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Bachelorarbeit (B.Sc.) im Studiengang Informatik von Kleanthis Moschopoulos:

4. November 2024 | 09:00 - 09:25

Abstract: Warning systems have changed rapidly over the last centuries, from local personal warnings to radio to TV news up to other governmental channels such as modern warning apps. Still, a rather untouched area in this regard is the role of smart-homes. With their ever increasing prevalance, they are getting more and more integrated in our daily lives and are therefore worth considering to bring into the discussion of safety warnings. This thesis discusses the usability of smart-home systems, more specifically smart-home speakers, as a method for population warning in cases of regional and national emergencies. To this end, a pre-existing implementation of the NINA warning app via an Amazon Alexa Skill is looked at and its problems are outlined by looking at its user reviews. Afterwards an own implementation that rectifies some of the showcased problems is being discussed, key features being the inability for location selection and language inconsistency. While the implementation works to a satisfying degree and offers the basic necessary functionability, it still shows some issues that warrant further development. To be fully usable, future improvements in regards of functionality are necessary as well as user studies to implement direct user feedback. Finally the thesis outlines some of the potential of smart speakers in the area of user warnings, depending on current limitations and future outlooks.

Betreuer: Markus Henkel
Prüfer: Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Reuter

Bachelorarbeit (B.Sc.) im Studiengang Informatik von Kleanthis Moschopoulos:


4. November 2024
09:00 - 09:25
Event Category:

