Call for Papers:
i-com: Journal of Interactive Media


Special Issue on Human-Machine Interaction and Cooperation in Safety-Critical Systems


Mission- and safety-critical application domains (e.g. automotive, aviation, crisis management, healthcare, logistics/transport, plant operation) are increasingly characterized by interactive and multimedia systems. This special issue of the i-com Journal of Interactive Media seeks articles that report about human-machine interaction and cooperation in safety-critical systems and focus on one or several of the following topics:


  • Cases Studies presenting experiences and evaluations of applications and technologies with respect to safety-critical domains
  • Design principles for safety-critical human-machine systems (e.g. automation and assistance)
  • Interaction and cooperation models for safety-critical human-machine systems
  • Process models for developing safety-critical human-machine systems (e.g. risk management and usability engineering)


Authors are requested to submit their contribution to:

All submissions must be in English, and should represent the original work of the authors with a length of 5.000-10.000 words. Improved versions of papers previously published in conference proceedings are welcome, provided that no copyright limitations exist.



  • Extended: 30.07.2016 (30.06.2016): Deadline for Submission
  • 15.08.2016: 1st Round Notification
  • 30.08.2016: Deadline for Revision
  • 10.09.2016: Final Decision
  • 26.09.2016: Camera-ready Submission
  • Publication scheduled: November 2016


  • Tilo Mentler (University of Luebeck) (Corresponding Guest Editor i-com)
  • Christian Reuter (University of Siegen)
  • Stefan Geisler (University of Applied Sciences Ruhr West)
i-com16: Journal of Interactive Media