The SME Graduate School workshop on “Dos and Don’ts in PhD Research” took place on October 15th, 2016. The workshop started with a short get together in which the fellows had the possibility to discuss recent developments and questions with the program coordinators, Dr. Sohaib Hassan and Dr. Christian Reuter. As two SME fellows could not attend the first meeting, they presented themselves and their field of research at the beginning of the second workshop. Afterwards, Dr. Sohaib Hassan and Dr. Christian Reuter gave a presentation on the Dos and Don’ts in Ph.D. Research. The presentation provided helpful tips on the organization of research, e.g. the conduction of a literature review, but also included advices for the fellows with regard to their personal development throughout the Ph.D. process. Afterwards, SME fellow Michel Kusche gave a presentation on the role of SMEs for the German economy, especially focusing on their investment and innovation behavior. The last item of the agenda was SME fellow Marc-André Kaufhold’s defense of his Master Thesis in which he implied the concept of Flow to the process of software development. The defense was open for all members of the faculty and several members followed the invitation and joined the presentation. With the defense of his Master Thesis, Marc-André Kaufhold obtained his Master Degree in Information Systems.