Disputation Thomas Reinhold: “Towards a Peaceful Development of Cyberspace: Challenges and Technical Measures for the De-Escalation of State-Led Cyber Conflicts and Arms Control of Cyber Weapons”
Abstract: Cyberspace, already a few decades old, has become a matter of course for most of us, part of our everyday life. At the same time, this space and the global infrastructure behind it are essential for our civilizations, the
Disputation Jasmin Haunschild: “Enhancing Citizens’ Role in Public Safety and Security: Interaction, Perception and Design of Mobile Crisis Apps”
Abstract: The experience of the Corona virus pandemic and the war in Ukraine have emphasized the possibility of the occurrence even of low-probability safety and security hazards and the importance of crisis preparedness. Increasingly, warning app are offered as a
Disputation Franz Kuntke: “Resilient Smart Farming: Crisis-Capable Information and Communication Technologies for Agriculture”
Abstract: As in many sectors, agriculture is experiencing a continuous digitalization, i.e. an increase in data-driven technologies used. In contrast to companies of other critical infrastructures – e.g. energy or telecommunication – a typical farm is comparatively small and often
Disputation Sebastian Linsner (cand. Dr.-Ing.): Privacy Preserving Data Management – Assisting Users in Data Disclosure Scenarios
Disputation zum Dr.-Ing. von Sebastian Linsner Mo. 5.8.2024, 14-16h. Privacy Preserving Data Management – Assisting Users in Data Disclosure Scenarios
Disputation Katrin Hartwig (cand. Dr.-Ing.): “Navigating Misinformation: User-Centered Design and Evaluation of Indicator-Based Digital Interventions”
Pankratiusstr. 2, Darmstadt, S2/20, Raum 9/10 im EG Pankratiusstr. 2E I N L A D U N G zur Disputation von Frau Katrin Hartwig, M.Sc. Die vorgelegte Dissertation mit dem Titel Navigating Misinformation: User-Centered Design and Evaluation of Indicator-Based Digital Interventions wurde von den Referent:innen zur Annahme empfohlen. Die
Disputation Steffen Haesler (cand. Dr. rer. nat.): “Citizens in Crises: Behavior, Dependencies, and Technological Support of Digital Self-Organization”
DarmstadtE I N L A D U N G zur Disputation von Herrn Steffen Haesler, M.Sc. Die vorgelegte Dissertation mit dem Titel Citizens in Crisis Behavior, Dependencies, and Technological Support of Digital Self-Organization wurde von den Referent:innen zur Annahme empfohlen. Die
Disputation Markus Bayer (cand. Dr. rer. nat.): „Deep Learning in Textual Low Data Regimes for Cybersecurity“
E I N L A D U N G zur Disputation von Herrn Markus Bayer, M.Sc. Die vorgelegte Dissertation mit dem Titel Deep Learning in Textual Low-Data Regimes for Cybersecurity wurde von den Referent:innen zur Annahme empfohlen. Die Dissertation und die Gutachten
Verteidigung Julius von Willich: Mission-Critical Interaction for large Data-Spaces leveraging Extended Reality
Disputation Ankündigung Referent: Julius von Willich Thema: Mission-Critical Interaction for Large Data-Spaces Leveraging Extended Reality Datum: 16. Dezember 2024 Uhrzeit: 16:00 Uhr Ort: FG Mühlhäuser
Disputation Stefka Schmid (cand. Dr. phil.): “Governing (In)Security: Socio-technical Interactions in International Relations”
DarmstadtDisputation zum Dr. phil. von Stefka Schmid Mittwoch, 29.01.2025, 15:30-17:30 im CYSEC-Gebäude; Pankratiusstr. 2, Raum: S2/20 9 Governing (In)Security: Socio-technical Interactions in International Relations Kommission: Erstreferent: Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Reuter, Fachbereich Informatik und: Institut für Politikwissenschaften, TUDa (Zweitmitglied) Korreferent: Prof.
Disputation Philipp Kühn (cand. Dr.-Ing.): “Proactive Cyber Threat Intelligence: Automating the Intelligence Cycle based on Open Sources”
DarmstadtDisputation zum Dr.-Ing. von Philipp Kühn Mittwoch, 26.03.2025, 14:00-16:00 (Darmstadt) Proactive Cyber Threat Intelligence: Automating the Intelligence Cycle based on Open Sources Kommission: Erstreferent: Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Reuter Korreferent: Prof. Dr. Harald Baier, Universität der Bundeswehr München Vorsitzender: Prof.
Disputation Enno Steinbrink (Dr. rer. nat.): “ICT Use and Privacy in Low Trust and Safety-Critical Environments”
DarmstadtDisputation zum Dr. rer. nat. von Enno Steinbrink Mittwoch, 11,06.2025, 14:30-16:30h im CYSEC-Gebäude; Pankratiusstr. 2, Raum: S2/20 8 ICT Use and Privacy in Low Trust and Safety-Critical Environments
Disputation Tom Biselli (Dr. rer. nat.): “Individual Information Sovereignty – User Perspectives and Design Implications for Navigating Privacy and Misinformation Online”
DarmstadtDisputation zum Dr. rer. nat. von Tom Biselli Freitag, 13,06.2025, 09:00-11:00h im CYSEC-Gebäude; Pankratiusstr. 2, Raum: S2/20 8 Individual Information Sovereignty – User Perspectives and Design Implications for Navigating Privacy and Misinformation Online