AgriRegio: Infrastruktur zur Förderung von digitaler Resilienz und Klimaresilienz im ländlichen Raum am Beispiel der Pilotregion Nahe-Donnersberg (BMEL, 1.1.2022-30.6.2024)

Smart Farming kann die Erzeugung von Nahrungsmitteln ressourcenschonender und wirtschaftlicher gestalten. Doch Digitalisierung in der Landwirtschaft bietet nicht nur betriebsinterne Vorteile. Ein Ausfall oder gar Angriff auf die eingesetzten smarten Sensoren kann im Extremfall zu Produktionsausfällen und Versorgungsengpässen führen.
Im Verbundvorhaben „AgriRegio – Infrastruktur zur Förderung von digitaler Resilienz und Klimaresilienz im ländlichen Raum am Beispiel der Pilotregion Nahe-Donnersberg“ wird jetzt ein innovatives Konzept für dezentrales und resilientes Edge Computing zur Praxisreife entwickelt und erprobt.
Einerseits wird weiter an der Auswertung von Sensordaten am Beispiel von Bodenfeuchte geforscht mit direktem Einfluss auf die landwirtschaftliche Produktion (Klimaresilienz), andererseits wird evaluiert, wie landwirtschaftliche Betriebe in Krisenfällen wie Ausfall von digitaler Infrastruktur (z.B. ausgefallene Internetverbindung) reagieren können und müssen (digitale Resilienz).
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Mobile Erhebung semantisch modellierter Daten und deren Auswertung im Feld durch Hybrid Cloud Computing sind Grundlage des Resilienten Smart Farmings im Projekt GeoBox. Eine skalierbare Architektur und semantische Datenmodellierung ermöglichen Management betrieblicher Software-Container, flexible Anpassung an neue Aufgaben, und die Realisierung einfach nutzbarer externer Services, vorgestellt am Beispiel eines Resistenz-Beratungs-Chatbots und von Blühstreifen als Biodiversitätsmaßnahme.
title = {Hybrid {Cloud} {Infrastrukturen} - {Edge} {Computing} und {KI}-basierte {Anwendungen} in der {Landwirtschaft} für resiliente und effektive {Produktions}- und {Biodiversitätsmaßnahmen}},
url = {},
abstract = {Mobile Erhebung semantisch modellierter Daten und deren Auswertung im Feld durch Hybrid Cloud Computing sind Grundlage des Resilienten Smart Farmings im Projekt GeoBox. Eine skalierbare Architektur und semantische Datenmodellierung ermöglichen Management betrieblicher Software-Container, flexible Anpassung an neue Aufgaben, und die Realisierung einfach nutzbarer externer Services, vorgestellt am Beispiel eines Resistenz-Beratungs-Chatbots und von Blühstreifen als Biodiversitätsmaßnahme.},
booktitle = {44. {GIL}-{Jahrestagung}: {Informatik} in der {Land}-, {Forst}- und {Ernährungswirtschaft}},
publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik},
author = {Eberz-Eder, Daniel and Kuntke, Franz and Reuter, Christian and Bernardi, Ansgar and Kadi, Ahmad and Brill, Gerwin and Martini, Daniel and Kleinhenz, Benno},
year = {2024},
keywords = {UsableSec, Security, RSF, Projekt-GeoBox, Projekt-AgriRegio},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Like many sectors, agriculture is experiencing a continuous digitalization, i.e. an increase in data-driven technologies used. In contrast to companies of other critical infrastructures – e.g. energy or telecommunication – a typical farm is comparatively small and often run as a family business. Accordingly, the demands on farming technology, its implementation, and regulations are different in many terms. Furthermore, the circumstances that influence crisis risks and crisis management are different in agriculture – and as digitalization introduces new potential risks, this process should be reviewed critically. Currently, the most advanced approaches for agriculture are typically referred to as smart farming and agriculture 4.0, which incorporate more precise cultivation with less manual effort. But such new agriculture technology developments usually lack an assessment about its impact on the sector’s resilience and dependencies on other infrastructures. The research domains of crisis informatics and IT security mostly focuses on other topics, apart from agriculture. The resilience research in agriculture itself is currently intensifying, however, this line of research focuses more on problems resulting from the climate crisis and social change. For these reasons it remains unclear, how digitalization impacts the resilience of food production and food safety. Therefore, it is not well researched which technological developments may lead to undesired effects in the future. How modern systems should be designed to allow for both, positive impacts on efficiency, and prevention of negative effects in terms of reduced resilience capacities, is also not answered by current literature. The aim of the present work is to close this research gap at the intersection of agriculture, digitalization, and resilience. To answer the question to what extent current technologies used by farmers are at risk of failure, the dissertation first presents a snapshot of the resilience state of agricultural companies and the technologies used. This involves interviews with stakeholders, mainly farmers, as well as surveying security issues of the LoRaWAN protocol, a transmission technology especially useful for agricultural Internet of Things. Which desires of farmers exist regarding software focusing on aspects of business continuity and secured operations, is another open question. This dissertation aims to also answer this question with empirical methods, mainly focus groups and usability tests. Then the rise of Internet of Things in agriculture raises another question, whether such technologies acquired for smart farming could also have benefits for resilience against internet-connection-lost situations. This question is answered by empirical evaluation of LoRaWAN range characteristics in agricultural landscapes, as well as artifact generation for resilient communication channels on top of LoRaWAN transmission devices. Several findings are derived from the conducted research: There is a lack of understanding of how strong the used tools in agriculture depend on ICT, and many tools require a working internet connection. Moreover, IT employed by agricultural enterprises presents security concerns similar to those encountered in other domains. Based on these findings, developments, and evaluations of new software approaches are presented: Derived design criteria and own system designs that allow for modern data-driven business operations, including IoT integration based on LoRaWAN. The developed solutions show an increase in resilience capacities by enhancing the communication possibilities in crisis situations. The detected low absorption capacities against communication infrastructure outages shows room for improvement. To improve agricultural ITs’ resilience, software engineers could use the concepts and designs of this dissertation for their product development, like a modular offline-capable farm management storage that allows an exchange of small data in an autarkic manner via commodity LoRaWAN hardware. But also technology advisors and farmers benefit from the technological analyses and suggestions embedded in this work, like using multiple LoRaWAN gateways with an overlapping coverage to mitigate security vulnerabilities.
address = {Wiesbaden, Germany},
title = {Resilient {Smart} {Farming}: {Crisis}-{Capable} {Information} and {Communication} {Technologies} for {Agriculture}},
isbn = {978-3-658-44156-2},
shorttitle = {Resilient {Smart} {Farming}},
url = {},
abstract = {Like many sectors, agriculture is experiencing a continuous digitalization, i.e. an increase in data-driven technologies used. In contrast to companies of other critical infrastructures – e.g. energy or telecommunication – a typical farm is comparatively small and often run as a family business.
Accordingly, the demands on farming technology, its implementation, and regulations are different in many terms.
Furthermore, the circumstances that influence crisis risks and crisis management are different in agriculture – and as digitalization introduces new potential risks, this process should be reviewed critically.
Currently, the most advanced approaches for agriculture are typically referred to as smart farming and agriculture 4.0, which incorporate more precise cultivation with less manual effort.
But such new agriculture technology developments usually lack an assessment about its impact on the sector's resilience and dependencies on other infrastructures.
The research domains of crisis informatics and IT security mostly focuses on other topics, apart from agriculture.
The resilience research in agriculture itself is currently intensifying, however, this line of research focuses more on problems resulting from the climate crisis and social change.
For these reasons it remains unclear, how digitalization impacts the resilience of food production and food safety.
Therefore, it is not well researched which technological developments may lead to undesired effects in the future.
How modern systems should be designed to allow for both, positive impacts on efficiency, and prevention of negative effects in terms of reduced resilience capacities, is also not answered by current literature.
The aim of the present work is to close this research gap at the intersection of agriculture, digitalization, and resilience.
To answer the question to what extent current technologies used by farmers are at risk of failure, the dissertation first presents a snapshot of the resilience state of agricultural companies and the technologies used.
This involves interviews with stakeholders, mainly farmers, as well as surveying security issues of the LoRaWAN protocol, a transmission technology especially useful for agricultural Internet of Things.
Which desires of farmers exist regarding software focusing on aspects of business continuity and secured operations, is another open question.
This dissertation aims to also answer this question with empirical methods, mainly focus groups and usability tests.
Then the rise of Internet of Things in agriculture raises another question, whether such technologies acquired for smart farming could also have benefits for resilience against internet-connection-lost situations.
This question is answered by empirical evaluation of LoRaWAN range characteristics in agricultural landscapes, as well as artifact generation for resilient communication channels on top of LoRaWAN transmission devices.
Several findings are derived from the conducted research:
There is a lack of understanding of how strong the used tools in agriculture depend on ICT, and many tools require a working internet connection.
Moreover, IT employed by agricultural enterprises presents security concerns similar to those encountered in other domains.
Based on these findings, developments, and evaluations of new software approaches are presented:
Derived design criteria and own system designs that allow for modern data-driven business operations, including IoT integration based on LoRaWAN.
The developed solutions show an increase in resilience capacities by enhancing the communication possibilities in crisis situations.
The detected low absorption capacities against communication infrastructure outages shows room for improvement.
To improve agricultural ITs' resilience, software engineers could use the concepts and designs of this dissertation for their product development, like a modular offline-capable farm management storage that allows an exchange of small data in an autarkic manner via commodity LoRaWAN hardware.
But also technology advisors and farmers benefit from the technological analyses and suggestions embedded in this work, like using multiple LoRaWAN gateways with an overlapping coverage to mitigate security vulnerabilities.},
publisher = {Springer Vieweg},
author = {Kuntke, Franz},
year = {2024},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-44157-9},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, UsableSec, Security, RSF, Projekt-GeoBox, Projekt-AgriRegio, DissPublisher},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Like many sectors, agriculture is experiencing a continuous digitalization, i.e. an increase in data-driven technologies used. In contrast to companies of other critical infrastructures – e.g. energy or telecommunication – a typical farm is comparatively small and often run as a family business. Accordingly, the demands on farming technology, its implementation, and regulations are different in many terms. Furthermore, the circumstances that influence crisis risks and crisis management are different in agriculture – and as digitalization introduces new potential risks, this process should be reviewed critically. Currently, the most advanced approaches for agriculture are typically referred to as smart farming and agriculture 4.0, which incorporate more precise cultivation with less manual effort. But such new agriculture technology developments usually lack an assessment about its impact on the sector’s resilience and dependencies on other infrastructures. The research domains of crisis informatics and IT security mostly focuses on other topics, apart from agriculture. The resilience research in agriculture itself is currently intensifying, however, this line of research focuses more on problems resulting from the climate crisis and social change. For these reasons it remains unclear, how digitalization impacts the resilience of food production and food safety. Therefore, it is not well researched which technological developments may lead to undesired effects in the future. How modern systems should be designed to allow for both, positive impacts on efficiency, and prevention of negative effects in terms of reduced resilience capacities, is also not answered by current literature. The aim of the present work is to close this research gap at the intersection of agriculture, digitalization, and resilience. To answer the question to what extent current technologies used by farmers are at risk of failure, the dissertation first presents a snapshot of the resilience state of agricultural companies and the technologies used. This involves interviews with stakeholders, mainly farmers, as well as surveying security issues of the LoRaWAN protocol, a transmission technology especially useful for agricultural Internet of Things. Which desires of farmers exist regarding software focusing on aspects of business continuity and secured operations, is another open question. This dissertation aims to also answer this question with empirical methods, mainly focus groups and usability tests. Then the rise of Internet of Things in agriculture raises another question, whether such technologies acquired for smart farming could also have benefits for resilience against internet-connection-lost situations. This question is answered by empirical evaluation of LoRaWAN range characteristics in agricultural landscapes, as well as artifact generation for resilient communication channels on top of LoRaWAN transmission devices. Several findings are derived from the conducted research: There is a lack of understanding of how strong the used tools in agriculture depend on ICT, and many tools require a working internet connection. Moreover, IT employed by agricultural enterprises presents security concerns similar to those encountered in other domains. Based on these findings, developments, and evaluations of new software approaches are presented: Derived design criteria and own system designs that allow for modern data-driven business operations, including IoT integration based on LoRaWAN. The developed solutions show an increase in resilience capacities by enhancing the communication possibilities in crisis situations. The detected low absorption capacities against communication infrastructure outages shows room for improvement. To improve agricultural ITs’ resilience, software engineers could use the concepts and designs of this dissertation for their product development, like a modular offline-capable farm management storage that allows an exchange of small data in an autarkic manner via commodity LoRaWAN hardware. But also technology advisors and farmers benefit from the technological analyses and suggestions embedded in this work, like using multiple LoRaWAN gateways with an overlapping coverage to mitigate security vulnerabilities.
address = {Darmstadt, Germany},
title = {Resilient {Smart} {Farming}: {Crisis}-{Capable} {Information} and {Communication} {Technologies} for {Agriculture}},
url = {},
abstract = {Like many sectors, agriculture is experiencing a continuous digitalization, i.e. an increase in data-driven technologies used. In contrast to companies of other critical infrastructures – e.g. energy or telecommunication – a typical farm is comparatively small and often run as a family business.
Accordingly, the demands on farming technology, its implementation, and regulations are different in many terms.
Furthermore, the circumstances that influence crisis risks and crisis management are different in agriculture – and as digitalization introduces new potential risks, this process should be reviewed critically.
Currently, the most advanced approaches for agriculture are typically referred to as smart farming and agriculture 4.0, which incorporate more precise cultivation with less manual effort.
But such new agriculture technology developments usually lack an assessment about its impact on the sector's resilience and dependencies on other infrastructures.
The research domains of crisis informatics and IT security mostly focuses on other topics, apart from agriculture.
The resilience research in agriculture itself is currently intensifying, however, this line of research focuses more on problems resulting from the climate crisis and social change.
For these reasons it remains unclear, how digitalization impacts the resilience of food production and food safety.
Therefore, it is not well researched which technological developments may lead to undesired effects in the future.
How modern systems should be designed to allow for both, positive impacts on efficiency, and prevention of negative effects in terms of reduced resilience capacities, is also not answered by current literature.
The aim of the present work is to close this research gap at the intersection of agriculture, digitalization, and resilience.
To answer the question to what extent current technologies used by farmers are at risk of failure, the dissertation first presents a snapshot of the resilience state of agricultural companies and the technologies used.
This involves interviews with stakeholders, mainly farmers, as well as surveying security issues of the LoRaWAN protocol, a transmission technology especially useful for agricultural Internet of Things.
Which desires of farmers exist regarding software focusing on aspects of business continuity and secured operations, is another open question.
This dissertation aims to also answer this question with empirical methods, mainly focus groups and usability tests.
Then the rise of Internet of Things in agriculture raises another question, whether such technologies acquired for smart farming could also have benefits for resilience against internet-connection-lost situations.
This question is answered by empirical evaluation of LoRaWAN range characteristics in agricultural landscapes, as well as artifact generation for resilient communication channels on top of LoRaWAN transmission devices.
Several findings are derived from the conducted research:
There is a lack of understanding of how strong the used tools in agriculture depend on ICT, and many tools require a working internet connection.
Moreover, IT employed by agricultural enterprises presents security concerns similar to those encountered in other domains.
Based on these findings, developments, and evaluations of new software approaches are presented:
Derived design criteria and own system designs that allow for modern data-driven business operations, including IoT integration based on LoRaWAN.
The developed solutions show an increase in resilience capacities by enhancing the communication possibilities in crisis situations.
The detected low absorption capacities against communication infrastructure outages shows room for improvement.
To improve agricultural ITs' resilience, software engineers could use the concepts and designs of this dissertation for their product development, like a modular offline-capable farm management storage that allows an exchange of small data in an autarkic manner via commodity LoRaWAN hardware.
But also technology advisors and farmers benefit from the technological analyses and suggestions embedded in this work, like using multiple LoRaWAN gateways with an overlapping coverage to mitigate security vulnerabilities.},
publisher = {Dissertation (Dr.-Ing.), Department of Computer Science, Technische Universität Darmstadt},
author = {Kuntke, Franz},
year = {2024},
doi = {10.26083/tuprints-00026496},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, UsableSec, Security, RSF, Projekt-GeoBox, Projekt-AgriRegio, Dissertation},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Agriculture is experiencing continuous digitalization, with an increasing importance of data for the tools used. In contrast to other critical infrastructures, the average agricultural business has a small number of employees. The requirements for agricultural technology, its implementation and the regulations therefore differ from other critical infrastructures. The effects of current trends such as smart farming on the resilience of the sector and dependencies on other infrastructures remain unclear. But some aspects of agricultural digitalization must be viewed critically in order to avoid security risks in future: Products must have secure default settings and the need for cloud connectivity should be questioned more frequently – both for stronger security and resilience to infrastructure failures and the high need for data protection in agriculture. With the right developments, digitalization can not only be made secure, but also have a positive effect on the resilience and efficiency of farms.
title = {Resilienz in der digitalisierten {Landwirtschaft}: {Abhängigkeiten} deutscher landwirtschaftlicher {Betriebe} von {Kommunikations}- und {Energieinfrastruktur} im {Katastrophenschutz}},
url = {},
abstract = {Agriculture is experiencing continuous digitalization, with an increasing importance of data for the tools used.
In contrast to other critical infrastructures, the average agricultural business has a small number of employees. The requirements for agricultural technology, its implementation and the regulations therefore differ from other critical infrastructures. The effects of current trends such as smart farming on the resilience of the sector and dependencies on other infrastructures remain unclear. But some aspects of agricultural digitalization must be viewed critically in order to avoid security risks in future: Products must have secure default settings and the need for cloud connectivity should be questioned more frequently – both for stronger security and resilience to infrastructure failures and the high need for data protection in agriculture. With the right developments, digitalization can not only be made secure, but also have a positive effect on the resilience and efficiency of farms.},
urldate = {2024-04-15},
publisher = {emergenCITY Policy Paper No. 4},
author = {Kuntke, Franz and Reuter, Christian},
year = {2024},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.12209183},
keywords = {Projekt-GeoBox, Projekt-HyServ, Projekt-AgriRegio, Projekt-ATHENE},
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Landwirtschaft als essenzieller Teil der Nahrungsmittelproduktion gehört zu den kritischen Infrastrukturen (KRITIS). Dementsprechend müssen die eingesetzten Systeme für einen widerstandsfähigen Betrieb ausgelegt sein. Dies gilt auch für die auf landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben eingesetzte Software, die Sicherheits- und Resilienzkriterien genügen muss. Jedoch ist die Zunahme an Software zu beobachten, welche eine permanente Internetkonnektivität erfordert, d. h. eine stabile Verbindung zu Servern oder Cloud-Applikationen ist für deren Funktionsweise erforderlich. Dies stellt eine erhebliche Schwachstelle hinsichtlich der Resilienz dar und kann bei Ausfällen der Telekommunikationsinfrastruktur zu großen Problemen führen. Mit Entwicklungen aus dem Bereich Resilient Smart Farming (RSF) zeigen wir, wie Datenhaltung nach dem Offline-First-Prinzip gestaltet werden kann. Ein zentraler Bestandteil hierbei ist das Resilient Edge Computing (REC) und die entwickelte HofBox: ein Mini-Server, der das Datenmanagement im Betrieb übernimmt und mittels innovativer Open-Source basierender Container-Technologie (Open Horizon) umsetzt. Dadurch werden in Zukunft weitere Anwendungsfälle innerhalb der landwirtschaftlichen Produktions- und Wertschöpfungskette durch Public-Private-Partnership-Modelle realistisch und realisierbar.
title = {Prototypische {Entwicklungen} zur {Umsetzung} des {Resilient} {Smart} {Farming} ({RSF}) mittels {Edge} {Computing}},
url = {},
abstract = {Landwirtschaft als essenzieller Teil der Nahrungsmittelproduktion gehört zu den kritischen Infrastrukturen (KRITIS). Dementsprechend müssen die eingesetzten Systeme für einen widerstandsfähigen Betrieb ausgelegt sein. Dies gilt auch für die auf landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben eingesetzte Software, die Sicherheits- und Resilienzkriterien genügen muss. Jedoch ist die Zunahme an Software zu beobachten, welche eine permanente Internetkonnektivität erfordert, d. h. eine stabile Verbindung zu Servern oder Cloud-Applikationen ist für deren Funktionsweise erforderlich. Dies stellt eine erhebliche Schwachstelle hinsichtlich der Resilienz dar und kann bei Ausfällen der Telekommunikationsinfrastruktur zu großen Problemen führen. Mit Entwicklungen aus dem Bereich Resilient Smart Farming (RSF) zeigen wir, wie Datenhaltung nach dem Offline-First-Prinzip gestaltet werden kann. Ein zentraler Bestandteil hierbei ist das Resilient Edge Computing (REC) und die entwickelte HofBox: ein Mini-Server, der das Datenmanagement im Betrieb übernimmt und mittels innovativer Open-Source basierender Container-Technologie (Open Horizon) umsetzt. Dadurch werden in Zukunft weitere Anwendungsfälle innerhalb der landwirtschaftlichen Produktions- und Wertschöpfungskette durch Public-Private-Partnership-Modelle realistisch und realisierbar.},
booktitle = {43. {GIL}-{Jahrestagung}: {Informatik} in der {Land}-, {Forst}- und {Ernährungswirtschaft}},
publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik},
author = {Eberz-Eder, Daniel and Kuntke, Franz and Brill, Gerwin and Bernardi, Ansgar and Wied, Christian and Nuderscher, Philippe and Reuter, Christian},
year = {2023},
keywords = {UsableSec, Security, RSF, Projekt-GeoBox, Projekt-AgriRegio},
pages = {309--314},
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Kritische Infrastrukturen sind häufig über Jahrzehnte gewachsene, komplexe Netze. Dennoch fehlt derzeit die historische Perspektive auf die Aufschichtungstendenzen von Technologien in den Sektoren, die für die Gesellschaft essenzielle Dienste bereitstellen. Ein besseres Verständnis von Ausbreitungs-, Ausbau-, Ersatz- und Ausmusterungsprozessen kann Entscheidungshilfe und Orientierung für resilientere Versorgungsnetzarchitekturen in der Zukunft geben. Kompatibilitätsprobleme mit Legacy-Soft- und Hardware sind bekannte Phänomene in vielen KRITIS-Einrichtungen. Entsprechend gewinnen Wissens- und Erfahrungstransfers bei zunehmend komplexen, dennoch über Jahrzehnte verwendete Technologien in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben enorm an Bedeutung. Der Beitrag vollzieht die Konzeption und Fragestellungen eines interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekts nach, in welchem die Verwundbarkeit der kritischen Infrastruktursektoren Verkehr und Kommunikation im Rhein-Main-Gebiet analysiert wird. Von den Leistungen beider Sektoren hängt die digitale Landwirtschaft stark ab. Insbesondere rurale, beim digitalen und Schienennetzausbau häufig vernachlässigte Gebiete werden dabei mittels explorativer Interviewstudie und anschließender archivbasierter, quantitativer Überprüfung der zuvor generierten Hypothesen aus einer raum-zeitlichen und technischen Perspektive untersucht.
address = {Bonn},
title = {Das {Netz} hat {Geschichte}: {Historisch}-technische {Analyse} der kritischen {Infrastrukturen} in der {Region} {Rhein}/{Main}},
url = {},
abstract = {Kritische Infrastrukturen sind häufig über Jahrzehnte gewachsene, komplexe Netze. Dennoch fehlt derzeit die historische Perspektive auf die Aufschichtungstendenzen von Technologien in den Sektoren, die für die Gesellschaft essenzielle Dienste bereitstellen. Ein besseres Verständnis von Ausbreitungs-, Ausbau-, Ersatz- und Ausmusterungsprozessen kann Entscheidungshilfe und Orientierung für resilientere Versorgungsnetzarchitekturen in der Zukunft geben. Kompatibilitätsprobleme mit Legacy-Soft- und Hardware sind bekannte Phänomene in vielen KRITIS-Einrichtungen. Entsprechend gewinnen Wissens- und Erfahrungstransfers bei zunehmend komplexen, dennoch über Jahrzehnte verwendete Technologien in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben enorm an Bedeutung. Der Beitrag vollzieht die Konzeption und Fragestellungen eines interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekts nach, in welchem die Verwundbarkeit der kritischen Infrastruktursektoren Verkehr und Kommunikation im Rhein-Main-Gebiet analysiert wird. Von den Leistungen beider Sektoren hängt die digitale Landwirtschaft stark ab. Insbesondere rurale, beim digitalen und Schienennetzausbau häufig vernachlässigte Gebiete werden dabei mittels explorativer Interviewstudie und anschließender archivbasierter, quantitativer Überprüfung der zuvor generierten Hypothesen aus einer raum-zeitlichen und technischen Perspektive untersucht.},
booktitle = {{INFORMATIK} 2023 - {Designing} {Futures}: {Zukünfte} gestalten},
publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V.},
author = {Franken, Jonas and Zivkovic, Marco and Thiessen, Nadja and Engels, Jens Ivo and Reuter, Christian},
year = {2023},
doi = {10.18420/inf2023_159},
keywords = {Security, Infrastructure, Projekt-ATHENE-SecUrban, Projekt-emergenCITY, Projekt-AgriRegio},
pages = {1--6},
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
address = {Kiel},
title = {The {Internet}’s {Plumbing} {Consists} of {Garden} {Hoses}: {A} {Critical} {Analysis} of the {Advantages} and {Pitfalls} of {Metaphors} {Use} for {Critical} {Maritime} {Infrastructures}},
url = {},
booktitle = {Dreizack 23},
publisher = {The Kiel Seapower Series},
author = {Franken, Jonas and Schneider, Franziska and Reuter, Christian},
editor = {Schilling, Henrik},
year = {2023},
keywords = {Security, Peace, Projekt-ATHENE-SecUrban, Projekt-AgriRegio, Projekt-NetzGeschichte},
pages = {1--8},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS) are an important core component of modern farming companies as they allow, e.g., to document activities, create fertilization plans, and feed digital equipment with required data. Since the entire agricultural sector is an essential component of food production, high standards of resilience should be established in the involved companies. Accordingly, the used software should also be designed with high standards on reliability and crisis capability. Based on a literature review, we found that software for farmers with certain resilience needs is lacking. Thus, we designed and evaluated a new FMIS concept with the user-centered design method. By conducting focus groups (two rounds, total N=57) in 2017 and 2019, we raised specific front-end and back-end requirements of farmers. Based on the requirements, we developed our concept for both front- and back-end in terms of a decentralized and offline-working FMIS. Through the evaluation with practitioners (N=16) of the implemented concept, we derived findings and implications, highlighting the need for privacy, stability, and offline-capability, as well as the UI-requirement to be supportive, e.g., with easy to understand icons and terms.
title = {{GeoBox}: {Design} and {Evaluation} of a {Tool} for {Resilient} and {Decentralized} {Data} {Management} in {Agriculture}},
volume = {43},
issn = {0144-929X},
url = {},
doi = {10.1080/0144929X.2023.2185747},
abstract = {Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS) are an important core component of modern farming companies as they allow, e.g., to document activities, create fertilization plans, and feed digital equipment with required data. Since the entire agricultural sector is an essential component of food production, high standards of resilience should be established in the involved companies. Accordingly, the used software should also be designed with high standards on reliability and crisis capability. Based on a literature review, we found that software for farmers with certain resilience needs is lacking. Thus, we designed and evaluated a new FMIS concept with the user-centered design method. By conducting focus groups (two rounds, total N=57) in 2017 and 2019, we raised specific front-end and back-end requirements of farmers. Based on the requirements, we developed our concept for both front- and back-end in terms of a decentralized and offline-working FMIS. Through the evaluation with practitioners (N=16) of the implemented concept, we derived findings and implications, highlighting the need for privacy, stability, and offline-capability, as well as the UI-requirement to be supportive, e.g., with easy to understand icons and terms.},
number = {4},
journal = {Behaviour \& Information Technology (BIT)},
author = {Kuntke, Franz and Kaufhold, Marc-André and Linsner, Sebastian and Reuter, Christian},
year = {2023},
note = {Publisher: Taylor \& Francis},
keywords = {Selected, UsableSec, Security, A-Paper, Ranking-ImpactFactor, Ranking-CORE-A, AuswahlUsableSec, Projekt-GeoBox, Projekt-AgriRegio},
pages = {764--786},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Since communications infrastructure is subject to many impacts, e.g., destructive natural events, they can potentially collapse at any time. Especially in rural areas, the recovery of public network infrastructure can take some time, so a dedicated communication channel would be advantageous. We explore the possibility of transforming commodity LoRaWAN gateways into meshed network nodes for a digital emergency communication channel. In order to obtain the required parameters, we collected farm locations in Germany with OpenStreetMap. Based on the assumptions of LoRa communication range and considering our use case requirements, connecting farm communities seems theoretically feasible in many areas of our data set. To further analyze our idea, we ran simulations of two common DTN routing protocols with different scenarios. A proof-of-concept implementation allows smaller messages to be transmitted using real hardware and demonstrates that a decentralized communications infrastructure based on commodity hardware is possible.
title = {Rural {Communication} in {Outage} {Scenarios}: {Disruption}-{Tolerant} {Networking} via {LoRaWAN} {Setups}},
url = {},
abstract = {Since communications infrastructure is subject to many impacts, e.g., destructive natural events, they can potentially collapse at any time. Especially in rural areas, the recovery of public network infrastructure can take some time, so a dedicated communication channel would be advantageous. We explore the possibility of transforming commodity LoRaWAN gateways into meshed network nodes for a digital emergency communication channel. In order to obtain the required parameters, we collected farm locations in Germany with OpenStreetMap. Based on the assumptions of LoRa communication range and considering our use case requirements, connecting farm communities seems theoretically feasible in many areas of our data set. To further analyze our idea, we ran simulations of two common DTN routing protocols with different scenarios. A proof-of-concept implementation allows smaller messages to be transmitted using real hardware and demonstrates that a decentralized communications infrastructure based on commodity hardware is possible.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of {Information} {Systems} for {Crisis} {Response} and {Management} ({ISCRAM})},
author = {Kuntke, Franz and Baumgärtner, Lars and Reuter, Christian},
year = {2023},
keywords = {Crisis, Security, RSF, Projekt-MAKI, Projekt-GeoBox, Projekt-emergenCITY, Projekt-AgriRegio},
pages = {1--13},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technologies are typically promoted for Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications, but are also of interest for emergency communications systems when regular fixed and mobile networks break down. Although LoRaWAN is a frequently used representative here, there are sometimes large differences between the proposed range and the results of some practical evaluations. Since previous work has focused on urban environments or has conducted simulations, this work aims to gather concrete knowledge on the transmission characteristics in rural environments. Extensive field studies with varying geographic conditions and comparative tests in urban environments were performed using two different hardware implementations. Overall, it was found that the collected values in rural areas are significantly lower than the theoretical values. Nevertheless, the results certify that LoRaWAN technology has a high range that cannot be achieved with other common technologies for emergency communications.
title = {How {Would} {Emergency} {Communication} {Based} on {LoRaWAN} {Perform}? {Empirical} {Findings} of {Signal} {Propagation} in {Rural} {Areas}},
url = {},
abstract = {Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technologies are typically promoted for Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications, but are also of interest for emergency communications systems when regular fixed and mobile networks break down. Although LoRaWAN is a frequently used representative here, there are sometimes large differences between the proposed range and the results of some practical evaluations. Since previous work has focused on urban environments or has conducted simulations, this work aims to gather concrete knowledge on the transmission characteristics in rural environments. Extensive field studies with varying geographic conditions and comparative tests in urban environments were performed using two different hardware implementations. Overall, it was found that the collected values in rural areas are significantly lower than the theoretical values. Nevertheless, the results certify that LoRaWAN technology has a high range that cannot be achieved with other common technologies for emergency communications.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of {Information} {Systems} for {Crisis} {Response} and {Management} ({ISCRAM})},
author = {Kuntke, Franz and Bektas, Merve and Buhleier, Laura and Pohl, Ella and Schiller, Rebekka and Reuter, Christian},
year = {2023},
keywords = {Crisis, Student, RSF, Projekt-GeoBox, Projekt-AgriRegio},
pages = {1--8},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Neben positiven Aspekten wie der Produktivitätssteigerung bringt die Digitalisierung auch neue Gefahren mit sich. Entsprechend muss der Prozess gerade in Bereichen von gesellschaftlich enormer Bedeutung kritisch begleitet werden, um eine fundierte Entscheidung bei Auswahl und Entwicklung neuer Technologien zu treffen. Die Vision ist hierbei ein resilientes Smart Farming (RSF), bei dem die Fortschritte der Digitalisierung in der Landwirtschaft genutzt werden, ohne dabei die Ausfallsicherheit der landwirtschaftlichen Primärproduktion und somit die Lebensmittelversorgung der Verbraucher zu gefährden. Dieser Workshop konzentriert sich auf die Bewältigung dieser Forschungsherausforderungen und liefert Beiträge zu verschiedenen Themenbereichen. Dazu gehören (1) ein Hofbox-Ansatz basierend auf etablierten Open-Source Werkzeugen, (2) ein mobiles Assistenzsystem für den Transport von künstlichen Besamungsportionen, (3) die historische Perspektive auf kritische Infrastrukturen in der Region Rhein/Main, und (4) eine Messenger-Applikation zur Notfallkommunikation mittels LoRaWAN-basierten IoT-Setups.
address = {Bonn},
title = {{RSF}-{Lab}'23: {Konzepte} und {Anwendungen} zur resilienten digitalen {Landwirtschaft}},
isbn = {978-3-88579-731-9},
url = {},
abstract = {Neben positiven Aspekten wie der Produktivitätssteigerung bringt die Digitalisierung auch neue Gefahren mit sich. Entsprechend muss der Prozess gerade in Bereichen von gesellschaftlich enormer Bedeutung kritisch begleitet werden, um eine fundierte Entscheidung bei Auswahl und Entwicklung neuer Technologien zu treffen. Die Vision ist hierbei ein resilientes Smart Farming (RSF), bei dem die Fortschritte der Digitalisierung in der Landwirtschaft genutzt werden, ohne dabei die Ausfallsicherheit der landwirtschaftlichen Primärproduktion und somit die Lebensmittelversorgung der Verbraucher zu gefährden. Dieser Workshop konzentriert sich auf die Bewältigung dieser Forschungsherausforderungen und liefert Beiträge zu verschiedenen Themenbereichen. Dazu gehören (1) ein Hofbox-Ansatz basierend auf etablierten Open-Source Werkzeugen, (2) ein mobiles Assistenzsystem für den Transport von künstlichen Besamungsportionen, (3) die historische Perspektive auf kritische Infrastrukturen in der Region Rhein/Main, und (4) eine Messenger-Applikation zur Notfallkommunikation mittels LoRaWAN-basierten IoT-Setups.},
booktitle = {{INFORMATIK} 2023 - {Designing} {Futures}: {Zukünfte} gestalten},
publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V.},
author = {Kuntke, Franz and Eberz-Eder, Daniel and Trapp, Matthias and Reuter, Christian},
year = {2023},
doi = {10.18420/inf2023_156},
keywords = {Security, RSF, Projekt-AgriRegio},
pages = {1529--1533},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Die vorliegende Arbeit präsentiert die Entwicklung einer Messenger-App mit Schwerpunkt auf Benutzerfreundlichkeit, für die Nutzung mit einem bestehenden LoRaWAN-DTN-Backend. Die App ermöglicht den Austausch von Nachrichten mit anderen Personen über ein vorhandenes Kommunikationssystem auf LoRaWAN-Basis. Das grundlegende Softwaregerüst wurde mithilfe agiler Softwareentwicklungsmethoden als Progressive-Web-App entwickelt und iterativ verbessert. Das Ergebnis ist eine plattformübergreifende App für Desktop-PCs und Android-Smartphones. Die App bietet grundlegende Messenger-Funktionen wie Kontaktverwaltung, Chatverlauf-Speicher und Benachrichtigungen. Zusätzlich enthält die App erweiterte Funktionen wie einen leicht zugänglichen SOS-Button, um Notfallnachrichten schnell absetzen zu können. Ziel der Entwicklung war es, die Gebrauchstauglichkeit gegenüber einem ersten Prototyp zu verbessern. Die App soll effektive Kommunikation zwischen Helfern und Betroffenen ermöglichen, während und nach Krisenereignissen wie beispielsweise der europäischen Flutkatastrophe 2021. In folgenden Arbeiten soll das System unter Nutzung dieser App im Einsatz getestet werden.
title = {Optimierte {Messenger}-{Applikation} zur {Notfallkommunikation} via {LoRaWAN}-{DTN}},
url = {},
abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit präsentiert die Entwicklung einer Messenger-App mit Schwerpunkt auf Benutzerfreundlichkeit, für die Nutzung mit einem bestehenden LoRaWAN-DTN-Backend. Die App ermöglicht den Austausch von Nachrichten mit anderen Personen über ein vorhandenes Kommunikationssystem auf LoRaWAN-Basis. Das grundlegende Softwaregerüst wurde mithilfe agiler Softwareentwicklungsmethoden als Progressive-Web-App entwickelt und iterativ verbessert. Das Ergebnis ist eine plattformübergreifende App für Desktop-PCs und Android-Smartphones. Die App bietet grundlegende Messenger-Funktionen wie Kontaktverwaltung, Chatverlauf-Speicher und Benachrichtigungen. Zusätzlich enthält die App erweiterte Funktionen wie einen leicht zugänglichen SOS-Button, um Notfallnachrichten schnell absetzen zu können. Ziel der Entwicklung war es, die Gebrauchstauglichkeit gegenüber einem ersten Prototyp zu verbessern. Die App soll effektive Kommunikation zwischen Helfern und Betroffenen ermöglichen, während und nach Krisenereignissen wie beispielsweise der europäischen Flutkatastrophe 2021. In folgenden Arbeiten soll das System unter Nutzung dieser App im Einsatz getestet werden.},
booktitle = {{INFORMATIK} 2023 - {Designing} {Futures}: {Zukünfte} gestalten},
publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V.},
author = {Orlov, Denis and Kuntke, Franz and Reuter, Christian},
year = {2023},
doi = {10.18420/inf2023_160},
keywords = {Crisis, Student, RSF, Projekt-AgriRegio},
pages = {1--6},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is vital for everyday life and especially during times of disaster.Relying on existing infrastructure is problematic as maintenance is expensive, and they can be disrupted in emergency scenarios. Cost is a major factor which limits the technologies that can be used in rural areas or for emergency response, as satellite uplinks or private cellular networks are very expensive and complex. LoRa is commonly used for IoT infrastructure worldwide in the form of LoRaWAN to cover larger distances with low costs. But it can also be used in a Device-to-Device (D2D) mode for direct communication. By combining LoRa with Disruption-tolerant Networking (DTN), we present an affordable and practical solution that can cope with challenging conditions and be used for a large variety of applications. In our evaluation, we show how adaptable our solution is and how it outperforms similar mesh-based applications for disaster communication.
title = {{BPoL}: {A} {Disruption}-{Tolerant} {LoRa} {Network} for {Disaster} {Communication}},
url = {},
doi = {10.1109/GHTC56179.2023.10354717},
abstract = {Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is vital for everyday life and especially during times of disaster.Relying on existing infrastructure is problematic as maintenance is expensive, and they can be disrupted in emergency scenarios. Cost is a major factor which limits the technologies that can be used in rural areas or for emergency response, as satellite uplinks or private cellular networks are very expensive and complex. LoRa is commonly used for IoT infrastructure worldwide in the form of LoRaWAN to cover larger distances with low costs. But it can also be used in a Device-to-Device (D2D) mode for direct communication. By combining LoRa with Disruption-tolerant Networking (DTN), we present an affordable and practical solution that can cope with challenging conditions and be used for a large variety of applications. In our evaluation, we show how adaptable our solution is and how it outperforms similar mesh-based applications for disaster communication.},
booktitle = {{IEEE} {Global} {Humanitarian} {Technology} {Conference} ({GHTC})},
author = {Schmidt, Daniel and Kuntke, Franz and Bauer, Maximilian and Baumgärtner, Lars},
year = {2023},
keywords = {UsableSec, Security, Projekt-GeoBox, Projekt-AgriRegio},
pages = {440--447},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Die Klimakrise gehört zu den aktuell größten Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) können hierbei eine entscheidende Rolle spielen. Einerseits, da eine Effizienzsteigerung von oder durch IKT zu einer klimafreundlicheren Nutzung beitragen kann, und andererseits, da IKT zu einem erhöhten Ressourcenverbrauch führen kann. Um diese Thematik weiter zu untersuchen, wird in dieser Arbeit eine systematische Literaturrecherche durchgeführt, um Herausforderungen und Potenziale in der Adressierung der Klimakrise durch eine effiziente und nachhaltige Entwicklung des IKT-Sektors zu analysieren. Die dabei untersuchte Literatur beinhaltet Herausforderungen wie zum Beispiel den hohen Energie- und Materialverbrauch der IKT-Geräte und Datenzentren sowie die entstehenden Entsorgungskosten und das Konsumverhalten der Nutzer*innen. Deswegen sollten die Nutzer*innen mehr Informationen zur Wartung, zum Kauf gebrauchter Geräte, und zum Recyceln/Entsorgen erhalten. Die Analyse lieferte aber auch viele Potenziale. Durch IKT können Effizienzsteigerungen in den Bereich Industrie, Landwirtschaft, Verkehr und Transport erreicht und auch umweltschädliche Geräte substituiert werden. Durch diese Potenziale kann es aber, wie in anderen Bereichen, zu einem Rebound-Effekt kommen.
address = {Hamburg, Germany},
title = {Effizienz und {Nachhaltigkeit} durch {Green}-{IT}: ein systematischer {Literaturüberblick} im {Kontext} der {Klimakrise}},
isbn = {978-3-88579-720-3},
url = {},
doi = {10.18420/inf2022_83},
abstract = {Die Klimakrise gehört zu den aktuell größten Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) können hierbei eine entscheidende Rolle spielen. Einerseits, da eine Effizienzsteigerung von oder durch IKT zu einer klimafreundlicheren Nutzung beitragen kann, und andererseits, da IKT zu einem erhöhten Ressourcenverbrauch führen kann. Um diese Thematik weiter zu untersuchen, wird in dieser Arbeit eine systematische Literaturrecherche durchgeführt, um Herausforderungen und Potenziale in der Adressierung der Klimakrise durch eine effiziente und nachhaltige Entwicklung des IKT-Sektors zu analysieren. Die dabei untersuchte Literatur beinhaltet Herausforderungen wie zum Beispiel den hohen Energie- und Materialverbrauch der IKT-Geräte und Datenzentren sowie die entstehenden Entsorgungskosten und das Konsumverhalten der Nutzer*innen. Deswegen sollten die Nutzer*innen mehr Informationen zur Wartung, zum Kauf gebrauchter Geräte, und zum Recyceln/Entsorgen erhalten. Die Analyse lieferte aber auch viele Potenziale. Durch IKT können Effizienzsteigerungen in den Bereich Industrie, Landwirtschaft, Verkehr und Transport erreicht und auch umweltschädliche Geräte substituiert werden. Durch diese Potenziale kann es aber, wie in anderen Bereichen, zu einem Rebound-Effekt kommen.},
language = {de},
booktitle = {{INFORMATIK} 2022: 52. {Jahrestagung} der {Gesellschaft} für {Informatik} – {Informatik} für {Gesellschaft} ({Workshop}-{Beiträge}), {Lecture} {Notes} in {Informatics} ({LNI})},
publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V.},
author = {Buhleier, Laura and Gantner, Patrick and Frey, Tobias and Boers, Michael and Kaufhold, Marc-André and Reuter, Christian},
editor = {Demmler, D. and Krupka, D. and Federrath, H.},
year = {2022},
keywords = {Student, Ranking-CORE-C, Ranking-VHB-C, Security, Projekt-GeoBox, Projekt-AgriRegio},
pages = {995--1012},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Mit der globalen COVID-19-Pandemie und dem Hochwasser in West- und Mitteleuropa im Sommer 2021 hat unter anderem Deutschland in jüngster Vergangenheit zwei schwerwiegende Krisenszenarien erlebt. Die Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft sind verheerend. Parallel lassen sich Krisenereignisse im digitalen Raum, wie die Zunahme an Cyberkriminalität beobachten. Es wird zunehmend deutlich, dass die Resilienz analoger sowie digitaler Prozesse wichtiger für die vollständige Betriebsfähigkeit wird. Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich mit der Bedeutung des Resilient Smart Farming (RSF) in Krisenzeiten als Möglichkeit für eine nachhaltige, umweltgerechte und resiliente digitale Landwirtschaft auseinander. Dazu wurden u.a. lokale Schadensmeldungen gruppiert und mögliche RSF-Gegenmaßnahmen aufgezeigt. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich eine Bewertung von Konzepten des RSF hinsichtlich der Krisenprävention und -bewältigung anhand aktueller realer Beispiele. Aufgrund zunehmender Bedrohungen durch Naturkatastrophen und Cyberkriminialität gehen wir davon aus, dass die Aufmerksamkeit von Gesellschaft und Politik für die Resilienz der Primärproduktion weiter steigen wird.
address = {Tänikon, Switzerland},
title = {Sensibilität für {Resilient} {Smart} {Farming} ({RSF}) und seine {Bedeutung} in {Krisenzeiten}},
url = {},
abstract = {Mit der globalen COVID-19-Pandemie und dem Hochwasser in West- und Mitteleuropa im Sommer 2021 hat unter anderem Deutschland in jüngster Vergangenheit zwei schwerwiegende Krisenszenarien erlebt. Die Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft sind verheerend. Parallel lassen sich Krisenereignisse im digitalen Raum, wie die Zunahme an Cyberkriminalität beobachten. Es wird zunehmend deutlich, dass die Resilienz analoger sowie digitaler Prozesse wichtiger für die vollständige Betriebsfähigkeit wird. Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich mit der Bedeutung des Resilient Smart Farming (RSF) in Krisenzeiten als Möglichkeit für eine nachhaltige, umweltgerechte und resiliente digitale Landwirtschaft auseinander. Dazu wurden u.a. lokale Schadensmeldungen gruppiert und mögliche RSF-Gegenmaßnahmen aufgezeigt. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich eine Bewertung von Konzepten des RSF hinsichtlich der Krisenprävention und -bewältigung anhand aktueller realer Beispiele. Aufgrund zunehmender Bedrohungen durch Naturkatastrophen und Cyberkriminialität gehen wir davon aus, dass die Aufmerksamkeit von Gesellschaft und Politik für die Resilienz der Primärproduktion weiter steigen wird.},
booktitle = {42. {GIL}-{Jahrestagung}: {Informatik} in der {Land}-, {Forst}- und {Ernährungswirtschaft}},
publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik},
author = {Eberz-Eder, Daniel and Kuntke, Franz and Reuter, Christian},
year = {2022},
keywords = {Crisis, Projekt-GeoBox, Projekt-AgriRegio},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
The backbone network of submarine communication cables (SCC) carries 98\% of international internet traffic. Coastal and island states strongly depend on this physical internet infrastructure to provide internet connectivity. Although about 100 SCC breakdowns of human or natural origin occur at yearly average, a literature review reveals that there is no approach to assess individual state vulnerability to SCC failure in global comparison. In this article, the global SCC network is modeled based on publicly available data. Besides the analysis of the global network properties, a focus is put on remaining bandwidth capacities in three different failure scenario simulations of SCC breakdowns. As a result, this study identifies 15 highly vulnerable states and overseas territories, and another 28 territories that are classified as partially vulnerable to SCC failures. Since economic market decisions shape the structure of the SCC network, an uneven distribution of redundancies and the resulting vulnerability of disadvantaged economies can be confirmed. Therefore, the study’s findings may contribute to a better assessment of the necessity of preventive protection measures of critical telecommunication infrastructures in states and territories characterized by high and medium vulnerability.
title = {The {Digital} {Divide} in {State} {Vulnerability} to {Submarine} {Communications} {Cable} {Failure}},
volume = {38},
url = {},
doi = {10.1016/j.ijcip.2022.100522},
abstract = {The backbone network of submarine communication cables (SCC) carries 98\% of international internet traffic. Coastal and island states strongly depend on this physical internet infrastructure to provide internet connectivity. Although about 100 SCC breakdowns of human or natural origin occur at yearly average, a literature review reveals that there is no approach to assess individual state vulnerability to SCC failure in global comparison. In this article, the global SCC network is modeled based on publicly available data. Besides the analysis of the global network properties, a focus is put on remaining bandwidth capacities in three different failure scenario simulations of SCC breakdowns. As a result, this study identifies 15 highly vulnerable states and overseas territories, and another 28 territories that are classified as partially vulnerable to SCC failures. Since economic market decisions shape the structure of the SCC network, an uneven distribution of redundancies and the resulting vulnerability of disadvantaged economies can be confirmed. Therefore, the study's findings may contribute to a better assessment of the necessity of preventive protection measures of critical telecommunication infrastructures in states and territories characterized by high and medium vulnerability.},
number = {100522},
journal = {International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection (IJCIP)},
author = {Franken, Jonas and Reinhold, Thomas and Reichert, Lilian and Reuter, Christian},
year = {2022},
keywords = {Selected, Student, Security, A-Paper, Ranking-ImpactFactor, AuswahlPeace, Projekt-ATHENE-SecUrban, Projekt-AgriRegio},
pages = {1--15},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a major trend that is seen as a great opportunity to improve efficiency in many domains, including agriculture. This technology could transform the sector, improving the management and quality of agricultural operations, for example, crop farming. The most promising data transmission standard for this domain seems to be Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN), a popular representative of low power wide area network technologies today. LoRaWAN, like any wireless protocol, has properties that can be exploited by attackers, which has been a topic of multiple research papers in recent years. By conducting a systematic literature review, we build a recent list of attacks, as well as collect mitigation options. Taking a look at a concrete use case (IoT in agriculture) allows us to evaluate the practicality of both exploiting the vulnerabilities and implementing the countermeasures. We detected 16 attacks that we grouped into six attack types. Along with the attacks, we collect countermeasures for attack mitigation. Developers can use our findings to minimize the risks when developing applications based on LoRaWAN. These mostly theoretical security recommendations should encourage future works to evaluate the mitigations in practice.
title = {{LoRaWAN} {Security} {Issues} and {Mitigation} {Options} by the {Example} of {Agricultural} {IoT} {Scenarios}},
volume = {33},
issn = {2161-3915},
url = {},
doi = {10.1002/ett.4452},
abstract = {The Internet of Things (IoT) is a major trend that is seen as a great opportunity to improve efficiency in many domains, including agriculture. This technology could transform the sector, improving the management and quality of agricultural operations, for example, crop farming. The most promising data transmission standard for this domain seems to be Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN), a popular representative of low power wide area network technologies today. LoRaWAN, like any wireless protocol, has properties that can be exploited by attackers, which has been a topic of multiple research papers in recent years. By conducting a systematic literature review, we build a recent list of attacks, as well as collect mitigation options. Taking a look at a concrete use case (IoT in agriculture) allows us to evaluate the practicality of both exploiting the vulnerabilities and implementing the countermeasures. We detected 16 attacks that we grouped into six attack types. Along with the attacks, we collect countermeasures for attack mitigation. Developers can use our findings to minimize the risks when developing applications based on LoRaWAN. These mostly theoretical security recommendations should encourage future works to evaluate the mitigations in practice.},
number = {5},
journal = {Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT)},
author = {Kuntke, Franz and Romanenko, Vladimir and Linsner, Sebastian and Steinbrink, Enno and Reuter, Christian},
month = may,
year = {2022},
keywords = {Student, Security, A-Paper, Ranking-ImpactFactor, RSF, Projekt-GeoBox, Projekt-GRKPrivacy, Projekt-HyServ, Projekt-AgriRegio},
pages = {e4452},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Agriculture is subject to high demands regarding resilience as it is an essential component of the food production chain. In the agricultural sector, there is an increasing usage of digital tools that rely on communication and energy infrastructures. Should disruption occur, such strengthened dependencies on other infrastructures increase the probability of ripple effects. Thus, there is a need to analyze the resilience of the agricultural sector with a specific focus on the effects of digitalization. This study works out resilience capacities of the interconnected technologies used in farm systems based on the experiences and opinions of farmers. Information was gathered through focus group interviews with farmers (N = 52) and a survey with participants from the agricultural sector (N = 118). In particular, the focus is put on the digital tools and other information and communication technologies they use. Based on a definition of resilience capacities, we evaluate resilience regarding energy and communication demands in various types of farm systems. Especially important are the resilience aspects of modern systems’ digital communication as well as the poorly developed and nonresilient network infrastructure in rural areas that contrast with the claim for a resilient agriculture. The result is a low robustness capacity, as our analysis concludes with the risk of food production losses.
title = {Resilience in {Agriculture}: {Communication} and {Energy} {Infrastructure} {Dependencies} of {German} {Farmers}},
volume = {13},
issn = {2192-6395},
url = {},
doi = {10.1007/s13753-022-00404-7},
abstract = {Agriculture is subject to high demands regarding resilience as it is an essential component of the food production chain. In the agricultural sector, there is an increasing usage of digital tools that rely on communication and energy infrastructures. Should disruption occur, such strengthened dependencies on other infrastructures increase the probability of ripple effects. Thus, there is a need to analyze the resilience of the agricultural sector with a specific focus on the effects of digitalization. This study works out resilience capacities of the interconnected technologies used in farm systems based on the experiences and opinions of farmers. Information was gathered through focus group interviews with farmers (N = 52) and a survey with participants from the agricultural sector (N = 118). In particular, the focus is put on the digital tools and other information and communication technologies they use. Based on a definition of resilience capacities, we evaluate resilience regarding energy and communication demands in various types of farm systems. Especially important are the resilience aspects of modern systems’ digital communication as well as the poorly developed and nonresilient network infrastructure in rural areas that contrast with the claim for a resilient agriculture. The result is a low robustness capacity, as our analysis concludes with the risk of food production losses.},
number = {2},
journal = {International Journal of Disaster Risk Science (IJDRS)},
author = {Kuntke, Franz and Linsner, Sebastian and Steinbrink, Enno and Franken, Jonas and Reuter, Christian},
month = apr,
year = {2022},
keywords = {Selected, Security, A-Paper, Ranking-ImpactFactor, Ranking-CORE-B, RSF, Projekt-GeoBox, Projekt-GRKPrivacy, Projekt-HyServ, Projekt-AgriRegio},
pages = {214--229},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Business collaboration in the era of digital transformation requires the exchange of operational data. Since data are hardly controllable once they have been published or shared with others, it is highly important that users are clearly informed about who has access to which data and how certain settings can prevent the disclosure of sensitive data. However, giving end users more control over their data through increased transparency could also lead to information overload. This is particularly true in the field of agriculture, where tight schedules put pressure on employees of small enterprises. We conduct an empirical prestudy with 52 German farmers to investigate current data sharing scenarios. From these insights, we derive requirements and a concept for data sharing solutions providing data flow transparency for users. To investigate the behavior of users and the effects of transparent UI controls, we evaluate a prototype with 18 persons. Our evaluation shows that farmers demand flexible and secure tools that adjust to their workflows. Also, data should be stored and processed locally, granting farmers data sovereignty. Although the controls require additional effort, the evaluated transparent controls for data disclosure are easy to use and raise user awareness.
title = {Supporting {Users} in {Data} {Disclosure} {Scenarios} in {Agriculture} through {Transparency}},
volume = {41},
url = {},
doi = {10.1080/0144929X.2022.2068070},
abstract = {Business collaboration in the era of digital transformation requires the exchange of operational data. Since data are hardly controllable once they have been published or shared with others, it is highly important that users are clearly informed about who has access to which data and how certain settings can prevent the disclosure of sensitive data. However, giving end users more control over their data through increased transparency could also lead to information overload. This is particularly true in the field of agriculture, where tight schedules put pressure on employees of small enterprises. We conduct an empirical prestudy with 52 German farmers to investigate current data sharing scenarios. From these insights, we derive requirements and a concept for data sharing solutions providing data flow transparency for users. To investigate the behavior of users and the effects of transparent UI controls, we evaluate a prototype with 18 persons. Our evaluation shows that farmers demand flexible and secure tools that adjust to their workflows. Also, data should be stored and processed locally, granting farmers data sovereignty. Although the controls require additional effort, the evaluated transparent controls for data disclosure are easy to use and raise user awareness.},
number = {10},
journal = {Behaviour \& Information Technology (BIT)},
author = {Linsner, Sebastian and Steinbrink, Enno and Kuntke, Franz and Franken, Jonas and Reuter, Christian},
year = {2022},
keywords = {UsableSec, Security, A-Paper, Ranking-ImpactFactor, Ranking-CORE-A, RSF, Projekt-GRKPrivacy, Projekt-HyServ, Projekt-AgriRegio},
pages = {2137--2159},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Die Digitalisierung schreitet auch in der Landwirtschaft immer weiter voran. Vermehrt werden in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben sogenannte Smart Farming-Technologien eingesetzt, mit deren Hilfe verschiedenste Arbeitsabläufe automatisiert ablaufen, kontrolliert werden und mit anderen Betrieben ausgetauscht werden können. Durch die verfügbaren Daten und die Vernetzung mit anderen Betrieben, ergeben sich vielfältige neue Möglichkeiten in Bezug auf ressourcenschonendes, wirtschaftlicheres und kollaboratives Arbeiten. Problematiken ergeben sich mit Blick auf die Speicherung dieser sensiblen Betriebsdaten, vor allem, wenn hierfür nur einige wenige Anbieter zur Verfügung stehen. Das Forschungsprojekt „AgriRegio“ soll die digitalisierte Datenerfassung und -nutzung in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben widerstandsfähiger machen und die sicherheitskritische Infrastruktur schützen. Sieben Projektpartner erproben dazu smarte Sensoren auf Basis standardisierter Open-Source-Technologien in der Landwirtschaft, bei denen die Betriebsdaten dezentral auf lokalen Servern gespeichert werden.
address = {Hamburg, Germany},
title = {{AgriRegio}: {Infrastruktur} zur {Förderung} von digitaler {Resilienz} und {Klimaresilienz} im ländlichen {Raum} am {Beispiel} der {Pilotregion} {Nahe}-{Donnersberg}},
isbn = {978-3-88579-720-3},
url = {},
doi = {10.18420/inf2022_81},
abstract = {Die Digitalisierung schreitet auch in der Landwirtschaft immer weiter voran. Vermehrt werden in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben sogenannte Smart Farming-Technologien eingesetzt, mit deren Hilfe verschiedenste Arbeitsabläufe automatisiert ablaufen, kontrolliert werden und mit anderen Betrieben ausgetauscht werden können. Durch die verfügbaren Daten und die Vernetzung mit anderen Betrieben, ergeben sich vielfältige neue Möglichkeiten in Bezug auf ressourcenschonendes, wirtschaftlicheres und kollaboratives Arbeiten. Problematiken ergeben sich mit Blick auf die Speicherung dieser sensiblen Betriebsdaten, vor allem, wenn hierfür nur einige wenige Anbieter zur Verfügung stehen. Das Forschungsprojekt „AgriRegio“ soll die digitalisierte Datenerfassung und -nutzung in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben widerstandsfähiger machen und die sicherheitskritische Infrastruktur schützen. Sieben Projektpartner erproben dazu smarte Sensoren auf Basis standardisierter Open-Source-Technologien in der Landwirtschaft, bei denen die Betriebsdaten dezentral auf lokalen Servern gespeichert werden.},
language = {de},
booktitle = {{INFORMATIK} 2022: 52. {Jahrestagung} der {Gesellschaft} für {Informatik} – {Informatik} für {Gesellschaft} ({Workshop}-{Beiträge}), {Lecture} {Notes} in {Informatics} ({LNI})},
publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V.},
author = {Reuter, Christian and Kuntke, Franz and Trapp, Matthias and Wied, Christian and Brill, Gerwin and Müller, Georg and Steinbrink, Enno and Franken, Jonas and Eberz-Eder, Daniel and Schneider, Wolfgang},
editor = {Demmler, D. and Krupka, D. and Federrath, H.},
year = {2022},
keywords = {Ranking-CORE-C, Ranking-VHB-C, UsableSec, Security, RSF, Projekt-AgriRegio},
pages = {961--972},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Die zunehmende Vernetzung und Digitalisierung bringen große Veränderungen aber auch Vulnerabilitäten auf allen Ebenen mit sich. Um eine Infrastruktur für ein resilientes Smart Farming (RSF) zu erstellen, welche die Fortschritte der Digitalisierung in der Landwirtschaft nutzt, ohne die Ausfallsicherheit der landwirtschaftlichen Primärproduktion und damit die Lebensmittelversorgung der Verbraucher zu gefährden, bedarf speziell der Sicherheitsaspekt einer kritischen Auseinandersetzung. Der Workshop adressiert diese Forschungsherausforderungen durch Beiträge zu einem umfassenden Monitoring für den Transport von künstlichen Besamungsdosen, zu modularer, sicherer und robuster Steuerungsarchitektur für autonomes Bewirtschaften von Weinbergen, zur Resilienz im ländlichen Raum, zum Aufbau eines informellen Netzwerkes zur Förderung der Digitalisierung in der Landwirtschaft und zu Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit durch Green-IT.
address = {Hamburg, Germany},
title = {{RSF}-{Lab}’22: {Resilient} {Smart} {Farming} {Laboratory}: {Für} eine widerstandsfähige und intelligente {Landwirtschaft}},
isbn = {978-3-88579-720-3},
url = {},
doi = {10.18420/inf2022_78},
abstract = {Die zunehmende Vernetzung und Digitalisierung bringen große Veränderungen aber auch Vulnerabilitäten auf allen Ebenen mit sich. Um eine Infrastruktur für ein resilientes Smart Farming (RSF) zu erstellen, welche die Fortschritte der Digitalisierung in der Landwirtschaft nutzt, ohne die Ausfallsicherheit der landwirtschaftlichen Primärproduktion und damit die Lebensmittelversorgung der Verbraucher zu gefährden, bedarf speziell der Sicherheitsaspekt einer kritischen Auseinandersetzung. Der Workshop adressiert diese Forschungsherausforderungen durch Beiträge zu einem umfassenden Monitoring für den Transport von künstlichen Besamungsdosen, zu modularer, sicherer und robuster Steuerungsarchitektur für autonomes Bewirtschaften von Weinbergen, zur Resilienz im ländlichen Raum, zum Aufbau eines informellen Netzwerkes zur Förderung der Digitalisierung in der Landwirtschaft und zu Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit durch Green-IT.},
language = {de},
booktitle = {{INFORMATIK} 2022: 52. {Jahrestagung} der {Gesellschaft} für {Informatik} – {Informatik} für {Gesellschaft} ({Workshop}-{Beiträge}), {Lecture} {Notes} in {Informatics} ({LNI})},
publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V.},
author = {Reuter, Christian and Eberz-Eder, Daniel and Kuntke, Franz and Trapp, Matthias},
editor = {Demmler, D. and Krupka, D. and Federrath, H.},
year = {2022},
keywords = {Security, RSF, Projekt-AgriRegio},
pages = {931--934},
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Fachbereich Informatik
Wissenschaft und Technik für Frieden und Sicherheit (PEASEC)
Pankratiusstraße 2, 64289 Darmstadt
Dr.-Ing. Franz Kuntke
Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Reuter
- Förderung: “Forschung für Innovationen in der Agrarwirtschaft” von der Landwirtschaftlichen Rentenbank
- Laufzeit: 01.2022 – 06.2024
- Projektträger: Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank