« All Events This event has passed. Ringvorlesung KRITIS: Technisch-humanitäre Hilfe im Katastrophenfall (Thomas König, THW) 22. January 2020 | 16:15 - 17:55 « Master-Oberseminar: Countering Fake News (Jan Kirchner), Smart Contracts (Anne Marmann), Information Overload (Benedikt Rohn), Trustworthy AI (Stefka Schmid) Konferenz Robots in Arms – On a Search for a Future Arms Control Regime to Regulate Autonomous Weapons (Loccum) » Verwandte Artikel:11. Ringvorlesung Sichere Kritische Infrastrukturen im WS 2024/2025TraCe: Ringvorlesung Gewalt als Globale HerausforderungCall for Papers: 11. Workshop "Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion in sicherheitskritischen…Ringvorlesung KRITIS: Technisch-humanitäre Hilfe im Katastrophenfall (Thomas König, THW) Add to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Details Date: 22. January 2020 Time: 16:15 - 17:55 Venue Raum S101/A5 (Software AG Hörsaal) und in ZOOM
14:00 - 16:00 Disputation Philipp Kühn (cand. Dr.-Ing.): “Proactive Cyber Threat Intelligence: Automating the Intelligence Cycle based on Open Sources”
14:30 - 16:30 Disputation Enno Steinbrink (Dr. rer. nat.): “ICT Use and Privacy in Low Trust and Safety-Critical Environments”
09:00 - 11:00 Disputation Tom Biselli (Dr. rer. nat.): “Individual Information Sovereignty – User Perspectives and Design Implications for Navigating Privacy and Misinformation Online”