenschaftlichen Diskurs widerspiegelt. Andererseits haben auch zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure den Verhandlungsprozess wesentlich beeinflusst, nicht zuletzt die Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, welche an der Initiierung des Verhandlungsrahmens maßgeblich beteiligt war. Einer der zentralen Argumentationsstränge dieser zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteure konzentriert sich auf eine intersektionale Perspektive, die unter anderem auf Bias in Technologien und Anwendungen aufmerksam macht, und versucht, diese Perspektiven in die GGE zu LAWS einzubringen und zu stärken. Die Analyse von 51 UN-Dokumenten und Gespräche mit Expert*innen zeigen, dass – im Hinblick auf Intersektionalität – insbesondere die Konzepte Gender und Race in den GGE-Diskussionen berücksichtigt werden, wenn auch nur mit geringem Gewicht. NGOs konnten jedoch die Gesamtdebatte beeinflussen und neue Themen einbringen, indem sie an etabliertere Diskurse in der Debatte anknüpften, wie z. B. an rechtliche oder technische Diskurse.

    title = {Die intersektionale {Perspektive} auf letale autonome {Waffensysteme}: {Eine} {Analyse} der {Diskurse} innerhalb der {UN}-{Waffenkonvention}},
    issn = {1866-2196},
    url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s12399-024-00999-3},
    doi = {10.1007/s12399-024-00999-3},
    abstract = {Die Entwicklung letaler (teil)autonomer Waffensysteme (LAWS) gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung. Seit 2013 wird das Thema innerhalb der UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons zwischen Mitgliedsstaaten, Zivilgesellschaft und Fachexpert*innen diskutiert. Während sich die Debatte zu Beginn stark mit definitorischen Fragen von LAWS auseinandersetzte, so dominieren im Forum derzeit technische und rechtliche Fragen, was sich auch im entsprechenden wissenschaftlichen Diskurs widerspiegelt. Andererseits haben auch zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure den Verhandlungsprozess wesentlich beeinflusst, nicht zuletzt die Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, welche an der Initiierung des Verhandlungsrahmens maßgeblich beteiligt war. Einer der zentralen Argumentationsstränge dieser zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteure konzentriert sich auf eine intersektionale Perspektive, die unter anderem auf Bias in Technologien und Anwendungen aufmerksam macht, und versucht, diese Perspektiven in die GGE zu LAWS einzubringen und zu stärken. Die Analyse von 51 UN-Dokumenten und Gespräche mit Expert*innen zeigen, dass – im Hinblick auf Intersektionalität – insbesondere die Konzepte Gender und Race in den GGE-Diskussionen berücksichtigt werden, wenn auch nur mit geringem Gewicht. NGOs konnten jedoch die Gesamtdebatte beeinflussen und neue Themen einbringen, indem sie an etabliertere Diskurse in der Debatte anknüpften, wie z. B. an rechtliche oder technische Diskurse.},
    journal = {Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (ZfAS)},
    author = {Gonsior, Anja-Liisa},
    month = jul,
    year = {2024},
    keywords = {Peace, Projekt-TraCe, Projekt-ATHENE-CyAware},

  • Christian Reuter, Konstantin Aal, Jürgen Altmann, Ute Bernhardt, Kai Denker, Jonas Franken, Anja-Liisa Gonsior, Laura Guntrum, Dominik Herrmann, Matthias Hollick, Stefan Katzenbeisser, Marc-André Kaufhold, Thomas Reinhold, Thea Riebe, Ingo Ruhmann, KlausPeter Saalbach, Lisa Schirch, Stefka Schmid, Niklas Schörnig, Ali Sunyaev, Volker Wulf (2024)
    Outlook: The Future of IT in Peace and Security
    In: Christian Reuter: Information Technology for Peace and Security – IT Applications and Infrastructures in Conflicts, Crises, War, and Peace. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Vieweg.
    [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]

    Not only today, but also in the future information technology and the advances in the field of computer science will have a high relevance for peace and security. Naturally, a textbook like this can only cover a selective part of research and a certain point in time. Nonetheless, it can be attempted to identify trends, challenges and venture an outlook into the future. That is exactly what we want to achieve in this chapter: To predict fu-ture developments and try to classify them correctly. These considerations were made both by the editor and the authors involved alike. Therefore, an outlook based on fun-damentals, cyber conflicts and war, cyber peace, cyber arms control, infrastructures as well as social interaction is given.

    address = {Wiesbaden, Germany},
    title = {Outlook: {The} {Future} of {IT} in {Peace} and {Security}},
    url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-658-44810-3_22},
    abstract = {Not only today, but also in the future information technology and the advances in the field of computer science will have a high relevance for peace and security. Naturally, a textbook like this can only cover a selective part of research and a certain point in time. Nonetheless, it can be attempted to identify trends, challenges and venture an outlook into the future. That is exactly what we want to achieve in this chapter: To predict fu-ture developments and try to classify them correctly. These considerations were made both by the editor and the authors involved alike. Therefore, an outlook based on fun-damentals, cyber conflicts and war, cyber peace, cyber arms control, infrastructures as well as social interaction is given.},
    booktitle = {Information {Technology} for {Peace} and {Security} - {IT} {Applications} and {Infrastructures} in {Conflicts}, {Crises}, {War}, and {Peace}},
    publisher = {Springer Vieweg},
    author = {Reuter, Christian and Aal, Konstantin and Altmann, Jürgen and Bernhardt, Ute and Denker, Kai and Franken, Jonas and Gonsior, Anja-Liisa and Guntrum, Laura and Herrmann, Dominik and Hollick, Matthias and Katzenbeisser, Stefan and Kaufhold, Marc-André and Reinhold, Thomas and Riebe, Thea and Ruhmann, Ingo and Saalbach, Klaus-Peter and Schirch, Lisa and Schmid, Stefka and Schörnig, Niklas and Sunyaev, Ali and Wulf, Volker},
    editor = {Reuter, Christian},
    year = {2024},
    note = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-44810-3\_22},
    keywords = {Peace, Security, Projekt-CROSSING},

  • Christian Reuter, Anja-Liisa Gonsior, Thea Riebe, Marc-André Kaufhold (2024)
    Peace Informatics: Bridging Peace and Conflict Studies with Computer Science
    In: Christian Reuter: Information Technology for Peace and Security – IT Applications and Infrastructures in Conflicts, Crises, War, and Peace. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Vieweg.
    [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]

    Advances in science and technology play a crucial role in the context of peace, conflict and security. As information technology (IT) is becoming omnipresent, this includes both the resilience of IT infrastructures e.g. as a target in cases of conflict and the role of IT applications to prevent and manage conflicts, crises and disasters. This chapter is an introduction to IT and its role in war and peace, in conflicts and crises as well as in safety and security. Based on those connections a new field of research has emerged: IT peace research. It is introduced in this chapter which provides an overview of the inter-disciplinary concepts of peace, conflict and security. In addition, the research disciplines computer science and peace and conflict studies as the basis of IT peace research are explained. Moreover, the chapter focuses on the specific research topics of IT peace research and presents the institutionalised research landscape in Germany.

    address = {Wiesbaden, Germany},
    title = {Peace {Informatics}: {Bridging} {Peace} and {Conflict} {Studies} with {Computer} {Science}},
    url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-658-44810-3_2},
    abstract = {Advances in science and technology play a crucial role in the context of peace, conflict and security. As information technology (IT) is becoming omnipresent, this includes both the resilience of IT infrastructures e.g. as a target in cases of conflict and the role of IT applications to prevent and manage conflicts, crises and disasters. This chapter is an introduction to IT and its role in war and peace, in conflicts and crises as well as in safety and security. Based on those connections a new field of research has emerged: IT peace research. It is introduced in this chapter which provides an overview of the inter-disciplinary concepts of peace, conflict and security. In addition, the research disciplines computer science and peace and conflict studies as the basis of IT peace research are explained. Moreover, the chapter focuses on the specific research topics of IT peace research and presents the institutionalised research landscape in Germany.},
    booktitle = {Information {Technology} for {Peace} and {Security} - {IT} {Applications} and {Infrastructures} in {Conflicts}, {Crises}, {War}, and {Peace}},
    publisher = {Springer Vieweg},
    author = {Reuter, Christian and Gonsior, Anja-Liisa and Riebe, Thea and Kaufhold, Marc-André},
    editor = {Reuter, Christian},
    year = {2024},
    note = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-44810-3\_2},
    keywords = {Peace, Security, Infrastructure},

  • Christian Reuter, Jonas Franken, Anja-Liisa Gonsior, Laura Guntrum, Stefka Schmid (2024)
    An Overview and Introduction to Information Technology for Peace and Security
    In: Christian Reuter: Information Technology for Peace and Security – IT Applications and Infrastructures in Conflicts, Crises, War, and Peace. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Vieweg.
    [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]

    Technological and scientific progress, especially the rapid development in information technology (IT), plays a crucial role regarding questions of peace and security. This textbook addresses the significance, potentials and challenges of IT for peace and securi-ty. For this purpose, the book offers an introduction to peace, conflict, and security research, thereby focusing on natural science, technical and computer science perspec-tives. In the following, it sheds light on fundamentals (e.g. IT in peace, conflict and security, natural-science/technical peace research), cyber conflicts and war (e.g. infor-mation warfare, cyber espionage, cyber defence, Darknet), cyber peace (e.g. dual-use, technology assessment, confidence and security building measures), cyber arms control (e.g. arms control in the cyberspace, unmanned systems, verification), cyber attribution and infrastructures (e.g. attribution of cyber attacks, resilient infrastructures, secure critical information infrastructures), culture and interaction (e.g. safety and security, cultural violence, social media), before an outlook is given. This chapter provides an overview of all chapters in this book.

    address = {Wiesbaden, Germany},
    title = {An {Overview} and {Introduction} to {Information} {Technology} for {Peace} and {Security}},
    url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-658-44810-3_1},
    abstract = {Technological and scientific progress, especially the rapid development in information technology (IT), plays a crucial role regarding questions of peace and security. This textbook addresses the significance, potentials and challenges of IT for peace and securi-ty. For this purpose, the book offers an introduction to peace, conflict, and security research, thereby focusing on natural science, technical and computer science perspec-tives. In the following, it sheds light on fundamentals (e.g. IT in peace, conflict and security, natural-science/technical peace research), cyber conflicts and war (e.g. infor-mation warfare, cyber espionage, cyber defence, Darknet), cyber peace (e.g. dual-use, technology assessment, confidence and security building measures), cyber arms control (e.g. arms control in the cyberspace, unmanned systems, verification), cyber attribution and infrastructures (e.g. attribution of cyber attacks, resilient infrastructures, secure critical information infrastructures), culture and interaction (e.g. safety and security, cultural violence, social media), before an outlook is given. This chapter provides an overview of all chapters in this book.},
    booktitle = {Information {Technology} for {Peace} and {Security} - {IT} {Applications} and {Infrastructures} in {Conflicts}, {Crises}, {War}, and {Peace}},
    publisher = {Springer Vieweg},
    author = {Reuter, Christian and Franken, Jonas and Gonsior, Anja-Liisa and Guntrum, Laura and Schmid, Stefka},
    editor = {Reuter, Christian},
    year = {2024},
    note = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-44810-3\_1},
    keywords = {Peace, Security, Projekt-CROSSING},

  • Thea Riebe, Anja-Liisa Gonsior, Lilian Reichert, Christian Reuter (2024)
    Envisioning Human-Machine Interaction in Future Warfare: Defence Industry Narratives on Human Control of Autonomous Weapon Systems
    Global Society . doi:10.1080/13600826.2024.2436966
    [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]

    The development of artificial intelligence and autonomous functions in the military domain has an immense impact on technologies being developed by the private defence industry. Defence firms contribute to the narratives and visions on autonomous weapon systems and the future of warfare, e.g. in the form of strategic marketing of their products. However, their role has so far been understudied, especially regarding autonomous weapon systems. As the normative debate revolves around aspects of human control, this work examines the narratives of (meaningful) human control in the marketing of autonomous military systems by defence manufacturers. Based on a comprehensive content analysis of twenty defence firms, we identified three main narratives, which envision autonomy as a military advantage, the role of the human in the future of warfare, and human-machine teaming. Based on the results, we argue that defence companies reproduce and adapt narratives which shape expectations and visions of human control of autonomous weapon systems in anticipation of emerging norms for (meaningful) human control. However, without specifications and verification mechanisms, there is no indication that human control will be meaningful.

    title = {Envisioning {Human}-{Machine} {Interaction} in {Future} {Warfare}: {Defence} {Industry} {Narratives} on {Human} {Control} of {Autonomous} {Weapon} {Systems}},
    url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/13600826.2024.2436966},
    doi = {10.1080/13600826.2024.2436966},
    abstract = {The development of artificial intelligence and autonomous functions in the military domain has an immense impact on technologies being developed by the private defence industry. Defence firms contribute to the narratives and visions on autonomous weapon systems and the future of warfare, e.g. in the form of strategic marketing of their products. However, their role has so far been understudied, especially regarding autonomous weapon systems. As the normative debate revolves around aspects of human control, this work examines the narratives of (meaningful) human control in the marketing of autonomous military systems by defence manufacturers. Based on a comprehensive content analysis of twenty defence firms, we identified three main narratives, which envision autonomy as a military advantage, the role of the human in the future of warfare, and human-machine teaming. Based on the results, we argue that defence companies reproduce and adapt narratives which shape expectations and visions of human control of autonomous weapon systems in anticipation of emerging norms for (meaningful) human control. However, without specifications and verification mechanisms, there is no indication that human control will be meaningful.},
    journal = {Global Society},
    author = {Riebe, Thea and Gonsior, Anja-Liisa and Reichert, Lilian and Reuter, Christian},
    year = {2024},
    keywords = {HCI, Peace, Projekt-TraCe, A-Paper, Ranking-ImpactFactor, AuswahlPeace, Projekt-ATHENE-CyAware, Student},


  • Anja-Liisa Gonsior, Thea Riebe, Stefka Schmid, Thomas Reinhold, Christian Reuter (2023)
    Friedensinformatik: heute und morgen
    [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]

    Fortschritte in Wissenschaft und Technologie spielen eine entscheidende Rolle im Zusammenhang mit Frieden, Konflikt und Sicherheit (Reuter 2019). Insbesondere die Rolle der Informatik in der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung hat sich durch die Digitalisierung der Gesellschaft gewandelt. Die Bewältigung der damit verbundenen Herausforderungen für Frieden und Sicherheit durch die akademische Forschung erfordert die Anwendung und Etablierung interdisziplinärer Ansätze (Reuter et al. 2020). An dieser Stelle kann die naturwissenschaftlich-technische Friedens und Konfliktforschung entscheidende Beiträge leisten, um aktuelle Themen und damit verbundene Problemstellungen aus verschiedenen disziplinären Perspektiven zu analysieren und zu bewerten. So müssen beispielsweise Fragen im Kontext von Cyberangriffen oder Cyberwaffen sowohl aus Perspektive der Informatik als auf der Politikwissenschaft betrachtet werden (Reuter et al. 2020).

    title = {Friedensinformatik: heute und morgen},
    url = {https://peasec.de/paper/2023/2023_GonsiorRiebeSchmidReinholdReuter_FriedensinformatikHeuteMorgen_WundF.pdf},
    abstract = {Fortschritte in Wissenschaft und Technologie spielen eine entscheidende Rolle im Zusammenhang mit Frieden, Konflikt und Sicherheit (Reuter 2019). Insbesondere die Rolle der Informatik in der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung hat sich durch die Digitalisierung der Gesellschaft gewandelt. Die Bewältigung der damit verbundenen Herausforderungen für Frieden und Sicherheit durch die akademische Forschung erfordert die Anwendung und Etablierung interdisziplinärer Ansätze (Reuter et al. 2020). An dieser Stelle kann die naturwissenschaftlich-technische Friedens und Konfliktforschung entscheidende Beiträge leisten, um aktuelle Themen und damit verbundene Problemstellungen aus verschiedenen disziplinären Perspektiven zu analysieren und zu bewerten. So müssen beispielsweise Fragen im Kontext von Cyberangriffen oder Cyberwaffen sowohl aus Perspektive der Informatik als auf der Politikwissenschaft betrachtet werden (Reuter et al. 2020).},
    author = {Gonsior, Anja-Liisa and Riebe, Thea and Schmid, Stefka and Reinhold, Thomas and Reuter, Christian},
    year = {2023},
    keywords = {Peace},
    pages = {34--37},