ehem. wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Fachbereich Informatik,
Wissenschaft und Technik für Frieden und Sicherheit (PEASEC)
Sebastian Schwartz, M.A. war wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft am Fachgebiet Wissenschaft und Technik für Frieden und Sicherheit (PEASEC) am Fachbereich Informatik der Technischen Universität Darmstadt. Seine wissenschaftlichen Interessen liegen im Bereich der technischen Friedens- und Konfliktforschung und der Strategic Studies. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind hierbei die Themen Autonome Systeme, Human-Machine-Teaming, die Automatisierung des Krieges und die gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen autonomer Systeme.
Der lateraler Denker und Sci-Fi Enthusiast mit internationaler Berufserfahrung im Digital- und Mobilitätsbereich studierte Internationale Studien/ Friedens- und Konfliktforschung an der Goethe Universität Frankfurt, der TU Darmstadt und der Chung-Ang University Seoul, sowie Sozialwissenschaften und Geschichtswissenschaften an der Universität Erfurt und der Vilniaus Universitetas.
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The article examines which technical aspects of autonomous driving are potentially transferable to the military sector. Through expert interviews the strong fragmentation of technologies in the field of autonomous driving becomes apparent. This hinders the clear identification of a specific dual-use technology. Environmental perception, artificial intelligence and sensors are considered to have the highest transferability rate from civil research to the military sector. Therefore, sensor development should receive special attention.
title = {Dual-{Use} {Technologies} in the {Context} of {Autonomous} {Driving}: {An} {Empirical} {Case} {Study} {From} {Germany}},
issn = {1866-2196},
url = {},
doi = {10.1007/s12399-022-00935-3},
abstract = {The article examines which technical aspects of autonomous driving are potentially transferable to the military sector. Through expert interviews the strong fragmentation of technologies in the field of autonomous driving becomes apparent. This hinders the clear identification of a specific dual-use technology. Environmental perception, artificial intelligence and sensors are considered to have the highest transferability rate from civil research to the military sector. Therefore, sensor development should receive special attention.},
journal = {Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (ZfAS)},
author = {Guntrum, Laura and Schwartz, Sebastian and Reuter, Christian},
month = jan,
year = {2023},
keywords = {Peace, Projekt-ATHENE-SecUrban, Projekt-TraCe},
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In the digital age, the vision of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is vibrant. Research is being conducted worldwide to inte-grate AVs into our everyday lives in the future, spending consid-erable amounts of money in the development process. Actors from both engineering as well as social sciences are involved in this re-search, with technical disciplines strongly dominating. In addition to perceived progress of numerous newly developed technologies such as AVs, challenges should also be referred to. According to research analysis, the transferability of autonomous cars to the military sphere seems to be frequently forgotten or ignored (dual-use). Since not much research has been conducted in Germany on the potential deployment of autonomous driving development steps into military domains, 25 semi-structured interviews with de-velopers and researchers and actors involved in the field, were conducted in 2020. The paper identifies that the majority of re-spondents interviewed were aware of general existing dual-use de-bates, however, few had reflected about dual-use issues regarding a possible transfer of their own development processes in the con-text of autonomous driving to military applications, intensively. One reason is the small-scale nature of research, another is the complexity of the field, which enables the engineer’s alienation from their responsibility for the artefacts’ use. Moreover, it has become clear that hardly any conversations among colleagues oc-cur about possible misuse and that no standardized policy guide-lines exist, which provide information about possible risk. To raise dual-use awareness, scientific contributions, risk education, and interdisciplinary discussions are essential.
title = {Vision or {Threat} – {Awareness} for {Dual}-{Use} in the {Development} of {Autonomous} {Driving}},
volume = {3},
issn = {2637-6415},
url = {},
doi = {10.1109/TTS.2022.3182310},
abstract = {In the digital age, the vision of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is vibrant. Research is being conducted worldwide to inte-grate AVs into our everyday lives in the future, spending consid-erable amounts of money in the development process. Actors from both engineering as well as social sciences are involved in this re-search, with technical disciplines strongly dominating. In addition to perceived progress of numerous newly developed technologies such as AVs, challenges should also be referred to. According to research analysis, the transferability of autonomous cars to the military sphere seems to be frequently forgotten or ignored (dual-use). Since not much research has been conducted in Germany on the potential deployment of autonomous driving development steps into military domains, 25 semi-structured interviews with de-velopers and researchers and actors involved in the field, were conducted in 2020. The paper identifies that the majority of re-spondents interviewed were aware of general existing dual-use de-bates, however, few had reflected about dual-use issues regarding a possible transfer of their own development processes in the con-text of autonomous driving to military applications, intensively. One reason is the small-scale nature of research, another is the complexity of the field, which enables the engineer’s alienation from their responsibility for the artefacts’ use. Moreover, it has become clear that hardly any conversations among colleagues oc-cur about possible misuse and that no standardized policy guide-lines exist, which provide information about possible risk. To raise dual-use awareness, scientific contributions, risk education, and interdisciplinary discussions are essential.},
language = {en},
number = {3},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society},
author = {Schwartz, Sebastian and Guntrum, Laura and Reuter, Christian},
year = {2022},
keywords = {Selected, A-Paper, Ranking-ImpactFactor, Peace, AuswahlPeace, Projekt-ATHENE-FANCY, Projekt-TraCe},
pages = {163--174},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Die Debatte um die Integration von autonomen Systemen in Streitkräfte wird oftmals auf einer (militär-)strategischen Ebene geführt. Die technisch-operativen Aspekte werden außerhalb des Fachpublikums häufig nur am Rande erwähnt. Der Beitrag analysiert die Integration von U(C)AVs in den operativen Flugzeugträgerbetrieb am Beispiel der X‑47B. Die Studie zeigt, dass es keine fundamentalen Probleme bei der Integration gibt, U(C)AVs in einem Fünf-Jahres-Horizont zur neuen maritimen Realität gehören und die Gefahr eines Rüstungswettlaufs in Bezug auf autonome Waffensysteme steigen wird.
title = {90.000 {Tonnen} {Diplomatie} 2.0: {Die} {Integration} von unbemannten {Systemen} in den operativen {Flugzeugträgerbetrieb} am {Beispiel} der {X}-{47B}},
volume = {13},
url = {},
doi = {10.1007/s12399-020-00803-y},
abstract = {Die Debatte um die Integration von autonomen Systemen in Streitkräfte wird oftmals auf einer (militär-)strategischen Ebene geführt. Die technisch-operativen Aspekte werden außerhalb des Fachpublikums häufig nur am Rande erwähnt. Der Beitrag analysiert die Integration von U(C)AVs in den operativen Flugzeugträgerbetrieb am Beispiel der X‑47B. Die Studie zeigt, dass es keine fundamentalen Probleme bei der Integration gibt, U(C)AVs in einem Fünf-Jahres-Horizont zur neuen maritimen Realität gehören und die Gefahr eines Rüstungswettlaufs in Bezug auf autonome Waffensysteme steigen wird.},
number = {1},
journal = {Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (ZfAS)},
author = {Schwartz, Sebastian and Reuter, Christian},
year = {2020},
keywords = {Peace, Projekt-DualUse},