Special Issues on Human Computer Interaction in Critical Systems I (Verlag, Download) & II (Verlag, Download)

International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM)

Description: HCI in security and time-critical systems is an interdisciplinary challenge at the seams of human factors, engineering, information systems and computer science. Application fields include control systems, critical infrastructures, vehicle and traffic management, production technology, business continuity management, medical technology, crisis management and civil protection. Nowadays in many areas mobile and ubiquitous computing as well as social media and collaborative technologies also plays an important role. The specific challenges require the discussion and development of new methods and approaches in order to design information systems. These are going to be addressed in this special issues.

Special Issue on Human Computer Interaction in Critical Systems I: Citizen an Volunteers (Verlag, Download)

IJISCRAM, Vol. 7, Iss. 2:

Henrik Detjen, Stefan Hoffmann, Leonie Rösner, Stephan Winter, Stefan Geisler, Nicole Krämer and Gerd Bumiller
Integrating Volunteers into Rescue Processes: Analysis of User Requirements and Mobile App Conception

Inga Karl, Kristian Rother and Simon Nestler
Crisis-related Apps – Assistance for Critical and Emergency Situations

Christian Reuter, Thomas Ludwig, Therese Friberg, Sylvia Pratzler-Wanczura and Alexis Gizikis
Social Media and Emergency Services? Interview Study on Current and Potential Use in 7 European Countries”

Benjamin Weyers, Barbara Frank, Kathrin Bischof and Annette Kluge.
Gaze Guiding as Support for the Control of Technical Systems

Special Issue on Human Computer Interaction in Critical Systems II: Authorities and Industry (Verlag, Download)

IJISCRAM, Vol. 7, Iss. 3:

Henrik Berndt, Tilo Mentler and Michael Herczeg.
Optical Head-Mounted Displays in Mass Casualty Incidents

Johannes Sautter, Lars Böspflug, Matthias Max, Denis Havlik, Marc Erlich, Kalev Rannat and Wolf Engelbach.
Simulation and Analysis of Mass Casualty Mission Tactics – Context of use, Interaction concept, Implementation and Evaluation

Kristian Rother, Inga Karl and Simon Nestler.
Towards Virtual Reality Crisis Simulation as a Tool for Usability Testing of Crisis Related Interactive Systems

Thomas Ludwig, Christoph Kotthaus and Volkmar Pipek.
Should I try turning it off and on again? Outlining HCI Challenges for Cyber-Physical Production Systems

Christian Reuter.
Towards Efficient Security: Business Continuity Management in Small and Medium Enterprises




Template: www.cscw.uni-siegen.de/kritische-mci/2015_ijiscram_template.docx

Requirements for submission: As an author of a contribution you are asked for up to two reviews. If this is not possible (e.g. holiday reasons), please mention a representative with the submission.


  1. 21.09.2015: Deadline for Submission
    Please indicate your willingness to submit until 10.09.2015 by registering in the submission system and generating the submission without a file.
  2. 05.10.2015: 1st Round Notification
  3. 12.10.2015: Revision
  4. 16.10.2015: Final Decision
  5. 21.10.2015: Camera Ready Submission
  6. Publication scheduled: 4th Issue 2015


Dr. Christian Reuter, University of Siegen
(Corresponding Guest Editor IJISCRAM)

IJISCRAM: Special Issues “Human Computer Interaction in Critical Systems” I & II