Designing a Prototype Visualization Based on White-Box Indicators to Assist Users Identifying Misinformation on TikTok
Masterarbeit im Studiengang IT Sicherheit von Robert Cieslinski: Designing a Prototype Visualization Based on White-Box Indicators to Assist Users Identifying Misinformation on TikTok Abstract: Digital Fake News or misinformation in general have become a central part of online discourse and
Datenschutz in kleinen & mittleren Unternehmen während der COVID-19-Pandemie.
Masterarbeit im Studiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik von Nico Weber Abstract: Ende 2019 bricht das COVID-19-Virus aus und sorgt durch seine schnelle Verbreitung für eine weltweite Krise. Für viele Unternehmen ging dies mit einem immensen Umbruch der Arbeits- und Organisationsabläufe einher. Während weltweit
Disruption Tolerant Networking – Notfall-Messenger via LoRaWAN
Bachelorarbeit im Studiengang Informatik von Denis Orlov: Abstract: Internetbasierte Kommunikation ist in der modernen Gesellschaft nicht mehr wegzudenken. Allerdings konnte in der Vergangenheit beobachtet werden, das in Krisensituationen die Verfügbarkeit dieser Kommunikationsmedien nicht gegeben sein muss. Gerade in Krisensituationen besteht
Optimizing Message Delivery Cost in Preexisting, Disruption/Delay Tolerant Messaging Based LoRaWAN Networks for Disaster Communication.
Pankratiusstr. 2, Raum 117Abstract: The availability of communication channels and the internet is often taken for granted, but disasters like the 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake show how quickly that can change. Emergency response solutions are then faced with a dynamic environment making it challenging
MISINFO: A User-centered Android-Application to Assist Users in Dealing with Misinformation Across Social Media Platforms
Bachelorarbeit im Studiengang Informatik von Mazen Alkatlabee Abstract: The dissemination of information has facilitated the emergence of fake news outlets, which drawn out the importance of news literacy. While most of existing studies focus on either one so- cial media
User-centered development of nudges to mitigate the spread of misinformation on social media
Bachelorarbeit im Studiengang Informatik von Bernadette Peter Abstract: In the context of digitalization, it is becoming increasingly easy to receive and share information. But also to publish it. This also carries over to social platforms, where information and news are spread
User Experience and Mental Model in DTN-based Peer-to-Peer Communication: Designing UI Elements for Uncertainty
Masterarbeit im Studiengang Informatik von Markus Henkel: Abstract: The Internet not only plays an important role in many aspects of everyday life, but it is also vital for crisis communication. Over the past two decades, citizens have increasingly used social
Kolloquium Max Langer: Problemanalyse und Handlungsempfehlungen für Sicherheitsbehörden zur Bekämpfung der Dunkelziffer von Cybersicherheitsvorfällen
Bachelorarbeit im Studiengang Cognitive Science Abstract: Mit der Abhängigkeit von digitalen Strukturen wächst auch die Cyberkriminalität. Dabei ist besonders die Dunkelziffer bei der Meldung von Cybersicherheitsvorfällen problematisch: Lediglich 13 Prozent der befragten Unternehmen gaben an, schwere Cyberangriffe den Behörden zu
Kolloquium Julian Bäumler: (Inter-)organizational Online Hate Speech Gathering, Analysis, and Response: A Qualitative Study with German Reporting Centers
Masterarbeit im Studiengang Internationale Studien / Friedens- und Konfliktforschung von Julian Bäumler Abstract: Social media users are increasingly exposed to hate speech, with potentially serious consequences for both affected individuals and society. In Germany, reporting centers for hate speech and other
Masterarbeit im Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnk von Ignacio Collado: Cyber Situational Awareness for Computer Emergency Response Teams: Design and Evaluation of an Automated Alerting and Sharing System
Abstract: Computer emergency response teams (CERTs) of the public sector provide advisory, preventive, and reactive cybersecurity services for authorities, citizens, and enterprises. However, their tasks of monitoring, analyzing, and communicating threats to establish cyber situational awareness are getting more complex
Masterarbeit von Jordan Dieudonné: Identifying and detecting inconsistencies in IT-Security knowledge bases
Abstract: As society becomes increasingly dependent on infrastructures that require large amounts of computing power to function, it is more necessary than ever to protect the systems in use from failures and attacks. IT-security professionals secure these systems by leveraging
Bachelorarbeit im Studiengang Informatik von Vladyslav Zbykovskyi: Analyse der Rolle von Cyberangriffen im hybriden Krieg Russlands in der Ukraine: Eine OSINT-basierte Untersuchung von sozialen Netzwerken und Online-Nachrichten
Abstract:Diese Bachelorarbeit untersucht die Rolle von Cyberangriffen in Kriegen, insbesondere im russischen Angriffskrieg. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Analyse von OSINT, um die genaue Funktion von Cyberangriffen in der Informationskriegsführung zu ergründen und deren Diskussion in der Gesellschaft zu beleuchten.
Masterarbeit im Studiengang IT Security von Jacob Oehler: Self-Reports and Actual Privacy Behaviour on Social Media: The Privacy Paradox Revisited
Datum: Montag, 25.09.2023 Vortrag (15min) um 09:30; Diskussion (10min) bis 09:55 Masterarbeit im Studiengang IT Security von Jacob Oehler: Self-Reports and Actual Privacy Behaviour on Social Media: The Privacy Paradox Revisited Abstract In this thesis, we address the intriguing phenomenon
Masterarbeit im Studiengang Cognitive Science von Felix Schmitt: How Information Sovereignty Combines the Concepts of Privacy and Misinformation and How It Could Guide Future Research
Datum: Montag, 25.09.2023 Vortrag (15min) um 09:55; Diskussion (10min) bis 10:20 Masterarbeit im Studiengang Cognitive Science von Felix Schmitt: How Information Sovereignty Combines the Concepts of Privacy and Misinformation and How It Could Guide Future Research Abstract: During the
Bachelorarbeit im Studiengang Informatik von Luca Liontos: Analyse, Neukonzeption, Reimplementierung und Erweiterung der Durchsetzung der Nutzungsbedingungen eines Multi-Plattform Social-Media-Crawlers
Abstract: Das Open Data Observatory (ODS) ist ein System zur Erhebung und Analyse von Postings aus verschiedenen Social-Media Plattformen zur Verwendung in der Forschung. Die Plattform erlaubt es Nutzenden Suchanfragen zu formulieren und an verschiedene Social-Media Seiten zu verteilen. Die
Masterarbeit im Studiengang IT-Sicherheit von Martin Ronai: Making PGP Usable – Development of a Concept and Implementation of a Usable PGP Email Client
Abstract: This thesis presents a comprehensive literature review of existing PGP solutions. Existing PGP applications have usability shortcomings, and a lack of user understanding makes consistent and correct usage a challenge. Since only a small percentage of email traffic is encrypted,
Masterarbeit im Studiengang M.Sc. Visual Computing von Alexander Jäger: Interaktives Visualisierungstool des politischen Spektrums zur Erweiterung und Verbesserung von Voting Advice Applications am Beispiel des Wahl-O-Mats.
Abstract: Voting Advice Applications (VAAs) wie der deutsche Wahl-O-Mat haben sich seit der Jahrtausendwende zu einem populären Tool der politischen Bildung entwickelt, die im Vorfeld von Wahlen von Millionen Nutzer*innen in Demokratien weltweit verwendet werden und somit einen nicht zu
Bachelorarbeit im Studiengang Informatik von Nils Neuhäusel: Cognitive and Psychological Perceptions in Drone Operations: Understanding User Needs and Experiences in Military Environments
ZoomAbstract: This thesis analyses the requirements and experiences of RPA operators in military contexts and highlights specific challenges and needs of working in this environment. The main research question seeks to improve the design and development of RPA systems by
Masterarbeit im Studiengang Internationale Studien/Friedens- und Konfliktforschung von Lennart Söhngen: Scrollen Richtung Hass: eine Analyse der Eigenschaften extremistischer Inhalte auf TikTok
ZoomAbstract: Extremistische Einstellungen sind in der Bevölkerung zuletzt stark angestiegen. Sozialen Medien wird dabei eine elementare Bedeutung für die Verbreitung entsprechender Inhalte zugeschrieben. Ein Dienst, der diesbezüglich mehr und mehr in den Fokus rückt, ist das Videoportal TikTok. Innerhalb weniger
PromovierDA – Promovieren an der TU Darmstadt
Informationsveranstaltung zur Promotion an der TU Darmstadt. Insbesondere Vorstellung fachspezifischer Informationen durch Prof. Dr. Dr. Reuter. Zur Anmeldung: https://www.tu-darmstadt.de/forschen/wissenschaftlicher_nachwuchs_tu/promotionsinteressierte_tu/promovierda.de.jsp
Bachelorarbeit Informatik von Hiba Al-Najmi: The Impact Of Automation Levels On Trust And Acceptance Of Smart Home Warning Systems
ZoomAbstract: In this study, we address the under-explored dimension of human interaction with smart home warning systems during crisis scenarios, with focus on the identification of the optimal automation level. An experimental study was conducted with a sample of 51
Bachelorarbeit im Studiengang Informatik von Yelyzaveta Vereshchak: Nutzerrezensionen und Kernfunktionen von Bevölkerungsschutz-Apps „Povitriana Tryvoha“, „yeTryvoha“, und „yePPO“ im Kontext der russischen Invasion 2022
ZoomAbstract: Die russische Invasion gegen die Ukraine begann am 24. Februar 2022. Zum Schutz der Bevölkerung der Ukraine wurden verschiedene Methoden eingesetzt. Mit der Entwicklung moderner Technologien sind viele zusätzliche Möglichkeiten entstanden, der Bevölkerung in Krisensituationen zu helfen. So wurden
Bachelorarbeit im Studiengang Informatik von Eduard Repp: TudTok: ein Ansatz zur Schulung des Umgangs mit Desinformationen in Sozialen Medien unter Berücksichtigung bekannter bild- und videobasierter Indikatoren.
ZoomAbstract: In einer Zeit, in der soziale Medien eine dominante Rolle in der Verbreitung von Informationen spielen, stellen Desinformationen auf mehreren Ebenen eine ernsthafte Herausforderung dar. Die Publikation von Unwahrheiten beschränkt sich dabei nicht auf das geschriebene Wort oder manipulierte Bilder.
Masterarbeit im Studiengang IT-Sicherheit von Ken Vogt: Third Party Data Access Manager for Transparent Interventions for Cookie Consent Forms
ZoomAbstract: Navigating cookie consent forms and other types of cookie management mechanisms has become a recurring experience for users. Since the GDPR came into effect, website operators have to obtain informed consent before placing non-essential cookies. But this is not always adhered to:
Bachelorarbeit im Studiengang Informatik von Louis Pouliot: Chartchecker: A User-Centered Investigation of Chart Annotation and Misinformation Detection Software
ZoomBetreuer*in: Tom Biselli Prüfer: Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Reuter
Masterarbeit im Studiengang IT-Sicherheit von Niklas Herz: Document Analysis of EU Reports on the Development of Cybersecurity Technologies
ZoomAbstract: In today's digital landscape, cybersecurity threats have become imminent dangers affecting individuals, businesses and nations alike. Current developments in international politics, such as the war on Ukraine or the Israel-Hamas war, show how cyber attacks can be used in
Masterarbeit Kolja Renkel: A Silent Conquest of the Backbone? Factors of the Growing Submarine Data Cable Ownership by Content Providers
ZoomAbstract: The submarine data cable (SDC) infrastructure is the backbone of the Internet and transports the majority of data exchanges worldwide. The ownership structure of those cables has been changing for several years due to new stakeholders and investors. Large
Masterarbeit Nicolai Koukal: Design and Evaluation of a Security Advisory Content Retrieval and Extraction System to Enhance Cyber Situational Awareness
ZoomAbstract: Computer emergency response teams (CERTs) of the public sector provide advisory, preventive, and reactive cybersecurity services for authorities, citizens, and enterprises. However, their tasks of monitoring, analysing, and communicating threats to establish cyber situational awareness are getting more complex
Bachelorarbeit Martin Lexa: Design und Implementierung eines plattformübergreifenden Dashboards zur Analyse von Hate Speech in Meldestellen
Abstract: An der Schnittstelle zwischen Betroffenen und Meldenden einerseits sowie Ermittlungs- und Strafverfolgungsbehörden andererseits sind Meldestellen wie „Hessen gegen Hetze“ oder „Respect! Gegen Hetze im Netz“ mit einem zunehmenden Aufkommen an Hassrede über eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher und öffentlicher Medien konfrontiert.
Masterarbeit Laura Buhleier: Privacy Visualizations: Aiding User Comprehension of Privacy Policies
ZoomAbstract: Privacy policies are widely regarded as being practically unreadable for laypersons and being seemingly written by lawyers for lawyers rather than with the end user in mind. Their length and complexity deter users contradicting their purpose of informing of the given
Masterarbeit Nevin Hochsam López: The Link between Privacy and Misinformation – A Systematic Literature Review
ZoomAbstract: In today's digital world, privacy invasions and the proliferation of misinformation have become ubiquitous issues. Numerous incidents have demonstrated their far-reaching effects on our digital lives and society at large. These challenges raise a critical question: Is there a link
Bacheloarbeit Heorhii Topalov: The Role of Social Media in the Context of Russian-Ukrainian War
ZoomIn the contemporary era, ICTs have become an indispensable component of warfare. Their capacity to disseminate information rapidly and on a vast scale renders them an indispensable tool in the modern battlefield. In order to gain insight into the utilisation
Bachelorarbeit Lisa Heidenreich: Influence of implicit gender cues on perception of virtual agents and interaction – an experimental study in Germany
ZoomGiven the growing integration of AI into daily life, understanding how gender perceptions influence interactions with (seemingly) artificial intelligent interaction partners is crucial to prevent stereotypes from being reproduced through this interaction. This paper explores the role of implicit gender
Masterarbeit Max Hampel: Evaluating the Importance of Profile Descriptions for the Sentiment Analysis of Tweets in Protest Movements
ZoomAbstract: Plenty of research has been done to analyze and classify the sentiment (i.e., the positive, neutral or negative stance) of social media posts during crises, conflicts, and protests using machine learning techniques. However, fewer works have examined the impact
Bachelorarbeit Tom Schuster: Crisis Notifications and Recommendations in Telegram for Activists in conflict-affected Contexts
ZoomMobile crisis notification systems, including apps such as NINA, have been shown around the world to be successful in alerting the public to disasters. Activists in certain countries such as Afghanistan, especially since the Taliban takeover, face unique threats such
Bachelorarbeit Isha Grouven: Investigating App Camouflage As A Strategy To Counter Digital Surveillance For Activists
ZoomThis thesis addresses the feature of "app camouflage," which is an approach to mitigate digital surveillance and censorship, particularly in contexts where individuals may be at risk of violence or other harm. The growing number of individuals with internet access
Masterarbeit im Studiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik von Alexander Able: The public core of the internet – A literature review of the concept’s journey and its references to physical infrastructure
ZoomAbstract: Das Konzept des Public Core of the Internet hat sich seit der initialen Veröffentlichung 2014 stetig verbreitet und ist ein viel diskutierter Teil der Internet Governance geworden. Internationale Anerkennung hat das Konzept durch die Aufnahme in die GCSC-Normen sowie
Bachelorarbeit (B.Sc.) im Studiengang Informatik von Kleanthis Moschopoulos:
ZoomAbstract: Warning systems have changed rapidly over the last centuries, from local personal warnings to radio to TV news up to other governmental channels such as modern warning apps. Still, a rather untouched area in this regard is the role of
Masterarbeit (M.Sc.) im Studiengang IT-Sicherheit von Luca Roth: Submarine Cable Landing Stations: An Analysis of Information Security Threats, Vulnerabilities and Defences
Abstract: Cable landing stations (CLS) are facilities that host components required for the operation of subsea data cables (SDC) and facilitate their interconnection with terrestrial networks. SDC have an essential role for the secure operation of internet communication. However, as
Masterarbeit (M.Sc.) im Studiengang IT-Sicherheit von Kasimir Romer: Building a Data Processing Pipeline for Submarine Cable News – Leveraging Large Language Models for Advanced Analysis and Visualization
ZoomAbstract: Submarine Data Cables (SDCs) are critical infrastructures that handle the majority of global network traffic. Despite their importance, SDCs receive limited media coverage and public attention, which creates significant gaps in understanding their vulnerabilities and significance. This thesis explores
Masterarbeit im Studiengang Informatik von Nadja Bauer: Acceptance of AI-Based Hate Speech Moderation on Social Media: The Impact of Familiarity with AI Systems, IT Knowledge, and Social Media Use
ZoomAs the prevalence of hate speech on social media continues to rise, there is an increasing rationale for the implementation of AI-based moderation systems. This study addresses the existing research gap in understanding how individual factors, including user familiarity with
Masterarbeit im Studiengang Data and Discourse Studies von Franziska Schneider: From Discord to Deception – Unravelling the Dynamics of Hate Speech and Disinformation in Information Warfare
ZoomAbstract: Disinformation and hate speech are often highlighted as major challenges within social media landscapes. While these phenomena have been extensively studied individually, their interconnection, particularly within the context of information warfare strategies, remains underexplored in empirical research. This thesis
Masterarbeit im Studiengang Internationale Studien / Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (ISFK) von Helen Bader: Towards Youth-Sensitivity and Restorative Justice Approaches in Hate Speech Reporting Systems: An Inclusive Focus Group Study with German Adolescents
ZoomYouth are particularly vulnerable to encountering hateful content online, which can significantly harm their well-being. Although most social media platforms offer reporting mechanisms, these systems often have shortcomings, such as an one-size-fits-all approach and a lack of adequate social support
Masterarbeit im Studiengang Internationale Studien/Friedens- und Konfliktforschung von Sabrina Neuhäusel: Risk Cultures and Citizens‘ Perception of Social Media Use in Emergencies – A German Case Study
ZoomSocial Media has become an essential component of contemporary crisis management and communication strategies, and its value across various natural or human-induced emergency events is well-attested. However, studies that offer explanatory factors for citizens’ divergent risk perception and behavior before,
Masterarbeit im Studiengang IT-Sicherheit von Andre Hanke: Securing Cryptography in the Quantum Era: An Analysis of Threats and Post-Quantum Solution
ZoomEinstein famously described quantum phenomena as "spukhafte Fernwirkung"—spooky action at a distance—a concept that challenged classical understanding. While, these same quantum principles have the potential to propel us into a new computational era, promising unprecedented processing power, they also pose a
Masterarbeit im Studiengang IT-Sicherheit von Andre Hanke: Securing Cryptography in the Quantum Era: An Analysis of Threats and Post-Quantum Solution
ZoomEinstein famously described quantum phenomena as "spukhafte Fernwirkung"—spooky action at a distance—a concept that challenged classical understanding. While, these same quantum principles have the potential to propel us into a new computational era, promising unprecedented processing power, they also pose
Masterarbeit im Studiengang IT-Sicherheit von Per Philipp Schneider: Potentials and Challenges of Satellite Internet for Critical Infrastructures in case of an Internet Connection Failure
ZoomThe ongoing digitalization of critical infrastructures has significantly increased their dependence on internet connectivity. Disruptions to essential submarine cables, which form the backbone of internet access, can abruptly isolate highly digitalized regions from the internet for extended periods. The rapid
Masterarbeit im Studiengang Internationale Studien/Friedens- und Konfliktforschung von Sabrina Neuhäusel: Risk Cultures and Citizens‘ Perception of Social Media Use in Emergencies – A German Case Study
ZoomSocial Media has become an essential component of contemporary crisis management and communication strategies, and its value across various natural or human-induced emergency events is well-attested. However, studies that offer explanatory factors for citizens’ divergent risk perception and behavior before,