
The EmerGent project summarised its findings and conclusions in the form of guidelinesand provides a list of recommendations for emergency services and citizens on how to make the most of social media.

Guidelines Outline

Guidelines for Emergency Services

The guidelines for Emergency Services are provided in a short version and more details can be found in the full version of the guidelines (see section about the full version). The guidelines are split in four sections corresponding to the phases of an emergency:

  • Prepare to start using social (7 guidelines)
  • Before an emergency (5 guidelines)
  • During an emergency (6 guidelines)
  • After an emergency (2 guidelines)


Guidelines for Citizens

The guidelines for Citizens are provided in a short graphical version and more details can be found in the full version of the guidelines (see section about the full version).


Full version of the Guidelines

You can also download the full version of the guidelines, including:

  • guidelines for emergency services (section 4)
  • guidelines for citizens (section 5)
  • data protection and privacy guidelines for processing social media data (Annex II)



EmerGent publishes guidelines for Social Media in Emergencies