News: Highlights 2017
2017 (6)
Alle News 2017
2017 (22)
A-Paper 2017
(CORE≥A v VHB≥A v WKWI≥A v Thomson Reuters JIF≥1 v GI-CSCW≥A)
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Social media is increasingly being used during emergencies. Most available studies are focused on how citizens and/or authorities use these technologies in concrete events. However, larger quantitative studies with significant results on attitudes, needs and future plans of citizens in such events are not available – especially such of a comparative nature related to emergency services. As part of the EU project ‘EmerGent’ this article presents the findings of a survey of 1034 citizens across 30 European countries conducted between February and June 2015 to explore citizens’ attitudes towards the use of social media for private purposes and in emergency situations. The article briefly compares these findings with a second survey conducted with 761 emergency service staff across 32 European countries from September to December 2014. The aim of the overall study is to discuss citizens’ attitudes towards social media in emergencies in order to derive challenges and opportunities for social resilience.
title = {Towards {Social} {Resilience}: {A} {Quantitative} and {Qualitative} {Survey} on {Citizens}' {Perception} of {Social} {Media} in {Emergencies} in {Europe}},
volume = {121},
url = {},
doi = {10.1016/j.techfore.2016.07.038},
abstract = {Social media is increasingly being used during emergencies. Most available studies are focused on how citizens and/or authorities use these technologies in concrete events. However, larger quantitative studies with significant results on attitudes, needs and future plans of citizens in such events are not available - especially such of a comparative nature related to emergency services. As part of the EU project ‘EmerGent' this article presents the findings of a survey of 1034 citizens across 30 European countries conducted between February and June 2015 to explore citizens' attitudes towards the use of social media for private purposes and in emergency situations. The article briefly compares these findings with a second survey conducted with 761 emergency service staff across 32 European countries from September to December 2014. The aim of the overall study is to discuss citizens' attitudes towards social media in emergencies in order to derive challenges and opportunities for social resilience.},
journal = {Journal Technological Forecasting and Social Change (TFSC)},
author = {Reuter, Christian and Spielhofer, Thomas},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, SocialMedia, Projekt-EmerGent, A-Paper, Ranking-ImpactFactor, Ranking-VHB-B, RSF},
pages = {168--180},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Abstract Although emergency services have already recognized the importance of citizen-initiated activities during disasters, still questions with regard to the coordination of spontaneous volunteers and their activities arise. Within our article, we will present a technological approach based on public displays which aims to foster situated crowdsourcing between affected citizens, spontaneous volunteers as well as official emergency services. We will address the research question: How can the situated tasks performed by spontaneous volunteers be supported by the use of public displays during disasters? First we will present the current state of the art with regard to the coordination practices of spontaneous volunteers and emergency services within disaster situations as well as related problems, potentials and specifics of situated crowdsourcing and public displays. To gain insight into actual coordination practices, we conducted an empirical study with 18 different stakeholders involved in disaster management. Based on the literature review and our empirical study, we have derived a technical concept that supports the task and activity management of spontaneous volunteers as well as the coordination both of the demands of affected people and the offers from spontaneous volunteers. We have implemented our concept as the public display application ‘City-Share’, which provides a robust communication infrastructure and encompasses situated crowdsourcing mechanisms for managing offers and demands of activities on-the-ground. Based on its evaluation with several users, we will discuss our findings with regard to the assignment of tasks on-the-ground and situated crowdsourcing during emergencies. We outline that City-Share can improve a community’s disaster resilience, especially when focusing on the kind of collaborative resilience emerging between official stakeholders and spontaneous volunteers or affected citizens at a local level.
title = {Situated crowdsourcing during disasters: {Managing} the tasks of spontaneous volunteers through public displays},
volume = {102},
url = {},
doi = {10.1016/j.ijhcs.2016.09.008},
abstract = {Abstract Although emergency services have already recognized the importance of citizen-initiated activities during disasters, still questions with regard to the coordination of spontaneous volunteers and their activities arise. Within our article, we will present a technological approach based on public displays which aims to foster situated crowdsourcing between affected citizens, spontaneous volunteers as well as official emergency services. We will address the research question: How can the situated tasks performed by spontaneous volunteers be supported by the use of public displays during disasters? First we will present the current state of the art with regard to the coordination practices of spontaneous volunteers and emergency services within disaster situations as well as related problems, potentials and specifics of situated crowdsourcing and public displays. To gain insight into actual coordination practices, we conducted an empirical study with 18 different stakeholders involved in disaster management. Based on the literature review and our empirical study, we have derived a technical concept that supports the task and activity management of spontaneous volunteers as well as the coordination both of the demands of affected people and the offers from spontaneous volunteers. We have implemented our concept as the public display application ‘City-Share', which provides a robust communication infrastructure and encompasses situated crowdsourcing mechanisms for managing offers and demands of activities on-the-ground. Based on its evaluation with several users, we will discuss our findings with regard to the assignment of tasks on-the-ground and situated crowdsourcing during emergencies. We outline that City-Share can improve a community's disaster resilience, especially when focusing on the kind of collaborative resilience emerging between official stakeholders and spontaneous volunteers or affected citizens at a local level.},
number = {C},
journal = {International Journal on Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS)},
author = {Ludwig, Thomas and Kotthaus, Christoph and Reuter, Christian and Dongen, Sören Van and Pipek, Volkmar},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Cooperation, Crisis, HCI, Student, A-Paper, Ranking-ImpactFactor, Ranking-CORE-A, Ranking-WKWI-B, Projekt-KOKOS},
pages = {103--121},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
In recent years, social media have increased the resources that individuals and organizations are able to mobilize for the development of socially innovative practices. In this article, we engage with a naturally occurring development in a Trentinian neighbourhood to examine the cooperative interactions amongst members of a local community. The first author and local residents of the neighbourhood participated in online discussions, decision making, and physical activities that led to material changes in the area. The interventions are motivated by and based on the concept of Social Street that combines online interactions in a closed Facebook group with face-to-face meetings seeking to practically engage the collective in accomplishing certain immediate or ongoing needs. Over the course of two years, we studied this local instantiation of Social Street in Trento, Italy by way of an action-oriented (digital) ethnography. Through this work, we demonstrate how urban neighbourhoods might benefit from hybrid forms of community engagement that are enacted through a constant back and forth between online and face-to-face interactions. We further argue that the infrastructuring of local urban collectives should follow strategies that pay attention to the multiple issues in urban neighbourhoods and people’s attachments to them. Overall, the paper reflects upon the challenges and configurations of participation that this form of community-work entails.
title = {From {Facebook} to the {Neighbourhood}: {Infrastructuring} of {Hybrid} {Community} {Engagement}},
volume = {26},
url = {},
doi = {10.1007/s10606-017-9291-z},
abstract = {In recent years, social media have increased the resources that individuals and organizations are able to mobilize for the development of socially innovative practices. In this article, we engage with a naturally occurring development in a Trentinian neighbourhood to examine the cooperative interactions amongst members of a local community. The first author and local residents of the neighbourhood participated in online discussions, decision making, and physical activities that led to material changes in the area. The interventions are motivated by and based on the concept of Social Street that combines online interactions in a closed Facebook group with face-to-face meetings seeking to practically engage the collective in accomplishing certain immediate or ongoing needs. Over the course of two years, we studied this local instantiation of Social Street in Trento, Italy by way of an action-oriented (digital) ethnography. Through this work, we demonstrate how urban neighbourhoods might benefit from hybrid forms of community engagement that are enacted through a constant back and forth between online and face-to-face interactions. We further argue that the infrastructuring of local urban collectives should follow strategies that pay attention to the multiple issues in urban neighbourhoods and people's attachments to them. Overall, the paper reflects upon the challenges and configurations of participation that this form of community-work entails.},
number = {4-6},
journal = {Computer Supported Cooperative Work: The Journal of Collaborative Computing (JCSCW)},
author = {Mosconi, Gaia and Korn, Matthias and Reuter, Christian and Tolmie, Peter and Teli, Maurizio and Pipek, Volkmar},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, SocialMedia, A-Paper, Ranking-ImpactFactor, Ranking-VHB-B, Projekt-KOKOS, Ranking-CORE-B},
pages = {959--1003},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Crises, such as thunderstorms and an increasing number of (recognised) terroristic attacks in 2015, 2016, and 2017, do not only lead to extensive monetary damage, but also threaten human lives and influence citizens’ perceptions of safety and security. In such situations, the population demands information about the damage and safe behaviour. Although some apps are available to provide this information, the number of users seems relatively low. Focussing on Germany, this study aims to research (1) the distribution of crisis apps in the population, (2) the kinds of crisis apps currently used, as well as (3) needed core functionalities of warning apps. This multi-method study analyses crisis apps by investigating their utilisation quantitatively in a snowball-based survey in Europe (n=1,034) and in a representative survey in Germany (n=1,369). Based on this, the German warning apps Katwarn and NINA and the US-American app FEMA are evaluated qualitatively (n=22). The results revealed requirements which informed the implementation of a warning app prototype. The prototype combines the identified advantages of the apps evaluated in the study, containing warnings and all-clear, recommendations for action, functions to contact friends and helpers. The contributions of this work are findings on the distribution of crisis apps in Europe and Germany (both 16\%), the kinds of crisis apps used (mostly weather and warning apps), and empirically based requirements for warning apps which can be integrated in further developments of existing apps and a prototype for such an app.
address = {Guimarães, Portugal},
title = {Katwarn, {NINA} or {FEMA}? {Multi}-{Method} {Study} on {Distribution}, {Use} and {Public} {Views} on {Crisis} {Apps}},
url = {},
abstract = {Crises, such as thunderstorms and an increasing number of (recognised) terroristic attacks in 2015, 2016, and 2017, do not only lead to extensive monetary damage, but also threaten human lives and influence citizens' perceptions of safety and security. In such situations, the population demands information about the damage and safe behaviour. Although some apps are available to provide this information, the number of users seems relatively low. Focussing on Germany, this study aims to research (1) the distribution of crisis apps in the population, (2) the kinds of crisis apps currently used, as well as (3) needed core functionalities of warning apps. This multi-method study analyses crisis apps by investigating their utilisation quantitatively in a snowball-based survey in Europe (n=1,034) and in a representative survey in Germany (n=1,369). Based on this, the German warning apps Katwarn and NINA and the US-American app FEMA are evaluated qualitatively (n=22). The results revealed requirements which informed the implementation of a warning app prototype. The prototype combines the identified advantages of the apps evaluated in the study, containing warnings and all-clear, recommendations for action, functions to contact friends and helpers. The contributions of this work are findings on the distribution of crisis apps in Europe and Germany (both 16\%), the kinds of crisis apps used (mostly weather and warning apps), and empirically based requirements for warning apps which can be integrated in further developments of existing apps and a prototype for such an app.},
booktitle = {European {Conference} on {Information} {Systems} ({ECIS})},
publisher = {AIS},
author = {Reuter, Christian and Kaufhold, Marc-André and Leopold, Inken and Knipp, Hannah},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, Student, Projekt-EmerGent, A-Paper, Ranking-VHB-B, Ranking-WKWI-A, Ranking-CORE-A, Projekt-KontiKat, Peace},
pages = {2187--2201},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
The value of social media in crises, disasters, and emergencies across different events (e.g. floods, storms, terroristic attacks), countries, and for heterogeneous participants (e.g. citizens, emergency services) is now well-attested. Existing work has examined the potentials and weaknesses of its use during specific events. Fewer studies, however, have focused on citizens’ perceptions of social media in emergencies, and none have deployed a representative sample to examine this. We present the results of the first representative study on citizens’ perception of social media in emergencies that we have conducted in Germany. Our study highlights, for example, that around half (45\%) of people have used social media during an emergency to share and / or look for information. In contrast, false rumours on social media (74\%) are perceived as a threat. Moreover, only a minority of people have downloaded a smartphone app for emergencies (16\%), with the most popular ones’ weather and first aid apps.
title = {Social {Media} in {Emergencies}: {A} {Representative} {Study} on {Citizens}' {Perception} in {Germany}},
volume = {1},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3134725},
abstract = {The value of social media in crises, disasters, and emergencies across different events (e.g. floods, storms, terroristic attacks), countries, and for heterogeneous participants (e.g. citizens, emergency services) is now well-attested. Existing work has examined the potentials and weaknesses of its use during specific events. Fewer studies, however, have focused on citizens' perceptions of social media in emergencies, and none have deployed a representative sample to examine this. We present the results of the first representative study on citizens' perception of social media in emergencies that we have conducted in Germany. Our study highlights, for example, that around half (45\%) of people have used social media during an emergency to share and / or look for information. In contrast, false rumours on social media (74\%) are perceived as a threat. Moreover, only a minority of people have downloaded a smartphone app for emergencies (16\%), with the most popular ones' weather and first aid apps.},
number = {2},
journal = {Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM): Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing},
author = {Reuter, Christian and Kaufhold, Marc-André and Spielhofer, Thomas and Hahne, Anna Sophie},
year = {2017},
note = {Place: New York, USA},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, SocialMedia, Projekt-EmerGent, A-Paper, Ranking-CORE-A, Ranking-WKWI-B, Projekt-KontiKat},
pages = {1--19},
Alle Paper 2017
Begutachtete Zeitschriften / Peer-reviewed Journals
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
The Internet and especially social media are not only used for supposedly good purposes. For example, the recruitment of new members and the dissemination of ideologies of terrorism also takes place in the media. However, the fight against terrorism also makes use of the same tools. The type of these countermeasures, as well as the methods, are covered in this work. In the first part, the state of the art is summarized. The second part presents an explorative empirical study of the fight against terrorism in social media, especially on Twitter. Different, preferably characteristic forms are structured within the scope with the example of Twitter. The aim of this work is to approach this highly relevant subject with the goal of peace, safety and safety from the perspective of information systems. Moreover, it should serve following researches in this field as basis and starting point.
title = {{IT} for {Peace}? {Fighting} {Against} {Terrorism} in {Social} {Media} – {An} {Explorative} {Twitter} {Study}},
volume = {16},
url = {},
doi = {10.1515/icom-2017-0013},
abstract = {The Internet and especially social media are not only used for supposedly good purposes. For example, the recruitment of new members and the dissemination of ideologies of terrorism also takes place in the media. However, the fight against terrorism also makes use of the same tools. The type of these countermeasures, as well as the methods, are covered in this work. In the first part, the state of the art is summarized. The second part presents an explorative empirical study of the fight against terrorism in social media, especially on Twitter. Different, preferably characteristic forms are structured within the scope with the example of Twitter. The aim of this work is to approach this highly relevant subject with the goal of peace, safety and safety from the perspective of information systems. Moreover, it should serve following researches in this field as basis and starting point.},
number = {2},
journal = {i-com - Journal of Interactive Media},
author = {Reuter, Christian and Pätsch, Katja and Runft, Elena},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, SocialMedia, Student, Projekt-EmerGent, Projekt-KontiKat, Peace},
pages = {181--195},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Social media is increasingly being used during emergencies. Most available studies are focused on how citizens and/or authorities use these technologies in concrete events. However, larger quantitative studies with significant results on attitudes, needs and future plans of citizens in such events are not available – especially such of a comparative nature related to emergency services. As part of the EU project ‘EmerGent’ this article presents the findings of a survey of 1034 citizens across 30 European countries conducted between February and June 2015 to explore citizens’ attitudes towards the use of social media for private purposes and in emergency situations. The article briefly compares these findings with a second survey conducted with 761 emergency service staff across 32 European countries from September to December 2014. The aim of the overall study is to discuss citizens’ attitudes towards social media in emergencies in order to derive challenges and opportunities for social resilience.
title = {Towards {Social} {Resilience}: {A} {Quantitative} and {Qualitative} {Survey} on {Citizens}' {Perception} of {Social} {Media} in {Emergencies} in {Europe}},
volume = {121},
url = {},
doi = {10.1016/j.techfore.2016.07.038},
abstract = {Social media is increasingly being used during emergencies. Most available studies are focused on how citizens and/or authorities use these technologies in concrete events. However, larger quantitative studies with significant results on attitudes, needs and future plans of citizens in such events are not available - especially such of a comparative nature related to emergency services. As part of the EU project ‘EmerGent' this article presents the findings of a survey of 1034 citizens across 30 European countries conducted between February and June 2015 to explore citizens' attitudes towards the use of social media for private purposes and in emergency situations. The article briefly compares these findings with a second survey conducted with 761 emergency service staff across 32 European countries from September to December 2014. The aim of the overall study is to discuss citizens' attitudes towards social media in emergencies in order to derive challenges and opportunities for social resilience.},
journal = {Journal Technological Forecasting and Social Change (TFSC)},
author = {Reuter, Christian and Spielhofer, Thomas},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, SocialMedia, Projekt-EmerGent, A-Paper, Ranking-ImpactFactor, Ranking-VHB-B, RSF},
pages = {168--180},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Abstract Although emergency services have already recognized the importance of citizen-initiated activities during disasters, still questions with regard to the coordination of spontaneous volunteers and their activities arise. Within our article, we will present a technological approach based on public displays which aims to foster situated crowdsourcing between affected citizens, spontaneous volunteers as well as official emergency services. We will address the research question: How can the situated tasks performed by spontaneous volunteers be supported by the use of public displays during disasters? First we will present the current state of the art with regard to the coordination practices of spontaneous volunteers and emergency services within disaster situations as well as related problems, potentials and specifics of situated crowdsourcing and public displays. To gain insight into actual coordination practices, we conducted an empirical study with 18 different stakeholders involved in disaster management. Based on the literature review and our empirical study, we have derived a technical concept that supports the task and activity management of spontaneous volunteers as well as the coordination both of the demands of affected people and the offers from spontaneous volunteers. We have implemented our concept as the public display application ‘City-Share’, which provides a robust communication infrastructure and encompasses situated crowdsourcing mechanisms for managing offers and demands of activities on-the-ground. Based on its evaluation with several users, we will discuss our findings with regard to the assignment of tasks on-the-ground and situated crowdsourcing during emergencies. We outline that City-Share can improve a community’s disaster resilience, especially when focusing on the kind of collaborative resilience emerging between official stakeholders and spontaneous volunteers or affected citizens at a local level.
title = {Situated crowdsourcing during disasters: {Managing} the tasks of spontaneous volunteers through public displays},
volume = {102},
url = {},
doi = {10.1016/j.ijhcs.2016.09.008},
abstract = {Abstract Although emergency services have already recognized the importance of citizen-initiated activities during disasters, still questions with regard to the coordination of spontaneous volunteers and their activities arise. Within our article, we will present a technological approach based on public displays which aims to foster situated crowdsourcing between affected citizens, spontaneous volunteers as well as official emergency services. We will address the research question: How can the situated tasks performed by spontaneous volunteers be supported by the use of public displays during disasters? First we will present the current state of the art with regard to the coordination practices of spontaneous volunteers and emergency services within disaster situations as well as related problems, potentials and specifics of situated crowdsourcing and public displays. To gain insight into actual coordination practices, we conducted an empirical study with 18 different stakeholders involved in disaster management. Based on the literature review and our empirical study, we have derived a technical concept that supports the task and activity management of spontaneous volunteers as well as the coordination both of the demands of affected people and the offers from spontaneous volunteers. We have implemented our concept as the public display application ‘City-Share', which provides a robust communication infrastructure and encompasses situated crowdsourcing mechanisms for managing offers and demands of activities on-the-ground. Based on its evaluation with several users, we will discuss our findings with regard to the assignment of tasks on-the-ground and situated crowdsourcing during emergencies. We outline that City-Share can improve a community's disaster resilience, especially when focusing on the kind of collaborative resilience emerging between official stakeholders and spontaneous volunteers or affected citizens at a local level.},
number = {C},
journal = {International Journal on Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS)},
author = {Ludwig, Thomas and Kotthaus, Christoph and Reuter, Christian and Dongen, Sören Van and Pipek, Volkmar},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Cooperation, Crisis, HCI, Student, A-Paper, Ranking-ImpactFactor, Ranking-CORE-A, Ranking-WKWI-B, Projekt-KOKOS},
pages = {103--121},
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]
title = {Guest {Editorial} {Preface}: {Special} {Issue} on {IT}-{Support} for {Critical} {Infrastructure} {Protection}},
volume = {9},
url = {},
number = {4},
journal = {International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM)},
author = {Pottebaum, Jens and Reuter, Christian},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Crisis, Projekt-KontiKat, Infrastructure},
pages = {iv--vii},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
In recent years, social media have increased the resources that individuals and organizations are able to mobilize for the development of socially innovative practices. In this article, we engage with a naturally occurring development in a Trentinian neighbourhood to examine the cooperative interactions amongst members of a local community. The first author and local residents of the neighbourhood participated in online discussions, decision making, and physical activities that led to material changes in the area. The interventions are motivated by and based on the concept of Social Street that combines online interactions in a closed Facebook group with face-to-face meetings seeking to practically engage the collective in accomplishing certain immediate or ongoing needs. Over the course of two years, we studied this local instantiation of Social Street in Trento, Italy by way of an action-oriented (digital) ethnography. Through this work, we demonstrate how urban neighbourhoods might benefit from hybrid forms of community engagement that are enacted through a constant back and forth between online and face-to-face interactions. We further argue that the infrastructuring of local urban collectives should follow strategies that pay attention to the multiple issues in urban neighbourhoods and people’s attachments to them. Overall, the paper reflects upon the challenges and configurations of participation that this form of community-work entails.
title = {From {Facebook} to the {Neighbourhood}: {Infrastructuring} of {Hybrid} {Community} {Engagement}},
volume = {26},
url = {},
doi = {10.1007/s10606-017-9291-z},
abstract = {In recent years, social media have increased the resources that individuals and organizations are able to mobilize for the development of socially innovative practices. In this article, we engage with a naturally occurring development in a Trentinian neighbourhood to examine the cooperative interactions amongst members of a local community. The first author and local residents of the neighbourhood participated in online discussions, decision making, and physical activities that led to material changes in the area. The interventions are motivated by and based on the concept of Social Street that combines online interactions in a closed Facebook group with face-to-face meetings seeking to practically engage the collective in accomplishing certain immediate or ongoing needs. Over the course of two years, we studied this local instantiation of Social Street in Trento, Italy by way of an action-oriented (digital) ethnography. Through this work, we demonstrate how urban neighbourhoods might benefit from hybrid forms of community engagement that are enacted through a constant back and forth between online and face-to-face interactions. We further argue that the infrastructuring of local urban collectives should follow strategies that pay attention to the multiple issues in urban neighbourhoods and people's attachments to them. Overall, the paper reflects upon the challenges and configurations of participation that this form of community-work entails.},
number = {4-6},
journal = {Computer Supported Cooperative Work: The Journal of Collaborative Computing (JCSCW)},
author = {Mosconi, Gaia and Korn, Matthias and Reuter, Christian and Tolmie, Peter and Teli, Maurizio and Pipek, Volkmar},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, SocialMedia, A-Paper, Ranking-ImpactFactor, Ranking-VHB-B, Projekt-KOKOS, Ranking-CORE-B},
pages = {959--1003},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Flow-Erleben beschreibt das „reflexionsfreie, gänzliche Aufgehen in einer glatt laufenden Tätigkeit, die man trotz hoher Beanspruchung noch unter Kontrolle hat“. Dabei zeigt die bestehende Literatur vielversprechende Effekte der Flow-Theorie auf, etwa positiver Affekt, verbessertes Lernen, Mitarbeiterproduktivität und Kundenloyalität, die einen Mehrwert in der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und der Gestaltung interaktiver Systeme darstellen. Die Betrachtung der theoretischen Grundlagen zeigt, dass Flow ein komponentenreiches Konstrukt ist, welches kontextsensitiv erforscht werden muss: Die Beschaffenheit der gegenwärtigen Aufgabe und des interaktiven Systems, sowie demografische, individuelle und situative Faktoren beeinflussen das Flow-erleben. Zur Messung des Flow-erlebens wurden eine Reihe unterschiedlicher Messmethoden entwickelt, welche die gegenwärtige Erfahrung, etwa der FQ oder die esM, oder eine vergangene Erfahrung im Nachgang, etwa komponentenbasierte Fragebogen und qualitative Methoden, erfassen. In der Gestaltung interaktiver Systeme im Sinne der MCI wird einerseits die Betrachtung pragmatischer Qualitätskriterien (Effizienz, Durchschaubarkeit, Verlässlichkeit) der Usability und hedonistischer Qualitätskriterien (Attraktivität, Neuheit, Stimulation) der User Experience angestrebt. Andererseits untersucht ein separater Forschungsstrang die Relevanz der Flow-Theorie für die MCI. Während der Einfluss theoretischer Konstrukte des Flow-erlebens bereits deutlich untersucht wurde, fehlt die systematische Verknüpfung zu konkreten Designanforderungen zur Unterstützung des Flow-erlebens in interaktiven Systemen. Damit die Potenziale der Flow-Theorie in der Gestaltung interaktiver Systeme bestmöglich berücksichtigt werden können, sind vor allem vier Herausforderungen in der Forschung und Praxis zu adressieren: 1. Definition der theoretischen Kontextfaktoren: Wie kann die Flow-Theorie in der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion ganzheitlich bestimmt werden? 2. Operationalisierung der Flow-Theorie: Wie können Bedingungen, Erleben und Auswirkungen des Flow-erlebens genau und systematisch gemessen werden? 3. Integration in die Mensch-Computer-Interaktion: In welchem exakten Zusammenhang stehen die Konzepte Flow, Usability und User Experience? 4. Ableitung praktischer Designanforderungen: Wie können praktische Anforderungen zum Design des Flow-erlebens in interaktiven Systemen abgeleitet werden? Dieser Beitrag hat dazu die theoretischen Grundlagen des Flow-erlebens, bestehende Methoden und Metriken sowie verwandte Konzepte der MCI eingeleitet und diskutiert, um einerseits die systematische Erforschung der Flow-Theorie in der MCI und andererseits die Ableitung praktischer Design-Anforderungen zu motivieren.
title = {Integration von {Flow} in die {Mensch}- {Computer}-{Interaktion}? {Potenziale} für die {Gestaltung} interaktiver {Systeme}},
volume = {7},
url = {},
abstract = {Flow-Erleben beschreibt das „reflexionsfreie, gänzliche Aufgehen in einer glatt laufenden Tätigkeit, die man trotz hoher Beanspruchung noch unter Kontrolle hat“. Dabei zeigt die bestehende Literatur vielversprechende Effekte der Flow-Theorie auf, etwa positiver Affekt, verbessertes Lernen, Mitarbeiterproduktivität und Kundenloyalität, die einen Mehrwert in der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und der Gestaltung interaktiver Systeme darstellen. Die Betrachtung der theoretischen Grundlagen zeigt, dass Flow ein komponentenreiches Konstrukt ist, welches kontextsensitiv erforscht werden muss: Die Beschaffenheit der gegenwärtigen Aufgabe und des interaktiven Systems, sowie demografische, individuelle und situative Faktoren beeinflussen das Flow-erleben. Zur Messung des Flow-erlebens wurden eine Reihe unterschiedlicher Messmethoden entwickelt, welche die gegenwärtige Erfahrung, etwa der FQ oder die esM, oder eine vergangene Erfahrung im Nachgang, etwa komponentenbasierte Fragebogen und qualitative Methoden, erfassen. In der Gestaltung interaktiver Systeme im Sinne der MCI wird einerseits die Betrachtung pragmatischer Qualitätskriterien (Effizienz, Durchschaubarkeit, Verlässlichkeit) der Usability und hedonistischer Qualitätskriterien (Attraktivität, Neuheit, Stimulation) der User Experience angestrebt. Andererseits untersucht ein separater Forschungsstrang die Relevanz der Flow-Theorie für die MCI. Während der Einfluss theoretischer Konstrukte des Flow-erlebens bereits deutlich untersucht wurde, fehlt die systematische Verknüpfung zu konkreten Designanforderungen zur Unterstützung des Flow-erlebens in interaktiven Systemen. Damit die Potenziale der Flow-Theorie in der Gestaltung interaktiver Systeme bestmöglich berücksichtigt werden können, sind vor allem vier Herausforderungen in der Forschung und Praxis zu adressieren: 1. Definition der theoretischen Kontextfaktoren: Wie kann die Flow-Theorie in der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion ganzheitlich bestimmt werden? 2. Operationalisierung der Flow-Theorie: Wie können Bedingungen, Erleben und Auswirkungen des Flow-erlebens genau und systematisch gemessen werden? 3. Integration in die Mensch-Computer-Interaktion: In welchem exakten Zusammenhang stehen die Konzepte Flow, Usability und User Experience? 4. Ableitung praktischer Designanforderungen: Wie können praktische Anforderungen zum Design des Flow-erlebens in interaktiven Systemen abgeleitet werden? Dieser Beitrag hat dazu die theoretischen Grundlagen des Flow-erlebens, bestehende Methoden und Metriken sowie verwandte Konzepte der MCI eingeleitet und diskutiert, um einerseits die systematische Erforschung der Flow-Theorie in der MCI und andererseits die Ableitung praktischer Design-Anforderungen zu motivieren.},
number = {1},
journal = {Mittelstand-Digital "Wissenschaft trifft Praxis"},
author = {Kaufhold, Marc-André and Reuter, Christian},
year = {2017},
keywords = {HCI, Projekt-KontiKat},
pages = {78--88},
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The value of social media in crises, disasters, and emergencies across different events (e.g. floods, storms, terroristic attacks), countries, and for heterogeneous participants (e.g. citizens, emergency services) is now well-attested. Existing work has examined the potentials and weaknesses of its use during specific events. Fewer studies, however, have focused on citizens’ perceptions of social media in emergencies, and none have deployed a representative sample to examine this. We present the results of the first representative study on citizens’ perception of social media in emergencies that we have conducted in Germany. Our study highlights, for example, that around half (45\%) of people have used social media during an emergency to share and / or look for information. In contrast, false rumours on social media (74\%) are perceived as a threat. Moreover, only a minority of people have downloaded a smartphone app for emergencies (16\%), with the most popular ones’ weather and first aid apps.
title = {Social {Media} in {Emergencies}: {A} {Representative} {Study} on {Citizens}' {Perception} in {Germany}},
volume = {1},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3134725},
abstract = {The value of social media in crises, disasters, and emergencies across different events (e.g. floods, storms, terroristic attacks), countries, and for heterogeneous participants (e.g. citizens, emergency services) is now well-attested. Existing work has examined the potentials and weaknesses of its use during specific events. Fewer studies, however, have focused on citizens' perceptions of social media in emergencies, and none have deployed a representative sample to examine this. We present the results of the first representative study on citizens' perception of social media in emergencies that we have conducted in Germany. Our study highlights, for example, that around half (45\%) of people have used social media during an emergency to share and / or look for information. In contrast, false rumours on social media (74\%) are perceived as a threat. Moreover, only a minority of people have downloaded a smartphone app for emergencies (16\%), with the most popular ones' weather and first aid apps.},
number = {2},
journal = {Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM): Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing},
author = {Reuter, Christian and Kaufhold, Marc-André and Spielhofer, Thomas and Hahne, Anna Sophie},
year = {2017},
note = {Place: New York, USA},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, SocialMedia, Projekt-EmerGent, A-Paper, Ranking-CORE-A, Ranking-WKWI-B, Projekt-KontiKat},
pages = {1--19},
Bücher und herausgegebene Zeitschriften / Books and Edited Special Issues in Journals
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title = {Special {Issue} on {IT}-{Support} for {Critical} {Infrastructure} {Protection} - {International} {Journal} of {Information} {Systems} for {Crisis} {Response} and {Management} ({IJISCRAM})},
volume = {9},
url = {},
number = {4},
publisher = {IGI Global},
author = {Pottebaum, Jens and Reuter, Christian},
year = {2017},
note = {Publication Title: International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM)},
keywords = {Crisis, Projekt-KontiKat, Infrastructure, RSF},
Kapitel in Büchern
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
The amount of data being available is increasing rapidly. Based on the technological advances with mobile and ubiquitous computing, the use of social media is getting more and more usual in daily life as well as in extraordinary situations, such as crises. Not surprisingly, this increasing use is one reason why data on the internet is also developing that fast. Currently, more than 3 billion people use the internet and the majority is also registered with social media services such as Facebook or Twitter. While processing this kind of data by the majority of non-technical users, concepts of End-User Development (EUD) are important. This chapter researches how concepts of EUD might be applied to handle social big data. Based on foundations and an empirical pre-study, we explore how EUD can support the gathering and assessment process of social media. In this context, we investigate how end-users can articulate their personal quality criteria appropriately and how the selection of relevant data can be supported by EUD approaches. We present a tailorable social media gathering service and quality assessment service for social media content, which has been implemented and integrated into an application for both volunteers and the emergency services.
title = {End-{User} {Development} and {Social} {Big} {Data} - {Towards} {Tailorable} {Situation} {Assessment} with {Social} {Media}},
isbn = {978-3-319-60290-5},
url = {},
abstract = {The amount of data being available is increasing rapidly. Based on the technological advances with mobile and ubiquitous computing, the use of social media is getting more and more usual in daily life as well as in extraordinary situations, such as crises. Not surprisingly, this increasing use is one reason why data on the internet is also developing that fast. Currently, more than 3 billion people use the internet and the majority is also registered with social media services such as Facebook or Twitter. While processing this kind of data by the majority of non-technical users, concepts of End-User Development (EUD) are important. This chapter researches how concepts of EUD might be applied to handle social big data. Based on foundations and an empirical pre-study, we explore how EUD can support the gathering and assessment process of social media. In this context, we investigate how end-users can articulate their personal quality criteria appropriately and how the selection of relevant data can be supported by EUD approaches. We present a tailorable social media gathering service and quality assessment service for social media content, which has been implemented and integrated into an application for both volunteers and the emergency services.},
booktitle = {New {Perspectives} in {End}-{User} {Development}},
publisher = {Springer},
author = {Reuter, Christian and Kaufhold, Marc-André and Ludwig, Thomas},
editor = {Paternò, Fabio and Wulf, Volker},
year = {2017},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-60291-2_12},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, SocialMedia, Projekt-EmerGent, Projekt-KOKOS},
pages = {307--332},
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Catastrophes like the storms in Europe in spring 2016, but also terrorist attacks regularly not only lead to extensive monetary damage but also threaten human lives. In such situations, the population desires information about the status of damage and safe behaviours. Apps can address this potentially, but comparatively, record a low number of users. Based on Reuter et al. (2017), this article shows the importance of information in disaster situations and illustrates features from current mobile warning apps.
address = {Wilhelmshaven},
title = {Informing the {Population}: {Mobile} {Warning} {Apps}},
isbn = {978-3-7450-5448-4},
url = {},
abstract = {Catastrophes like the storms in Europe in spring 2016, but also terrorist attacks regularly not only lead to extensive monetary damage but also threaten human lives. In such situations, the population desires information about the status of damage and safe behaviours. Apps can address this potentially, but comparatively, record a low number of users. Based on Reuter et al. (2017), this article shows the importance of information in disaster situations and illustrates features from current mobile warning apps.},
booktitle = {Risk and {Crisis} {Communication} in {Disaster} {Prevention} and {Management}},
publisher = {epubli},
author = {Reuter, Christian and Kaufhold, Marc-André and Leopold, Inken and Knipp, Hannah},
editor = {Klafft, Michael},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, Student, Projekt-KontiKat, Peace},
pages = {31--41},
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Das Thema Sicherheit durchzieht sowohl das Leben Einzelner als auch das Zusammenleben von Personenkollektiven. In diesem Heft geht es um das Wahrnehmen und Wertschätzen sowie die Stabilisierung von Situationen, in denen Gefahren und Risiken reduziert werden. Außerdem stehen die Instrumentarien, Methoden und Maßnahmen im Fokus, mit denen Sicherheit geschaffen werden soll. Besonders in komplexen Systemen wird Sicherheit zu einem schwierig zu fassenden Thema, zu dessen Begleiterscheinungen beispielsweise die Beschneidung von Freiheit zählt. Sicherheit wird in allen Lebensgebieten relevant – von der Politik, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Recht über die Arbeitswelt bis hin in Medien, Technologie, Ökologie und Medizin. Zudem ist der Umgang mit Sicherheit landeskulturell geprägt.
address = {Göttingen},
title = {Digitalisierung und {Zivile} {Sicherheit}: {Zivilgesellschaftliche} und betriebliche {Kontinuität} in {Katastrophenlagen} ({KontiKat})},
isbn = {978-3-8471-0739-2},
url = {},
abstract = {Das Thema Sicherheit durchzieht sowohl das Leben Einzelner als auch das Zusammenleben von Personenkollektiven. In diesem Heft geht es um das Wahrnehmen und Wertschätzen sowie die Stabilisierung von Situationen, in denen Gefahren und Risiken reduziert werden. Außerdem stehen die Instrumentarien, Methoden und Maßnahmen im Fokus, mit denen Sicherheit geschaffen werden soll. Besonders in komplexen Systemen wird Sicherheit zu einem schwierig zu fassenden Thema, zu dessen Begleiterscheinungen beispielsweise die Beschneidung von Freiheit zählt. Sicherheit wird in allen Lebensgebieten relevant – von der Politik, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Recht über die Arbeitswelt bis hin in Medien, Technologie, Ökologie und Medizin. Zudem ist der Umgang mit Sicherheit landeskulturell geprägt.},
booktitle = {Sicherheit ({DIAGONAL} {Jahrgang} 38)},
publisher = {Vandenhoeck \& Ruprecht},
author = {Reuter, Christian and Kaufhold, Marc-André and Schorch, Marén and Gerwinski, Jan and Soost, Christian and Hassan, Sohaib S. and Rusch, Gebhard and Moog, Petra and Pipek, Volkmar and Wulf, Volker},
editor = {Hoch, Gero and Schröteler von Brandt, Hildegard and Stein, Volker and Schwarz, Angela},
year = {2017},
doi = {10.14220/digo.2017.38.1.207},
keywords = {Cooperation, Crisis, HCI, SocialMedia, UsableSec, Projekt-KontiKat, Infrastructure, RSF},
pages = {207--224},
Publikationen in Konferenzbänden / Peer-reviewed Conference Papers
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Aufgrund des demographischen Wandels und der zunehmenden Bevölkerungsdichte im urbanen Raum wird es in Zukunft zu neuen Herausforderungen in der Planung und Vorbereitung von Katastrophen-lagen in Städten kommen. Dabei wird vor allem der Nutzen von IKT für ältere Menschen in Bezug auf (Groß-)Schadenslagen von hoher Relevanz sein, der in der bisherigen Forschung nicht angemessen be-trachtet wurde. Mittels eines nutzerzentrierten Ansatzes wird untersucht, wie eine geeignete Krisenkommunikation durch IKT für ältere Menschen funktionieren könnte. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die Vorbereitung für die ältere Population in Großstädten im Falle einer (Groß-)Schadenslage zu untersuchen und zu un-terstützen. Gerade für das System Stadt sind die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit von Relevanz und können hel-fen, den urbanen Raum resilienter gegen mögliche Katastrophen zu gestalten.
address = {Regensburg, Germany},
title = {Erwartungen der älteren {Bevölkerung} an {IKT} für {Krisenkommunikation}},
url = {},
doi = {10.18420/muc2017-ws17-0416},
abstract = {Aufgrund des demographischen Wandels und der zunehmenden Bevölkerungsdichte im urbanen Raum wird es in Zukunft zu neuen Herausforderungen in der Planung und Vorbereitung von Katastrophen-lagen in Städten kommen. Dabei wird vor allem der Nutzen von IKT für ältere Menschen in Bezug auf (Groß-)Schadenslagen von hoher Relevanz sein, der in der bisherigen Forschung nicht angemessen be-trachtet wurde. Mittels eines nutzerzentrierten Ansatzes wird untersucht, wie eine geeignete Krisenkommunikation durch IKT für ältere Menschen funktionieren könnte. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die Vorbereitung für die ältere Population in Großstädten im Falle einer (Groß-)Schadenslage zu untersuchen und zu un-terstützen. Gerade für das System Stadt sind die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit von Relevanz und können hel-fen, den urbanen Raum resilienter gegen mögliche Katastrophen zu gestalten.},
booktitle = {Mensch und {Computer} 2017 - {Workshopband}},
publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.},
author = {Wiegärtner, Daniel and Reuter, Christian and Müller, Claudia},
editor = {Burghardt, M. and Wimmer, R. and Wolff, C. and Womser-Hacker, C.},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, Student, Projekt-KontiKat},
pages = {609--614},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
The use of social media is not only part of everyday life but also of crises and emergencies. Many studies focus on the concrete use of social media during a specific emergency, but the prevalence of social media, data access and published research studies allows the examination in a broader and more integrated manner. This work-in-progress paper presents the results of a case study with the Fire Department Frankfurt, which is one of the biggest and most modern fire departments in Germany. The findings relate to social media technologies, organizational structure and roles, information validation, staff skills and resources, and the importance of volunteer communities. In the next step, the results will be integrated into the frame of a comparative case study with the overall aim of examining the impact of social media on how emergency services respond and react in an emergency.
address = {Albi, France},
title = {The {Impact} of {Social} {Media} for {Emergency} {Situations}: {A} {Case} {Study} with the {Fire} {Department} of {Frankfurt}},
url = {},
abstract = {The use of social media is not only part of everyday life but also of crises and emergencies. Many studies focus on the concrete use of social media during a specific emergency, but the prevalence of social media, data access and published research studies allows the examination in a broader and more integrated manner. This work-in-progress paper presents the results of a case study with the Fire Department Frankfurt, which is one of the biggest and most modern fire departments in Germany. The findings relate to social media technologies, organizational structure and roles, information validation, staff skills and resources, and the importance of volunteer communities. In the next step, the results will be integrated into the frame of a comparative case study with the overall aim of examining the impact of social media on how emergency services respond and react in an emergency.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Information} {Systems} for {Crisis} {Response} and {Management} ({ISCRAM})},
publisher = {ISCRAM},
author = {Kaufhold, Marc-André and Reuter, Christian},
editor = {Comes, Tina and Bénaben, Frédérick and Hanachi, Chihab and Lauras, Matthieu},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, SocialMedia, Projekt-EmerGent, Projekt-KontiKat},
pages = {603--612},
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Mit zunehmender Zahl an Nutzern sozialer Medien steigt auch die Menge produzierter Datenmengen, welche häufig unter dem Schlagwort Big Social Data diskutiert werden. Um Informationen aus diesen großen Datenmengen generieren zu können, existiert aktuell bereits eine Vielzahl verschiedener Systeme, welche sich des Data Minings bedienen, um die Analyse zu erleichtern. Je nachdem für welche Fragestellung diese Datenmengen herangezogen werden sollen, kommen verschiedene Systeme in Frage, die jeweils ihre Stärken und Schwächen haben. Innerhalb dieses Beitrages geben wir eine Übersicht aktueller Systeme zur Analyse sozialer Medien im Generellen sowie im speziellen Kontext des Krisenmanagements. Auf Basis verschiedener Attribute wie der Möglichkeit zur Kommunikation, des Setzens eines Alarms oder der Tonalität sowie einer darauf basierenden Marktanalyse werden die Systeme in die drei Klassen Intelligence-, Management- und spezialisierten Analysesysteme klassifiziert und im Hinblick auf ihre Eignung für die Analyse sozialer Medien kategorisiert.
address = {Bonn},
title = {Social {Media} {Analytics}: {Eine} {Marktstudie} im {Krisenmanagement}},
url = {},
abstract = {Mit zunehmender Zahl an Nutzern sozialer Medien steigt auch die Menge produzierter Datenmengen, welche häufig unter dem Schlagwort Big Social Data diskutiert werden. Um Informationen aus diesen großen Datenmengen generieren zu können, existiert aktuell bereits eine Vielzahl verschiedener Systeme, welche sich des Data Minings bedienen, um die Analyse zu erleichtern. Je nachdem für welche Fragestellung diese Datenmengen herangezogen werden sollen, kommen verschiedene Systeme in Frage, die jeweils ihre Stärken und Schwächen haben. Innerhalb dieses Beitrages geben wir eine Übersicht aktueller Systeme zur Analyse sozialer Medien im Generellen sowie im speziellen Kontext des Krisenmanagements. Auf Basis verschiedener Attribute wie der Möglichkeit zur Kommunikation, des Setzens eines Alarms oder der Tonalität sowie einer darauf basierenden Marktanalyse werden die Systeme in die drei Klassen Intelligence-, Management- und spezialisierten Analysesysteme klassifiziert und im Hinblick auf ihre Eignung für die Analyse sozialer Medien kategorisiert.},
booktitle = {{INFORMATIK} 2017, {Lecture} {Notes} in {Informatics} ({LNI}), {Gesellschaft} für {Informatik}},
author = {Kaufhold, Marc-André and Reuter, Christian and Ludwig, Thomas and Scholl, Simon},
editor = {Eibl, Maximilian and Gaedke, Martin},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, SocialMedia, Student, Ranking-CORE-C, Ranking-VHB-C, Projekt-KontiKat},
pages = {1325--1338},
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Die Nutzung des Internets hat zu einem veränderten Kaufverhalten der Gesellschaft geführt, was wiederum Auswirkungen auf den stationären Einzelhandel hat. Da die Anzahl an Smartphone-Nutzern ebenfalls kontinuierlich steigt, werden mobile Anwendungen immer wichtiger. Durch den Einsatz von Bluetooth-Beacons – kleinen, beliebig platzierbaren Funksendern, dessen Signale von einer entsprechenden App verarbeitet werden können – kann der Einkauf sowohl erleichtert als auch erlebnisreicher gestaltet werden. Der Gebrauch von Beacons in Deutschland ist weniger verbreitet und erforscht. Pilotprojekte stützen sich lediglich auf Nutzungsdaten und Reaktionszeiten, jedoch nicht auf Kundenmeinungen. Diese Arbeit untersucht Nutzungsmöglichkeiten und Kundenakzeptanz von auf Beacons basierenden Konzepten im Einzelhandel mittels einer Online-Kundenumfrage.
address = {Regensburg, Germany},
title = {Kundenakzeptanz von {Bluetooth}-{Beacons} im {Lebensmittelhandel}},
url = {},
doi = {10.18420/muc2017-mci-0350},
abstract = {Die Nutzung des Internets hat zu einem veränderten Kaufverhalten der Gesellschaft geführt, was wiederum Auswirkungen auf den stationären Einzelhandel hat. Da die Anzahl an Smartphone-Nutzern ebenfalls kontinuierlich steigt, werden mobile Anwendungen immer wichtiger. Durch den Einsatz von Bluetooth-Beacons – kleinen, beliebig platzierbaren Funksendern, dessen Signale von einer entsprechenden App verarbeitet werden können – kann der Einkauf sowohl erleichtert als auch erlebnisreicher gestaltet werden. Der Gebrauch von Beacons in Deutschland ist weniger verbreitet und erforscht. Pilotprojekte stützen sich lediglich auf Nutzungsdaten und Reaktionszeiten, jedoch nicht auf Kundenmeinungen. Diese Arbeit untersucht Nutzungsmöglichkeiten und Kundenakzeptanz von auf Beacons basierenden Konzepten im Einzelhandel mittels einer Online-Kundenumfrage.},
booktitle = {Mensch und {Computer} - {Tagungsband}},
publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.},
author = {Leopold, Inken and Reuter, Christian},
editor = {Burghardt, M. and Wimmer, R. and Wolff, C. and Womser-Hacker, C.},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Cooperation, HCI, Student},
pages = {361--364},
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Die Interaktion und Kooperation zwischen Mensch und Computer in sicherheitskritischen Systemen ist eine interdisziplinäre Herausforderung und Gestaltungsaufgabe. Sicherheitskritische Anwendungsfelder sind vielfältig und umfassen verschiedene Branchen und Bereiche, beispielsweise Produktion, Medizin, Katastrophenschutz oder Verkehr. Neben stationären Rechnern und Maschinen haben mobile Kontexte und Endgeräte sowie soziale Medien bereits seit einigen Jahren an Bedeutung enorm zugenommen. Die spezifischen Herausforderungen der MCI in solchen sicherheitskritischen Kontexten bedürfen einer Diskussion in Bezug auf die Entwicklung bzw. Adaption von Methoden und Prozessen, aber auch auf Ergebnisse der Systementwicklung. Diese gilt es im Rahmen des Workshops zu adressieren, jedoch weniger im Hinblick auf die isolierten Technologien, sondern mit deutliche r Fokussierung auf das Zusammenwirken von Mensch, Technik und Organisation.
address = {Regensburg, Germany},
title = {4. {Workshop} {Mensch}-{Maschine}-{Interaktion} in sicherheitskritischen {Systemen}},
url = {},
doi = {10.18420/muc2017-ws01-0380},
abstract = {Die Interaktion und Kooperation zwischen Mensch und Computer in sicherheitskritischen Systemen ist eine interdisziplinäre Herausforderung und Gestaltungsaufgabe. Sicherheitskritische Anwendungsfelder sind vielfältig und umfassen verschiedene Branchen und Bereiche, beispielsweise Produktion, Medizin, Katastrophenschutz oder Verkehr. Neben stationären Rechnern und Maschinen haben mobile Kontexte und Endgeräte sowie soziale Medien bereits seit einigen Jahren an Bedeutung enorm zugenommen. Die spezifischen Herausforderungen der MCI in solchen sicherheitskritischen Kontexten bedürfen einer Diskussion in Bezug auf die Entwicklung bzw. Adaption von Methoden und Prozessen, aber auch auf Ergebnisse der Systementwicklung. Diese gilt es im Rahmen des Workshops zu adressieren, jedoch weniger im Hinblick auf die isolierten Technologien, sondern mit deutliche r Fokussierung auf das Zusammenwirken von Mensch, Technik und Organisation.},
booktitle = {Mensch und {Computer} 2017 - {Workshopband}},
publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.},
author = {Reuter, Christian and Mentler, Tilo and Geisler, Stefan and Herczeg, Michael and Ludwig, Thomas and Pipek, Volkmar and Nestler, Simon},
editor = {Burghardt, M. and Wimmer, R. and Wolff, C. and Womser-Hacker, C.},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, SocialMedia, UsableSec, Security, Projekt-KontiKat},
pages = {5--8},
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Obwohl Usability und Sicherheit beides relevante Anforderungen für Anwendungssysteme sind, stehen sie in einem Spannungsfeld. Sicherheit kann als Schutz vor Angriffen von außen (Security), aber auch für das sichere Funktionieren (Safety) dieser Anwendungssysteme verstanden werden. Durch die immer größere Vernetzung klassischer Safety-Domänen, wie dem Katastrophenschutz, gewinnen Security-Aspekte dort ebenfalls an Bedeutung. Die Übertragung von kritischen und vertraulichen Informationen auf mobile Endgeräte muss zugleich passwortgeschützt als auch schnell verfügbar sein; zeitintensive Authentifizierungsmechanismen können hier stören. In dieser Studie werden die Nutzung von Passwörtern vor dem Hintergrund der Abwägung von Sicherheit und Usability exploriert und Hypothesen zum Umgang mit Passwörtern aufgestellt, die im Kontext der Digitalisierung in der zivilen Sicherheit sowie mobilen und ubiquitären Geräte im Katastrophenschutz an enormer Bedeutung gewinnen.
address = {Regensburg, Germany},
title = {Benutzbare {Sicherheit}: {Usability}, {Safety} und {Security} bei {Passwörtern}},
url = {},
doi = {10.18420/muc2017-ws01-0384},
abstract = {Obwohl Usability und Sicherheit beides relevante Anforderungen für Anwendungssysteme sind, stehen sie in einem Spannungsfeld. Sicherheit kann als Schutz vor Angriffen von außen (Security), aber auch für das sichere Funktionieren (Safety) dieser Anwendungssysteme verstanden werden. Durch die immer größere Vernetzung klassischer Safety-Domänen, wie dem Katastrophenschutz, gewinnen Security-Aspekte dort ebenfalls an Bedeutung. Die Übertragung von kritischen und vertraulichen Informationen auf mobile Endgeräte muss zugleich passwortgeschützt als auch schnell verfügbar sein; zeitintensive Authentifizierungsmechanismen können hier stören. In dieser Studie werden die Nutzung von Passwörtern vor dem Hintergrund der Abwägung von Sicherheit und Usability exploriert und Hypothesen zum Umgang mit Passwörtern aufgestellt, die im Kontext der Digitalisierung in der zivilen Sicherheit sowie mobilen und ubiquitären Geräte im Katastrophenschutz an enormer Bedeutung gewinnen.},
booktitle = {Mensch und {Computer} 2017 - {Workshopband}},
publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.},
author = {Reuter, Christian and Kaufhold, Marc-André and Klös, Jonas},
editor = {Burghardt, M. and Wimmer, R. and Wolff, C. and Womser-Hacker, C.},
year = {2017},
keywords = {HCI, Student, UsableSec, Security, Projekt-KontiKat, Projekt-CRISP, Projekt-CROSSING},
pages = {33--41},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Soziale Medien wie Facebook oder Twitter haben sich als alltägliche Kommunikationskanäle etabliert. Aufgrund der großen Reichweite sind diese Medien für den privaten oder öffentlichen Austausch unter Freunden und Gruppierungen sowie zur Produkt- und Unternehmenswerbung geeignet, unterliegen aber auch der Gefahr der Manipulation öffentlicher Diskurse oder des Missbrauchs der jeweiligen Plattformfunktionen. Hierzu werden unter anderem Bots, und spezifischer „Social Bots“, als automatisierte Programme eingesetzt, um einen Einfluss auf ökonomische, politische und soziale Prozesse auszuüben. Dieser Beitrag stellt die vorläufigen Ergebnisse einer systematischen Literaturstudie und thematischen Analyse dar, welche gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen sowie zugehörige Methoden und Vorgehensweisen des Missbrauchs von Bots und sozialen Medien umfassen.
address = {Regensburg, Germany},
title = {Gesellschaftliche {Herausforderungen} des {Missbrauchs} von {Bots} und sozialen {Medien}},
url = {},
doi = {10.18420/muc2017-ws01-0386},
abstract = {Soziale Medien wie Facebook oder Twitter haben sich als alltägliche Kommunikationskanäle etabliert. Aufgrund der großen Reichweite sind diese Medien für den privaten oder öffentlichen Austausch unter Freunden und Gruppierungen sowie zur Produkt- und Unternehmenswerbung geeignet, unterliegen aber auch der Gefahr der Manipulation öffentlicher Diskurse oder des Missbrauchs der jeweiligen Plattformfunktionen. Hierzu werden unter anderem Bots, und spezifischer „Social Bots“, als automatisierte Programme eingesetzt, um einen Einfluss auf ökonomische, politische und soziale Prozesse auszuüben. Dieser Beitrag stellt die vorläufigen Ergebnisse einer systematischen Literaturstudie und thematischen Analyse dar, welche gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen sowie zugehörige Methoden und Vorgehensweisen des Missbrauchs von Bots und sozialen Medien umfassen.},
booktitle = {Mensch und {Computer} 2017 - {Workshopband}},
publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.},
author = {Kaufhold, Marc-André and Reuter, Christian and Stefan, Marvin},
editor = {Burghardt, M. and Wimmer, R. and Wolff, C. and Womser-Hacker, C.},
year = {2017},
keywords = {SocialMedia, Student, Projekt-KontiKat, Peace},
pages = {51--58},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Der demographische Wandel und die Urbanisierung können als die Megatrends der kommenden Jahre betrachten werden, wodurch sich neue Herausforderungen und Chancen für Städte ergeben. Gerade im Kontext von Katastrophen und Gefahren benötigt das System Stadt resiliente Ansätze, die mittels neuer Technologien gewährleistet werden können. Da IKT zeitnahe, kontextspezifische und persönliche Informationen ortsunabhängig liefern können, ist diese Entwicklung von hoher Relevanz für die Sicherstellung des Systems Stadt und dessen Bewohner. Im Kontext von Katastrophen und Gefahren weisen ältere Menschen aufgrund ihrer eingeschränkten physischen, sozialen und ökonomischen Fähigkeiten jedoch eine erhöhte Vulnerabilität auf. Diese Arbeit möchte, dies adressierend, einen Beitrag zur Integration der älteren Bevölkerung bei Schadenslagen darstellen und ein Konzept vorstellen.
address = {Regensburg, Germany},
title = {{DIVOA} – {Unterstützung} der älteren {Bevölkerung} bei {Schadenslagen}},
url = {},
doi = {10.18420/muc2017-mci-0352},
abstract = {Der demographische Wandel und die Urbanisierung können als die Megatrends der kommenden Jahre betrachten werden, wodurch sich neue Herausforderungen und Chancen für Städte ergeben. Gerade im Kontext von Katastrophen und Gefahren benötigt das System Stadt resiliente Ansätze, die mittels neuer Technologien gewährleistet werden können. Da IKT zeitnahe, kontextspezifische und persönliche Informationen ortsunabhängig liefern können, ist diese Entwicklung von hoher Relevanz für die Sicherstellung des Systems Stadt und dessen Bewohner. Im Kontext von Katastrophen und Gefahren weisen ältere Menschen aufgrund ihrer eingeschränkten physischen, sozialen und ökonomischen Fähigkeiten jedoch eine erhöhte Vulnerabilität auf. Diese Arbeit möchte, dies adressierend, einen Beitrag zur Integration der älteren Bevölkerung bei Schadenslagen darstellen und ein Konzept vorstellen.},
booktitle = {Mensch und {Computer} - {Tagungsband}},
publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.},
author = {Reuter, Christian and Wiegärtner, Daniel and Müller, Claudia},
editor = {Burghardt, M. and Wimmer, R. and Wolff, C. and Womser-Hacker, C.},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, Student, Projekt-KontiKat},
pages = {295--298},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Infrastructure is undoubtedly a key resource for people engaged in technologically-mediated nomadicity. Tech-Nomads rely on technological infrastructure components, such as Wi-Fi availability, to mobilise their workplaces and effectively accomplish their productive activities. In this paper, we introduce findings from an investigation focusing on how technological infrastructures are re-instantiated according to emerging demands. We focus particularly on the European Social Forum (ESF) (an activists’ platform) and the problems faced by the members of this network in mobilising its infrastructure, stressing findings from the literature about the importanceof making infrastructure visible for nomadic practices, which have not yet been sufficiently explored. We suggest that infrastructure (re-) design methods would be a relevant resource for Tech-Nomads engaged in activities such as the ones from ESF
address = {Sheffield, UK},
title = {The {Role} of {Technological} {Infrastructure} in {Nomadic} {Practices} of a {Social} {Activist} {Community}},
url = {},
abstract = {Infrastructure is undoubtedly a key resource for people engaged in technologically-mediated nomadicity. Tech-Nomads rely on technological infrastructure components, such as Wi-Fi availability, to mobilise their workplaces and effectively accomplish their productive activities. In this paper, we introduce findings from an investigation focusing on how technological infrastructures are re-instantiated according to emerging demands. We focus particularly on the European Social Forum (ESF) (an activists' platform) and the problems faced by the members of this network in mobilising its infrastructure, stressing findings from the literature about the importanceof making infrastructure visible for nomadic practices, which have not yet been sufficiently explored. We suggest that infrastructure (re-) design methods would be a relevant resource for Tech-Nomads engaged in activities such as the ones from ESF},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the {ECSCW}-{Workshop} on {Nomadic} {Culture} {Beyond} {Work} {Practices}, {International} {Reports} on {Socio}-{Informatics} ({IRSI})},
author = {Pinatti de Carvalho, Aparecido Fabiano and Saeed, Saqib and Reuter, Christian and Wulf, Volker},
year = {2017},
keywords = {HCI, Peace, Infrastructure, Ranking-WKWI-C},
pages = {41--47},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Social media and instant messaging services are nowadays considered as important communication infrastructures on which people rely on. However, the exchange of content during breakdowns of the underlying technical infrastructures, which sometimes happens based on environmental occurrences, is challenging. Hence, with this paper, we examine the resilience of social media during breakdowns. We discuss communication options and examine ad-hoc functionality for the exchange of social media data between different actors in such cases. To address this, we have developed a concept, which makes use of mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) for the spontaneous exchange of information with smartphones. We implemented our concept as the mobile application Social Offline Map (SOMAP) and evaluated it within two iterations (1.0 and 2.0). Finally, we discuss our contribution within the context of related work and the limitations of our approach.
address = {Berlin, Germany},
title = {Social {Media} {Resilience} during {Infrastructure} {Breakdowns} using {Mobile} {Ad}-{Hoc} {Networks}},
url = {},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-44711-7_7},
abstract = {Social media and instant messaging services are nowadays considered as important communication infrastructures on which people rely on. However, the exchange of content during breakdowns of the underlying technical infrastructures, which sometimes happens based on environmental occurrences, is challenging. Hence, with this paper, we examine the resilience of social media during breakdowns. We discuss communication options and examine ad-hoc functionality for the exchange of social media data between different actors in such cases. To address this, we have developed a concept, which makes use of mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) for the spontaneous exchange of information with smartphones. We implemented our concept as the mobile application Social Offline Map (SOMAP) and evaluated it within two iterations (1.0 and 2.0). Finally, we discuss our contribution within the context of related work and the limitations of our approach.},
booktitle = {Advances and {New} {Trends} in {Environmental} {Informatics} - {Proceedings} of the 30th {EnviroInfo} {Conference}},
publisher = {Springer},
author = {Reuter, Christian and Ludwig, Thomas and Kaufhold, Marc-André and Hupertz, Julian},
editor = {Wohlgemuth, V. and Fuchs-Kittowski, Frank and Wittmann, Jochen},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, SocialMedia, Projekt-EmerGent, Security, Projekt-KOKOS, Infrastructure, RSF},
pages = {75--88},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
The use of social media is gaining more and more in importance in ordinary life but also in conflicts and emergencies. The social big data, generated by users, is partially also used as a source for situation assessment, e.g. to receive pictures or to assess the general mood. However, the information’s believability is hard to control and can deceive. Rumors, fake news and social bots are phenomenons that challenge the easy consumption of social media. To address this, our paper explores the believability of content in social media. Based on foundations of information quality we conducted a literature study to derive a three-level model for assessing believability. It summarizes existing assessment approaches, assessment criteria and related measures. On this basis, we describe several steps towards the development of an assessment approach that works across different types of social media.
address = {Albi, France},
title = {Rumors, {Fake} {News} and {Social} {Bots} in {Conflicts} and {Emergencies}: {Towards} a {Model} for {Believability} in {Social} {Media}},
url = {},
abstract = {The use of social media is gaining more and more in importance in ordinary life but also in conflicts and emergencies. The social big data, generated by users, is partially also used as a source for situation assessment, e.g. to receive pictures or to assess the general mood. However, the information's believability is hard to control and can deceive. Rumors, fake news and social bots are phenomenons that challenge the easy consumption of social media. To address this, our paper explores the believability of content in social media. Based on foundations of information quality we conducted a literature study to derive a three-level model for assessing believability. It summarizes existing assessment approaches, assessment criteria and related measures. On this basis, we describe several steps towards the development of an assessment approach that works across different types of social media.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Information} {Systems} for {Crisis} {Response} and {Management} ({ISCRAM})},
publisher = {ISCRAM},
author = {Reuter, Christian and Kaufhold, Marc-André and Steinfort, René},
editor = {Comes, Tina and Bénaben, Frédérick and Hanachi, Chihab and Lauras, Matthieu},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, SocialMedia, Student, Projekt-KontiKat, Peace},
pages = {583--591},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Notfallsituationen sind kritische Situationen, in denen eine Gefahr für Menschen, Infrastrukturen und die Umwelt besteht. IT-Unterstützung kann in der Vermeidung sowie der Verbesserung der Vorbereitung, der Abwehr und der Bewältigung helfenkomplexe und kritische Situationen zu beherrschen. Allerdings zeigen Erfahrungen, dass der Einsatz von IT als operatives Einsatzmittel oder Entscheidungsunterstützungswerkzeug auch für eine Zunahme der gefühlten Komplexität einer Einsatzlage bei vielen Beteiligten sorgen kann. Im Fokus des Workshops stehen die Herausforderungen und technischen Konsequenzen, die sich für die IT in diesem Umfeld ergeben. Neben der Ergebnisdarstellung werdenvor allem Erfahrungen aus der Anwendung wissenschaftlicher Methoden im Kontext der zivilen Sicherheit adressiert. Zieldes Workshops ist es, aus fallstudienorientierten Beiträgen –diese ergeben sich unter anderem aus der Struktur der Förderlandschaft in der zivilen Sicherheitsforschung –übertragbare Schlüsse abzuleiten.
address = {Bonn},
title = {{IT}-{Rettung} 2017: {IT}-{Unterstützung} in {Emergency} {Management} \& {Response}},
url = {},
abstract = {Notfallsituationen sind kritische Situationen, in denen eine Gefahr für Menschen, Infrastrukturen und die Umwelt besteht. IT-Unterstützung kann in der Vermeidung sowie der Verbesserung der Vorbereitung, der Abwehr und der Bewältigung helfenkomplexe und kritische Situationen zu beherrschen. Allerdings zeigen Erfahrungen, dass der Einsatz von IT als operatives Einsatzmittel oder Entscheidungsunterstützungswerkzeug auch für eine Zunahme der gefühlten Komplexität einer Einsatzlage bei vielen Beteiligten sorgen kann. Im Fokus des Workshops stehen die Herausforderungen und technischen Konsequenzen, die sich für die IT in diesem Umfeld ergeben. Neben der Ergebnisdarstellung werdenvor allem Erfahrungen aus der Anwendung wissenschaftlicher Methoden im Kontext der zivilen Sicherheit adressiert. Zieldes Workshops ist es, aus fallstudienorientierten Beiträgen –diese ergeben sich unter anderem aus der Struktur der Förderlandschaft in der zivilen Sicherheitsforschung –übertragbare Schlüsse abzuleiten.},
booktitle = {{INFORMATIK} 2017, {Lecture} {Notes} in {Informatics} ({LNI})},
publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik},
author = {Pottebaum, Jens and Erfurth, Christian and Reuter, Christian},
editor = {Eibl, Maximilian and Gaedke, Martin},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Ranking-CORE-C, Ranking-VHB-C, UsableSec, Projekt-KontiKat},
pages = {1281--1282},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Crises, such as thunderstorms and an increasing number of (recognised) terroristic attacks in 2015, 2016, and 2017, do not only lead to extensive monetary damage, but also threaten human lives and influence citizens’ perceptions of safety and security. In such situations, the population demands information about the damage and safe behaviour. Although some apps are available to provide this information, the number of users seems relatively low. Focussing on Germany, this study aims to research (1) the distribution of crisis apps in the population, (2) the kinds of crisis apps currently used, as well as (3) needed core functionalities of warning apps. This multi-method study analyses crisis apps by investigating their utilisation quantitatively in a snowball-based survey in Europe (n=1,034) and in a representative survey in Germany (n=1,369). Based on this, the German warning apps Katwarn and NINA and the US-American app FEMA are evaluated qualitatively (n=22). The results revealed requirements which informed the implementation of a warning app prototype. The prototype combines the identified advantages of the apps evaluated in the study, containing warnings and all-clear, recommendations for action, functions to contact friends and helpers. The contributions of this work are findings on the distribution of crisis apps in Europe and Germany (both 16\%), the kinds of crisis apps used (mostly weather and warning apps), and empirically based requirements for warning apps which can be integrated in further developments of existing apps and a prototype for such an app.
address = {Guimarães, Portugal},
title = {Katwarn, {NINA} or {FEMA}? {Multi}-{Method} {Study} on {Distribution}, {Use} and {Public} {Views} on {Crisis} {Apps}},
url = {},
abstract = {Crises, such as thunderstorms and an increasing number of (recognised) terroristic attacks in 2015, 2016, and 2017, do not only lead to extensive monetary damage, but also threaten human lives and influence citizens' perceptions of safety and security. In such situations, the population demands information about the damage and safe behaviour. Although some apps are available to provide this information, the number of users seems relatively low. Focussing on Germany, this study aims to research (1) the distribution of crisis apps in the population, (2) the kinds of crisis apps currently used, as well as (3) needed core functionalities of warning apps. This multi-method study analyses crisis apps by investigating their utilisation quantitatively in a snowball-based survey in Europe (n=1,034) and in a representative survey in Germany (n=1,369). Based on this, the German warning apps Katwarn and NINA and the US-American app FEMA are evaluated qualitatively (n=22). The results revealed requirements which informed the implementation of a warning app prototype. The prototype combines the identified advantages of the apps evaluated in the study, containing warnings and all-clear, recommendations for action, functions to contact friends and helpers. The contributions of this work are findings on the distribution of crisis apps in Europe and Germany (both 16\%), the kinds of crisis apps used (mostly weather and warning apps), and empirically based requirements for warning apps which can be integrated in further developments of existing apps and a prototype for such an app.},
booktitle = {European {Conference} on {Information} {Systems} ({ECIS})},
publisher = {AIS},
author = {Reuter, Christian and Kaufhold, Marc-André and Leopold, Inken and Knipp, Hannah},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, Student, Projekt-EmerGent, A-Paper, Ranking-VHB-B, Ranking-WKWI-A, Ranking-CORE-A, Projekt-KontiKat, Peace},
pages = {2187--2201},
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Das Internet und insbesondere soziale Medien werden bekanntermaßen nicht nur zu vermeintlich guten Zwecken genutzt. So findet die Rekrutierung neuer Mitglieder und die Verbreitung von Ideologien des Terrorismus ebenfalls über dieses Medium statt. Aber auch die Terrorismusbekämpfung bedient sich gleicher Werkzeuge. Die Art und Weise dieser Gegenmaßnahmen sowie die Vorgehensweisen sollen in diesem Artikel thematisiert werden. Im ersten Teil wird der Forschungsstand zusammengefasst. Der zweite Teil stellt eine explorative empirische Studie der Terrorismusbekämpfung in sozialen Medien, insbesondere in Twitter, dar. Verschiedene, möglichst charakteristische Formen werden in diesem Rahmen am Beispiel von Twitter strukturiert. Ziel ist es, sich diesem hochrelevanten Gebiet mit dem Ziel von Frieden und Sicherheit aus Perspektive der Wirtschaftsinformatik zu nähern und weiteren Forschungsarbeiten in diesem Gebiet als Grundlage und Ausgangspunkt dienen zu können.
address = {St. Gallen, Switzerland},
title = {Terrorbekämpfung mithilfe sozialer {Medien} – ein explorativer {Einblick} am {Beispiel} von {Twitter}},
url = {},
abstract = {Das Internet und insbesondere soziale Medien werden bekanntermaßen nicht nur zu vermeintlich guten Zwecken genutzt. So findet die Rekrutierung neuer Mitglieder und die Verbreitung von Ideologien des Terrorismus ebenfalls über dieses Medium statt. Aber auch die Terrorismusbekämpfung bedient sich gleicher Werkzeuge. Die Art und Weise dieser Gegenmaßnahmen sowie die Vorgehensweisen sollen in diesem Artikel thematisiert werden. Im ersten Teil wird der Forschungsstand zusammengefasst. Der zweite Teil stellt eine explorative empirische Studie der Terrorismusbekämpfung in sozialen Medien, insbesondere in Twitter, dar. Verschiedene, möglichst charakteristische Formen werden in diesem Rahmen am Beispiel von Twitter strukturiert. Ziel ist es, sich diesem hochrelevanten Gebiet mit dem Ziel von Frieden und Sicherheit aus Perspektive der Wirtschaftsinformatik zu nähern und weiteren Forschungsarbeiten in diesem Gebiet als Grundlage und Ausgangspunkt dienen zu können.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the {International} {Conference} on {Wirtschaftsinformatik} ({WI})},
publisher = {AIS},
author = {Reuter, Christian and Pätsch, Katja and Runft, Elena},
editor = {Leimeister, J.M. and Brenner, W.},
year = {2017},
keywords = {Crisis, HCI, SocialMedia, Student, Projekt-EmerGent, Ranking-CORE-C, Ranking-VHB-C, Ranking-WKWI-A, Peace},
pages = {649--663},