Masterarbeit im Studiengang IT-Sicherheit von Per Philipp Schneider: Potentials and Challenges of Satellite Internet for Critical Infrastructures in case of an Internet Connection Failure
ZoomThe ongoing digitalization of critical infrastructures has significantly increased their dependence on internet connectivity. Disruptions to essential submarine cables, which form the backbone of internet access, can abruptly isolate highly digitalized regions from the internet for extended periods. The rapid
Disputation Stefka Schmid (cand. Dr. phil.): “Governing (In)Security: Socio-technical Interactions in International Relations”
DarmstadtDisputation zum Dr. phil. von Stefka Schmid Mittwoch, 29.01.2025, 15:30-17:30 im CYSEC-Gebäude; Pankratiusstr. 2, Raum: S2/20 9 Governing (In)Security: Socio-technical Interactions in International Relations Kommission: Erstreferent: Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Reuter, Fachbereich Informatik und: Institut für Politikwissenschaften, TUDa (Zweitmitglied) Korreferent: Prof.
Ringvorlesung KRITIS: Wie resilient sind Deutschlands Strom- und Kommunikationsnetze? (Sigurd Schuster, Nokia/Sigurd Schuster Management Consulting)
Raum S101/A5 (Software AG Hörsaal) und in ZOOMMuss leider ausfallen – Ringvorlesung KRITIS: Krisenkommunikation (Sebastian T. Baum, Sachgebiet 5 – Hattersheim)
Raum S101/A5 (Software AG Hörsaal) und in ZOOMMasterarbeit im Studiengang Internationale Studien/Friedens- und Konfliktforschung von Sabrina Neuhäusel: Risk Cultures and Citizens‘ Perception of Social Media Use in Emergencies – A German Case Study
ZoomSocial Media has become an essential component of contemporary crisis management and communication strategies, and its value across various natural or human-induced emergency events is well-attested. However, studies that offer explanatory factors for citizens’ divergent risk perception and behavior before,
Distinguished Lecture and Discussion “Risk and resilience through the ages” (Prof. Dr. Ira Helsloot)
Pankratiusstraße 2, Lab 121Date: Tuesday, 18.02.2025, 9:30 am Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ira Helsloot, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands Title: “Risk and resilience through the ages” Venue: online, Zoom by request below to book a ticket About the lecture: The central thesis of this
Disputation Philipp Kühn (cand. Dr.-Ing.): “Proactive Cyber Threat Intelligence: Automating the Intelligence Life Cycle based on Open Sources”
DarmstadtDisputation zum Dr. -Ing. von Philipp Kühn Mittwoch, 26.03.2025, 14:00-16:00 (Darmstadt) Proactive Cyber Threat Intelligence: Automating the Intelligence Life Cycle based on Open Sources Kommission: Erstreferent: Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Reuter Korreferent: Prof. Dr. Harald Baier, Universität der Bundeswehr München
Disputation Enno Steinbrink (Dr. rer. nat.): “ICT Use and Privacy in Low Trust and Safety-Critical Environments”
DarmstadtDisputation zum Dr. rer. nat. von Enno Steinbrink Mittwoch, 11,06.2025, 14:30-16:30h im CYSEC-Gebäude; Pankratiusstr. 2, Raum: S2/20 8 ICT Use and Privacy in Low Trust and Safety-Critical Environments
Disputation Tom Biselli (Dr. rer. nat.): “Individual Information Sovereignty – User Perspectives and Design Implications for Navigating Privacy and Misinformation Online”
DarmstadtDisputation zum Dr. rer. nat. von Tom Biselli Freitag, 13,06.2025, 09:00-11:00h im CYSEC-Gebäude; Pankratiusstr. 2, Raum: S2/20 8 Individual Information Sovereignty – User Perspectives and Design Implications for Navigating Privacy and Misinformation Online