We would like to announce a call for paper for a special issue covering:
The Impact of New Technologies:
Between Destabilization and Enabling Resilience
Die Friedens-Warte – Journal of International Peace and Organization
The Journal: Die Friedens-Warte (Journal of International Peace and Organization), founded in 1899 by Alfred Fried, is the oldest journal in the German-speaking world for questions of peacekeeping and international organization and a central forum for discussion in peace studies. In addition to the professional exchange within and between the disciplines of peace studies, the journal traditionally aims to contribute to the transfer of the expertise required for a policy of active peacebuilding into political practice. Current editors are Prof. Andreas von Arnauld, Prof. Michael Staack, Prof. Pierre Thielbörger and Dr. Charlotte Dany. Die Friedens-Warte is a refereed journal. Submitted articles are subject to a double-anonymized, external review process, which decides on their inclusion in the journal.
Description of the Special Issue: Today’s international security environment is marked by the demise of the classical arms control architecture, the return of great power politics, and eroding trust among states. New developments in military and dual use technology as well as weapon modernization programs add complexity to any effort towards peace and security. This special issue, based on the interdisciplinary conference SCIENCE PEACE SECURITY 2021, examines the impacts of new technologies. It seeks concepts on how a more resilient security environment can be achieved through scientific contributions and policy measures towards crisis resolution, risk assessments, confidence-building, and arms limitations. Nuclear, biological, chemical and space threats as well as developments in information technology such as cyber or artificial intelligence issues, and any other relevant technical fields will be examined.
We are looking for 4-5 contributions in English from any area of peace research addressing the special issue topic, each about 45.000-70.000 characters including spaces (~ 6200–9900 words) (see Guidelines for Authors) that address this topic.
Please use our Paper Template / Formatvorlage (docx)
- April 1, 2021: Submission of your idea to the conference (optional)
- September 1, 2021 Submission of abstract (recommended)
- September 8-10, 2021: Conference “Science Peace Security 2021” with the possibility to present your topic (optional)
- November 15th to January 15, 2022 Submission of manuscripts (necessary)
- March 1, 2022 Peer review notification
- May 1, 2022 Submission of revised manuscripts
- June 1, 2022 Peer review decisions
- July 1, 2022 Submission of camera-ready manuscripts
Guest Editors
- Christian Reuter (head) | Professor, Science and Technology for Peace and Security (PEASEC), Technical University of Darmstadt
- Malte Göttsche | Junior Professor, Nuclear Verification and Disarmament, RWTH Aachen University
- Friederike Frieß | Senior Scientist, Institute of Safety and Risk Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Guest Editorial Review Board
- Sibylle Bauer | Director of Studies, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
- Anja Dahlmann | Head of Project, International Panel on the Regulation of Autonomous Weapons, German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Berlin
- Filippa Lentzos | Senior Research Fellow, Dept. of Global Health & Social Medicine and Dept. of War Studies, King’s College
- Götz Neuneck | Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, Hamburg
- Irmgard Niemeyer | Head of Division, Nuclear Safeguards and Security, Forschungszentrum Jülich
- Thea Riebe | Research Associate, Science and Technology for Peace and Security, TU Darmstadt
- Jantje Silomon | Researcher, Arms Control & Emerging Technologies, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, Hamburg
- Reuter, Altmann, Göttsche, Himmel(2020)Natural Science and Technical Peace Research: Definition, History and Current Work, S+F Sicherheit und Frieden / Peace and Security 38(1), 1-4, pdf, doi:10.5771/0175-274X-2020-1-1
- Reuter, Altmann, Göttsche, Himmel(2020)Special Issue: Interdisciplinary Contributions to Natural Science/Technical Peace Research, S+F Sicherheit und Frieden / Peace and Security 38(1), Nomos, pdf, doi:10.5771/0175-274X-2020-I