The 23rd of September 2016 was the kick-off meeting of the

Graduate School SME “Sustainable Managing Entrepreneurs” with 11 students of various fields of study at the University of Siegen. Founded in 2015 by Prof. Dr. Petra Moog and Prof. Dr. Friederike Welter, the graduate school was established to combine Master and Doctoral courses enabling highly motivated students to shorten their Ph.D. studies while maintaining the high standards and requirements necessary to achieve a doctoral title.
The first full-day workshop was used to not only introduce the students to each other and their coordinators, but also to form a team and bond together. Lead by Dr. Sohaib S. Hassan and Dr. Christian Reuter, the students were introduced to the program, opportunities and challenges which await them on their adopted career path. With 11 faculty advisors, 11 students, 2 directors, 2 coordinators and over 5 different nationalities involved, the diversity of the research fields and the variety of the combined knowledge are a promising foundation for interdisciplinary SME research. This “pool” of knowledge and the close interaction of the parties involved will also be used in the future to share information and is one of the main advantages of the program.
Each student was asked to present his field of research, his intended contribution to the graduate school and the named research stream. Feedback and guidance was given by the coordinators and the other participants of the meeting. After a communal lunch and a short photo session, the workshop continued with a creative and open discussion about the needs and offers of the coordinators and students as well as the determination of regular meetings.