Was ist IT-Friedensforschung? Ein Teil der Informatik? Ein Teil der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung? Oder beides? Ein aktueller Zeitschriftenbeitrag nähert sich dieser Frage aus Perspektive der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung sowie der Informatik an, definiert den Forschungsbereich und leitet aktuelle Herausforderungen ab.

Christian Reuter, Towards IT Peace Research: Challenges at the Intersection of Peace and Conflict Research and Computer Science in: S&F Sicherheit und Frieden, Seite 10 – 16

S+F, Jahrgang 38 (2020), Heft 1, ISSN print: 0175-274X, ISSN online: 0175-274x, https://doi.org/10.5771/0175-274X-2020-1-10

Advances in science and technology, including information technology (IT), play a crucial role in the context of peace and security. However, research on the intersection of peace and conflict research as well as computer science is not well established yet. This article highlights the need for further work in the area of research “IT peace research”, which includes both empirical research on the role of IT in peace and security, as well as technical research to design technologies and applications. Based on the elaboration of the disciplines, central challenges, such as insecurity, actors, attribution and laws, are outlined.

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Beitrag zur Entwicklung der IT-Friedensforschung: “Towards IT Peace Research: Challenges at the Intersection of Peace and Conflict Research and Computer Science”